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DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff

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Everything posted by DJ Skratch 'n' Sniff

  1. Hey, it can still be made up, can't it? I mean fictional books are written everyday. I'm not saying I agree with Nulion or anything; I just think your point is irrelevant.
  2. My guess is that they just wanted to throw Pyramid Head into the film because he's bad ass. I'm sure that that's their only reasoning. Weeeell, maybe it's because they wanted to have some sort of "bad guy" from one of the games, as a little insentive for the gamers, and I don't think Claudia or Walter would make much sense so, meh, they just threw in the creepy thing with the big knife.
  3. Well, even if the movie sucks ass, the games will always be there to "brighten" our lives. Speaking of the games... I've heard talk of a fifth installment for the next gen. Anyone else know anything? (sorry if it's already been discussed on this thread)
  4. Yeah, I wouldn't doubt it. That was just something I read on Wikipedia. When will big movie production companies realize that the public doesn't want a typical American-ified horror movie? Jiminey! Secondly: ooooh, it's Aetherius.
  5. I have to third the opinion on the whole, "I am the reaper" line. What the hell's up with that? That is so unlike Alessa... oh well, maybe it's from a bad dream Rose has? Also (hope no one's mentioned this yet): I think Sean Bean's character is totally stupid/unnecessary and breaks away from too much from the Silent Hill world. Gans himself stated, "He didn't want to do a movie full of women." Whatever that's all about.
  6. Ha! I knew it wasn't a plain old steel string! I thought it may have been a dobro or something. Also: the "lousy" quality gives it a unique charm. It might sound kind of crappy if it were over-produced. Anywho, sweet job. We need more acoutic work on this site; I hope you plan on submitting more.
  7. I was skeptical... am not anymore. If he's truly using a plain old steel string guitar, I am even further impressed. Very cool sounding. I could've gone with some light paradiddles or something further through the tune but, hey, that's just me.
  8. I'm totally amazed at how well this turned out. At first I was like, "A vocal mix of Lava Reef? Too weird." As it turns out though, the main melody of the song makes for a beautiful lyrical flow. This is one of the better vocal mixes I've ever heard. Sweet ass job! Also: more mega-collabs! EDIT: Instrumental version ain't half bad either. There's still enough focus on the rest of the music that it doesn't sound empty without the vocals.
  9. Don't get me wrong, I love Schala's theme; the song change was just a bit unsettling to me. I think they'd be better off is two seperate mixes is all.
  10. po! is always good eatings. Yum, yum. Lay off, that's as clever as I get.
  11. Other than "this is such an incredibly awesome ReMix", I don't really know what to say. It's such a uniquely badass take on Mario's usually quirky and uplifting tunes.
  12. This mix is a prime example of something I think we sometimes lose track of. This song has its fair share of problems (weird mastering, pops, hissing) but it still passed submission standards. Why? Because it's fun and it's catchy. A song doesn't need to be overly produced or a drastically different approach from the norm; as long as it is aurally pleasing, the people will enjoy it. That being said, I'm definitely going to check out more from this ilp0 character whenever VGMix is up and running again. Unless anybody knows of another site I can find his stuff?
  13. I'm always up for a Salzman mix and this is no exception. The song changes so often it's almost hard to keep track of what's happening, but it's not a bunch of mish mash at all; it just simply keeps the tune as exciting as possible. When the main melody comes in at 2:02 and 4:16 I get the urge to thrash about manically. Which is a good thing, by the way.
  14. So, as much as I adore Jill's work, I don't know exactly how to feel about this one. Her vocals are exceptional, as always, but this song never really goes anywhere. I never thought to myself, "Hey this is that cool part!" It was more like, "Hey, this is the part where she sings in Japanese." It's hard to critique this song. It's such a beautiful piece but I just simply don't enjoy listening to it that much. Maybe it's the Japanese? Maybe it's the lack of any sort of solo? Maybe it's the fact that it just sounds like five verses all with the same melody? Maybe it's also the fact that it's very lyrically driven and lyrics aren't really my bag? Point is: regardless of my own personal feelings, this is a great mix.
  15. No ReMixer can consistantly kick my ass like Shna. For the love of god, keep it up. It's such a breath of fresh air.
  16. After further examination, I think this song sounds more like "Today" by the Smashing Pumpkins than "Closing Time". Either way, this is still rockin'.
  17. Whoa, thanks for the info. Seriously. I didn't even think to check for him on VGMix. Heh, my bad.
  18. It's alright, we all make mistakes. At least you heard it in a good movie. Also, Ailsean was freaking genius. Too bad he hasn't done a ReMix, that I'm aware of, in forever.
  19. That song is actually called "Soldiers Go Marching", or "Ants Go Marching". It's a really old song (much older than Die Hard 3 ) that I'm surprised you didn't hear back in, like, elementary school or Merrie Melodies cartoons.
  20. No matter. "Professional" was simply bad word choice on my behalf anyway. I guess I meant something more along the lines of "OCR accomplished"
  21. Fixed! I am unsure if this is a Daragen bash or a Reason bash... but, either way, you're such a meanie.
  22. Yeah, I do like this. Being a user of Reason myself, it's awesome to see what professional ReMixers are doing with it.
  23. It's always nice to hear some weird synthy happy rock. My only real qualm with this mix is the rhythm guitar sounds cheaply distorted (mainly around the 1:50-2:15 part); like Dranagen was either using one of those lame super fuzz pedals or one of those crappy 3 inch amplifiers. Kinda' sounded like me at my highschool's battle of the bands when I was, like, 16. It's cool in a garage band sort of way though. Overall, it's damned rockin'. EDIT: It totally sounds like Closing Time. Y'all weren't kiddin'!
  24. I actually just started going to VGMix the other day. I've only checked out a few your songs. I'm liking what I've heard so far (like the FF8 one where you threw in Freya's theme; don't remember the name). Have you submitted any of them to this site? I know OCR's standards are pretty high, but I think you could land a few more here.
  25. First off: Hunter's Chance is a great source tune. You'd pretty much have to screw a mix of it up intentionally. Anywho, that isn't to say that this mix is bad or anything. It's solid and engaging. I quite enjoy it. If I was the kind of person who gave ReMixes ratings, I'd probably give it a strong 8.
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