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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. For the last two years, I've helped put together a Christmas album featuring artists from the community. This year, I'm starting earlier than ever to ensure that there's more than enough time for everyone to finish a track for the album. To listen to the previous albums, please check out the following links: -- http://www.williammichael.net/aocc/ -- http://www.williammichael.net/aocc_v2/ I very much enjoy helping to bring these together, and wanted to continue this year, making it part of a tradition here at OCR. As I've said over the last two years, these albums are not in any way an official OCR album project. These are by the community, for the community. That said, let's get down to it. When are the first set of WiPs due? Generally, I'm lax about this for this kind of project, but I'd like to hear what everyone's doing by October 24. This is just to get a feel for how everything is going. How do we submit tracks to you? There are two ways: 1) catch me on IRC in #ocremix or, 2) e-mail them to dyne2057@gmail.com. Is there a general theme you're going to be following, or must all the tracks be VG remixes? I love remixes, I do, but I don't focus solely on them for this album. It's a Christmas album, and honestly, I'm looking more for Christmas-y kind of music. But I'd be happy to have VG remixes on the album with a wintry kind of flair to them. You're not limited to genre. It can be everything from orchestral to metal, electro to EuroBeat. Don't be shy. There's a theme running here, I'm pretty lax about things. It's really supposed to be a fun, spirited album aimed at lifting people's spirits and giving them the joy of more awesome tunes! I'm going to be late sending in my entry, will I still get onto the album? Yes. I'm pretty lenient all things considered. I will accept tracks as late as December 23, and that's primarily because I visit with family on Christmas Eve, and generally do not get home until near midnight most times. What is the deadline for all final tracks? Final tracks must be received by December 20, 2009. That gives me the entire week to build the web page, and upload all the files. Then, on December 24, I will release the album at midnight. Who can sign up for this project? Anyone. No really, established remixers, novices, anyone who wants to have a good time making music for the community. ========= Folks on the Project Dyne (producing) HitoriJaNai -- "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" jmr tweek ProtoDome Brushfire and Level 99 Cyril the Wolf The Coop -- a song from the Atari XE game "Necromancer" DJ Mokram Monobrow GeoffreyTaucer -- "Noel" possibly with some Kakariko Village POCKETMAN Rexy DragonAvenger and Collaborator Yet unnamed djpretzel TheKrow -- "Snowman" from Mother 3 bustatunez (or if you like Will, Wilbert Roget, II) the prophet of mephisto -- "O Come" and "Mary Did You Know?" Lampje4life -- "A Sleigh Ride to Vana'Diel" Salluz Rozovian Oinkness diotrans - Waltz of the Flowers (excerpt) On the project. WiP received. Final track received.
  2. There was just too much going on for the last two weeks. Been trying to chill but it's been a little rough. I'm game this weekend though, so if Shael's around, let's rock. Been itchin' for this one.
  3. I've been looking forward to this meet up since before it was announced. Which, basically, means I look forward to it every year!
  4. Just wanted to remind everyone that the show is on every other week. The next show will be on September 26, at 10pm EST/EDT. You can also follow the show on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/RadioThaSauce!
  5. This sounds like a great project! I am definitely all for it, and I hope it gets done! Also, if you wait around for all of the other projects to get done, they'll have already been replaced four times over with other projects. Trust me, just do it.
  6. Oh hey, there's a meet up. Guess who's coming to dinner? Yep, that's right, ME! I'll be there!
  7. I saw this via Facebook since I'm a "Fan" of Capcom. It's called Megaman Marathon II and it's taking place this Labor Day weekend. See here for more information -- http://www.capcom-unity.com/jgonzo/blog/2009/09/01/ready_for_another_mega_man_marathon Basically, Gamer Chuck Guarino will be playing Mega Man 1-9 including Mega Man and Bass, as well as Mega Man X through Mega Man X6 in order to raise money for Child's Play. I figured others might be interested in this, and well, support for a good cause is always a good thing. Cheers! Also, the actual Mega Man Marathon web site can be found here -- http://www.megamarathonman.com/
  8. I just happened to be looking at the World of Warcraft web site this morning, and took notice of this album they've re-issued, they being Blizzard of course. It features over 90 minutes of music, including selections from the upcoming Starcraft 2 and Diablo III. So I thought fans of those series, as well as fans of the music of WoW would enjoy hearing about this. You can find out about the album by going here -- http://www.echoes-of-war.com/ Also, according to a link I have yet to click, there's a "Legendary Edition" of the album. The standard edition being 2-discs, I'm not sure about the other one, so I think I'll leave that as a bit of surprise for you guys, I hope it's a good one! Echoes of War: The Music of Blizzard Entertainment -- http://www.echoes-of-war.com/ --
  9. Ah, back in the saddle again. "It's gonna be a good day Tater."
  10. Better suit up and bring your spatula.
  11. But can you microwave a Pot Hocket like nobody's business??
  12. Just wanted to say, in a contest of greatness, the one and only DJPretzel bested Dyne. T'was an awesome fight! The power of youth is strong!
  13. Oh now I definitely have to win so I can fight Shael Riley! =) After having talked to zircon in #ocremix, we shall match mettle tomorrow eve. *FF7 fanfare*
  14. I just wanted to bump this thread, and ask if a moderator could please edit the topic title to reflect "Friday Nights @ 10pm". Thanks!!
  15. Happy birthday bLiNd!!!! And many many more!
  16. 'Tis a sad day for guitarists everywhere... I mourn this loss.
  17. Big Daddy and the Splicers. Ha ha, Bioshock influenced? Nice work zircon. I'll do my best to be there.
  18. Dyne, gamertag Dyne2057. It's so on zircon. Larry, you best get up in dis'.
  19. Sum n00b I hear... He's got the baddest glitches for yo bitches... Aw now, I've said too much.
  20. Damn, and I loved a lot of those movies he made too. Weird Science, Home Alone , Uncle Buck, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Planes Trains and Automobiles, National Lampoon's Vacation, The Great Outdoors, etc... I grew up with some of these films. Such a loss man.
  21. Why'd she abruptly leave? I didn't realize she did. I hope she wasn't offended by anything. And if so, I apologize.
  22. Yes, tomorrow night, at precisely 10pm, Radio ThaSauce Live makes it return after six week hiatus due to moving, adjustments, and Otakon! I'll be bringing the phat beats, so strap yourself in, and hang on tight! A lot has happened since the last time I did the show, and hopefully I'll be able to cover it all, but we'll see. Friday's show has no time limit, normally it runs two hours long, however, I'm not going to set a limit on this particular show, so please, just show up and enjoy! To view the show, go here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/radio-thasauce-live --- By the way, I do take requests. They can be made via IRC (on EnterTheGame) in channel #thasauce before and during the show. If you can't get on IRC, please make your requests via PM on these forums, or in the chat via the radio show's web page. A few things of note, I'm going to be putting together a dedicated web site just for the radio show itself. I believe there is an embed code that I can copy into my code for the site so that everyone can just go there and chat and listen to the show. I will once again attempt to use the web cam for the show, however, if there are issues with the feed (there were last time), I won't use it after this point. But, it was a good idea, right? Anyway, web site forthcoming, and listen to the show tomorrow night!
  23. Hi. This is a thread bump. Bump thread bump. Also, check out this album, it's very cool.
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