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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. I'm going, but I don't have money this week for pre-reg. I will pre-reg as soon as possible.
  2. Happy birthday, ye DJ who goes good with mustard!
  3. Happy birthday Xerol! Good xuck to you!
  4. Well, if I don't, he might be upset. Happy birthday Luke! Hope you get whatever's coming to you! *sinister smile* j/k
  5. I've got it, "The Deia is mightier than the ReMixers..."
  6. I haven't even started yet. And now, my midi controllers are both acting up, I don't know if they're just not getting enough power or what. Hell, it could even be Vista...
  7. Now, for those of you wondering what it is exactly, look no further than the web site itself -- http://www.zenkaikon.com/index.php -- There are some impressive actors coming to this convention, including Johnny Yong Bosch (Ichigo Kurosaki, Bleach; Adam Park/Black Ranger, MMPR) and Robert Axelrod (Lord Zedd, MMPR; featured in Akira, The Big O, Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop). I also figured, given its proximity to Philadelphia that some OCR folks from the area might be interested. I know it's a bit close to the VG Xpo in Philadelphia in November, but you can't go wrong with this convention. Vitals November 7-8, 2009 @ Radisson Hotel Valley Forge King of Prussia, Pa Minutes from the PA Turnpike, Routes 422, 76, and 276. It looks to be a great con, and I'm definitely considering going to this myself. I wanted to throw this out there in case anyone would like to put forth an OCR presence there (as well as advertise a certain festival of bacon, er... MAGFest).
  8. Poor Larry. Every body wants him these days. Guy can't get a break.
  9. As always, I looked forward to an epic panel, and you guys, once more, delivered. I think Wes did very well for his first time in front of a large audience. Larry was definitely hilarious as always. I'd like to thank Kroze, Xerol and Dom for the opportunity to help film the panel, as well as the camera (Dom, thanks!), and Xerol for making it possible (by going to get said camera from Club Otaku/JamSpace). I definitely have to try to get an HD Camera of some type in the future for this purpose. Otakon was a lot of fun. Though honestly, I still see improvements that could be made, especially when it comes to the basically non-existant tokens they mention every year, but don't seem to make use of for voice actor autographs. Still, a very fun 'con, and the better security this year was a welcome addition as well. Last, but most definitely not least, Echoes of Betrayal Light of Redemption... I haven't listened to it all yet since I didn't have time Saturday night, and then I came home today and just got started listening to it. I've really only previewed a few tracks, but I put them all on my iPhone for work tomorrow. Should be a lot of fun listening to it at work. What a great close to my vacation.
  10. I know I said I was going to come to the BBQ, but I just came to the realization that by the time I'm done at Otakon today, I'll have to be heading home anyway. So I'm going to skip the BBQ this year. My apologies Xerol. Also, I don't have directions to your place anyway, and I won't have any way of getting them because we're going to be checked out by 8:15-8:30, so by the time you see this post, we'll most likely be at the convention for the last time. Oh by the way, there's a convention happening in King of Prussia, Pa this fall called Zenkaikon. -- http://www.zenkaikon.com/index.php -- I'm hopeful about going to that con, should be fun. If anyone's interested in an OCR meet up there, I definitely think it'd be fun. And then of course... MAGFEEEEEEEEEEEEST!!!!! See you guys soon!
  11. SGX, it was great to finally meet you. I hope you'll be around some conventions in the future, it would be awesome to see you at an OCR panel! Come to MAGFest!!!
  12. We're all at the restaurant now. If anyone is still coming just show up!
  13. I'm glad that a reservation was made. This will make it infinitely easier to get together, and we'll all actually get to eat, well... together!! So yay!
  14. I'm sitting here and I'm bored to death. Only thing I'm doing is dub actors after dark. But it's not until 11 tonight.
  15. I'm here with my three friends. Hope to see you at Club Otaku!
  16. I saw that line. We got there a little after five, and ended up waiting in line for almost two hours, but we got our badges last night. Wish you luck getting in today Wes!
  17. Sounds like fun. I haven't had food at either place, and I do want to see Rare Candy's performance. Besides, I don't really have anything too terribly interesting until the OCR panel. Oh yeah, I'm staying in the Hampton on Redwood Street, so I'm not far.
  18. Seriously? Because I'm going to the OCR Panel. And then I'm not sure what else I'm doing. Should be a fun night. If I make it back to the hotel in time, I'll see about listening in. Oh yeah, I'm staying at the Hampton two blocks north of the BCC.
  19. If you do buy anything, I'd wait until Saturday night, or Sunday at the very least, since you can probably come away with some good deals. Sunday is usually the day of choice since a lot of dealers don't want to lug a lot of their wares back home with them.
  20. Well it certainly figures. These companies that control the stations have no idea what they should be putting on TV. They work by their stupid ratings system when in reality, if they'd just take a moment to ask the people what they want to see, they might actually put something on that everyone likes. Besides, they don't seem to take into account the people that DVR things. But whatever, you know it's just dumb. Anyway, Edge, don't go off the deep end man, it's just TV.
  21. Happy birthday Tauce, I had no idea!
  22. Yeah, I've seen it, and the one time it's low enough for me to afford, I can't frickin' buy it... FML man, FML.
  23. Just previewed some of Celldweller's music. I'm going to have to pick up some albums, starting with Soundtrack for the Voices in My Head, Vol. 1. Good stuff.
  24. My plan for Otakon, as I probably stated before, is as thus: 1) attend the OCR Panel, 2) attend dub actors after dark panel (must be 18 to attend, wrist band required!) and 3) whatever else there is to do at the time.
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