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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. I have to say, this series has grown on me. I've watched up to episode 6 so far, and I really enjoy it. I never thought I'd get into this kind of series, but here I am watching it. If you haven't checked it out yet, do so. I think you'll be glad you did.
  2. I'm not sure if you'd consider this plagarism, since currently, the profile in question has no links, affiliations or references of any kind, nor is this person taking any credit, however, I wanted to point out this particular MySpace profile which I just happened upon. http://www.myspace.com/streetfighterivost The user has a few tracks posted via MySpace Music, and the profile itself is an artist profile, but from the looks of things, it might just be some innocent fan worship. I don't really know. Anyway, just wanted to point it out.
  3. You're welcome. I've been slowly progressing through 'Awaken the Giant Within', and I'm starting to take notice of the things that are holding me back, and I must say, I don't want to believe the kind of hold things have on me. The biggest, most devastating thing is procrastination. I'm horrible at getting off of my butt to do things, but I still do things, so that's positive. Still, as I analyze myself, my thoughts and beliefs, and my actions daily, I can't help but feel that I should have done this years ago, I feel as though I've lost the time I need to get things done in my life. I mean, here I am, 28 years old, I'm still living at home with my dad. That's no life. Okay, I understand if some people want to live at home, or have to for financial reasons, or because their parents are aging and they're not willing to send them to a nursing/retirement home. I get that, and that's okay. I just feel that I should be doing more with this life, and that by being at home, I'm being held back in what I can and cannot do. Anyway, I welcome any and all comments in this thread, it's what it's here for. And I want to thank everyone who has commented so far. It honestly took some courage to do this, and I'm glad that those who've responded have done so in a respectful manner. So, thank you!
  4. No need for apologies, I just didn't spell out what I'd meant. I should've spoken a bit more broadly about the generation gap between games that are now being traded in as opposed to say five years ago during the previous generation. I'm sure the same things will happen with PS2/XBox era games once new next-gen systems are brought to market. Of course, until we hear or even see anything about a PS4 or XBox 720 or what not, it's really just a wait and see scenario. But, history has a way of repeating itself. Also, just for the humor value, XBox 720. LOL.
  5. I'm curious about this, and thought that maybe the community might be of help with this. I've recently started reading a certain self-help author, and thought that maybe someone might shed light on any opinions they might have. Now, I realize this thread might belong elsewhere, but until the moderators see fit, I'd like to ask that it be left in Community, because I think it's a beneficial topic for everyone to read, and doesn't deserve to be sent to the Help forum. So, the author in question is Anthony Robbins. He's written such books as "Awaken the Giant Within" and "Unlimited Power" which both outline ways and means to change your life. Now, I don't know about anyone else, but I know that what I've been reading so far has been helping, and may just be what I've been looking for to have a profound effect on myself to help me change my life. As it stands, or stood, thus far, I've been running from myself, been depressed, and dissatisfied with life as it is now. But I've come to the belief that I can change, and that I can change my life into something better and beneficial for not only myself, but for others as well. Therefore, part of this thread is also about how you, as a person, have changed after reading a self-help author's work, such as Anthony Robbins. How has it impacted you professionally, personally, financially? Have you had a better experience in your life? Have your beliefs changed? I thank you for responding, and hope this generates some interest with all of you.
  6. I said what I said because I haven't seen any PSX games in any GameStop I've been to lately. Maybe I should have said that because they're technically outdated, their value has plummeted like a brick to GameStop. Either way, I still feel as though PSX generation games have lost their value, rather, their resale value, if only specificaly to GameStop. I guess when I said value, I should have said resale value instead. The difference in generations being that they can get more for recently released, new games, for example of Metal Gear Solid 4 had just come out, and someone traded it in on something else, they could, depending on wear and tear, revalue it closer to where it was priced new. What I don't understand, is how they can give such little value to the consumer, and then turn around and make a killing on it by upping the price to nearly the same price as it was sold new. I mean, that seems like a real rip off for the person trading in games. Hence why I don't trade my games in.
  7. According to Gamasutra, it's true. But what does it really mean? In the grand scheme of things anyway. What kind of a trend does this set for gamers, if any? I think it's interesting that they control even that much, but I think it's mainly because they deal not only in new games, but in used titles as well. Though I think they've gotten away from the PSX generation of games, and their value I'm sure has plummeted like a brick. Anyway, here's the article link: http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_index.php?story=23425 What do you think of this development?
  8. That's epic. Can't wait to hear you use them in a remix or original piece.
  9. I don't hate Creed or Limp Bizkit, but you have to admit, Durst and Stapp are both tools and douche bags a like. Stapp for being an insulting asshole to one of the greatest bands of an era, and Durst because, well...it's Fred Durst... Go look up some shit on youtube...er somethin'.
  10. I'm in too. Dyne2057 on XBL, and I have Gold.
  11. Just out of curiosity, what did they hotfix this time? I just downloaded the latest patch a few moments ago, and haven't had an opportunity to look up the fixes. Anyone care to summarize, or shall I "google it"?
  12. Tensei, let me know when, I'll reinstall if I haven't already installed it, and I join the fun. I haven't played since zircon had set up weekly gatherings of D2X two years ago. Though I am looking forward to D3, I'll use D2 to keep me occupied (along with everything else).
  13. Pez receives: Age +1. Congrats! Happy birthday!
  14. Yeah, I understand where you're coming from with this statement zircon, but at the same time, trying to reach a goal by any means necessary, even if those means are less than honorable or even downright wrong, isn't right either. They need to do things within both the confines of current law, as well as stand firm in common sense and ethical behavior. Yes, I can understand that there needs to be laws against piracy, and things need to be done to curb this kind of behavior, but I can think of one sort of piracy that makes IP theft pale in comparison: http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/africa/04/18/pirates.foiled/index.html?iref=newssearch
  15. I think by "victims", or at least in the context that I understood here, were meant to be the people the RIAA represents, and I definitely do not mean the musicians/artists at all, I mean the labels. I thought the purpose of any record label, was to help the artists cut their records, market and sell them, and help them coordinate tours and what not. Maybe I lost something there. I also thought the label was supposed to be responsible for keeping piracy in check, whether through the RIAA or somewhere else. But from all I ever hear, it's as though the labels are only watching out for their own interests. Or at least, that's the feeling I get when I read articles on the subject. Someone want to clue me in?
  16. It's kind of like the question about guns. A gun by itself doesn't kill, it takes the person holding the gun, loading it, aiming it, and then firing it for the gun to kill someone, and even then, it's the person who intended to kill someone who's holding the gun. The gun itself isn't evil, because it's inanimate. The person who intended to, and carried out, the plot to kill someone else is evil. That said, having a tracker to track torrents isn't bad or even piracy, however, people posting illegal torrents of movies, music and the like is piracy. You can't entirely fault TPB for tracking torrents, but you CAN fault them for not removing torrents that were pirate to begin with. So they are at fault for not doing something about IP that was being tracked by their site. And being proud of piracy, not something they should be flaunting either, I'm fairly certain it hurt their case in the eyes of the judge and prosecutors. Trying to get BitTorrent banned is the wrong approach. Trying to force a site to shut down via hammering away at it with lawyers, chisels in hand, is also costly. What I mean by costly is that the cost of said lawyers doesn't really affect the labels or the RIAA or even the government itself, it affects the people, because they're paying for it through buying CDs and merch, or by paying higher taxes levies through lobbying or "pork" in legislation. So in reality, both sides of the argument are affecting everyone, whether or not they want to. There definitely needs to be a more civil, less "ban-hammer"-esque approach to dealing with the problem. Unfortunately, there are no cool heads in this situation, especially on the RIAA side of things. They still haven't learned that you can't force something on people in this age because they, like the world, can change and adapt, and find new ways of getting what they want, whether free or otherwise. Honestly, I think the recording industry needs a complete reboot. They need to adjust their business models so they can stop "losing billions". Though right now, if they're losing billions, it's not 100% piracy, it's also party the economy. I also want to know what they think of piracy that goes on in other countries as well, as that probably has an effect on things. I think people are growing weary of the argument itself, both for and against piracy. I honestly think the only way the people running the trackers themselves can even remotely hope to stay unscathed by legal action is if they refuse to track illegal torrents, and focus on tracking legal ones. What I don't understand is how they could even remotely do such a thing, since it might be difficult to detect what's illegal, and what's legal. Either way, we already know piracy is wrong. We also know that the people who represent artists need to be a bit more constructive and economical in how they pursue the people who are throwing the IPs out there. So, that's my two cents. Don't spend it all in one place.
  17. Armin van Buuren for the WIN! Thanks for linking this one, I'm really enjoying this!
  18. http://www.delamancha.co.uk/dynamite_cowbell.htm ^^^ It lives... right there... It's FREEWARE, so feel free (pun) to check it out!
  19. Posting this for the third time because honestly, you sir, are AWESOME! Happy birthday!
  20. Yeah there is, in Time Warner Cable's eyes, it means more profit for them. Yeah...see the above statement.
  21. Doesn't XP 64 see at least 4GB of RAM or more?
  22. Yes...oh ye, who is metal as f**k. Happiest of happies. Maybe the light shine on you, in your metalness, as you wander the earth in search of beer, babe, and bootay. Happy Birthday!
  23. Dyne


    Dude, I played this track on my radio show, Radio ThaSauce Live a few weeks ago. I love that track, Shanecapella! Also, that movie looks awesome, I hope it lives up to itself.
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