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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Some facts: 1) Yes, we both do in fact share our birthday with Yasunori Mitsuda. 2) Yes, I am in fact 107 years old. I invented fire. 3) I am in fact a sexy beast. 4) Ty is a phenominal musician and good friend. 5) Random facts are random, at random times on random days in random years for random reasons so let's all be random together! RANDOM HAJILE!
  2. Welcome to OverClocked ReMix! Please remember to observe all rules and keep you tray tables in their fully upright and locked positions! Enjoy your stay!
  3. Some one, please, for me, REMIX THIS! Ragna vs Jin -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGsgDoFp6AM&feature=related Awakening the Chaos -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hd0cJG8qzMA Black Onslaught -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8ZtMetz_Qg&feature=related May as well add Black Onslaught. Since it's freakin' awesome!
  4. I don't mind waiting to be on the podcast again. I love this podcast! But you know, one thing bothers me... you had sanity? When?
  5. I'm not bugged by it at all, I like different styles of artwork. As a matter of fact, I love all kinds of artwork. But at least now I know where you were coming from. Criticism aside, nice work.
  6. Head position too actually. I like the drawing, it's an interesting take on X. I don't mean to be terribly critical, so don't mind me too much.
  7. Definitely not just you, I think it's hand drawn. Which is rather cool actually.
  8. Yes, we're using an ancient Cantonese secret for this one. No stops are spared, we're pulling them all out.
  9. Mother earth is going to tell it to slooooooow doooooown...but you'll have the server kick her with your energy legs.
  10. I agree here with Wes. Though I voted for the second option, the 13-16 of Jan, I would still rather see it the first full weekend of January mainly because it would be much easier to take the time off. With New Year's being on that weekend, I myself have to work the last two days of the year, and it's unfortunately mandatory (which I think is garbage, but hey, I don't run the place). Anyway, I would January 6 through the 9 for MAGFest for sure, and I'd even be able to make the whole thing. But it's not about me, it's about everyone who loves MAGFest and what's really more convenient for the majority.
  11. I wanted to let everyone know you can also contact me concerning the project. If you're interested in joining, by all means let us know. The more the merrier, but know that we are looking at crafting something especially excellent with this project. It's definitely a very huge undertaking, but I know that it's going to turn out to be one of the best projects yet.
  12. Final Fantasy VIII... I was on Disc 4, ready to find and face the last boss. My PSX memory card died, and corrupted the save of it. One day I will finish the game. So far, FFVII and FFX are the only two FF games I've finished. FFVII twice.
  13. I had a blast! I hope we get to do this again next year! Oh and think of the meet ups we'll have this year! Here's to good friends, good times, and a greater appreciation for alcohol.
  14. Nice ban. Anyway, on topic, nobody has the right to judge what is the right or wrong way to remix music. It's up to the individual artist to decide how they're going to interpret what they're remixing. If someone like this comes along and doesn't like it, obviously they've got a serious problem with creativity, or they just like to troll. Either way, nice ban.
  15. I'm down. I'll be bringing my laptop as well as my mic. I could attempt to record with my laptop, but I'm not sure it'll like that. We'll see. Stevo, I need directions.
  16. I'm down with whatever you guys have in mind. It'll be a nice drive for me, but I have no problem making it. I would attempt to come down tomorrow night, but with the radio show lasting until 10, I can't expect anyone to want to wait up for me until 1am. Unless you're like, not in bed until 5 or 6am...then that's different..but otherwise, I'll just go to bed and wake up early. So yeah, let me know please, because I don't want to miss out.
  17. I'm down for pretty much anything. Just let me know where we're meeting and how to get there. Also i will bring my mic for use in recording. If you need anything else pop me a message via fb. I'm at work right now but will answer later.
  18. All right...damn...I'm convinced. Tell me when and where, and I'll be there, even if I've gotta hitch my way. Also... Radio ThaSauce Live this friday night featuring a MAGFest recap, plus new music, possibly some phone calls if I can get it working, and more hilarity. If I could only get to Brushfire's to do it live, I would do so, but I did say the 8th at 8pm EST. Get ready to get down, because Friday night... IT IS ON! P.S.: I have to be home Sunday morning so I can work...apparently I'm... "on call" because we're going to have to load our route trucks because it's going to be cold...as in below freezing for a significant portion of the weekend. So...if I come down, I need to leave no matter what time it is (so long as I'm not a drunk at the time, lol).
  19. Well Coop, there was this project I was going to start... It's called Castl....okay not really, but I say go for it, especially the DQ project. I'm so enthused about the MMX project, I damn near barrel rolled this morning when I saw that Bahamut posted about it.
  20. Thank you for serving Fishy. You rawk hard. Very hard.
  21. I've been waiting for this to break, now I can actually talk about it! WOOT!
  22. Learn to troll. MAGFest is over for the year.
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