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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Figures. I wanted to go to this so very badly, but alas, I forgot about it during my recent move into the apartment I'm living in now. On top of that, I've also got plans with my dad. Well... Someone take loads of pictures!
  2. I'm content with what I got. We'll see how well this works out this year.
  3. Yet another sad day for video games. I'm still shocked that Jack Thompson wasn't there to force the maximum sentence down this guy's throat. Only a matter of time.
  4. Happy birthday Salzman, may your remixes be posted, and the n00bs smited.
  5. For a while, actually. He and Jade tied the knot a few months ago.
  6. Imagine this: you're sneaking through the castle. Something creeps by. You jump out from under your cardboard box, take the creature from behind, and slice it's throat with your holy cross... So begins... Castlevania... Or the short version... "So... You like CASTLEVANIA!?!?"
  7. So...Kojima's messing with our heads again. Big surprise. By the way, didn't Snake have brown eyes? What about Big Boss, didn't he have them too? You know what'd be really funny, if that was Old Snake in Raiden's body. Odd, but odd enough to be possible. Maybe not. Just a dumb thought, disregard.
  8. I'm registered, and will be at the panel as I've been for the last two years. The OCR panel is one of two panels that I enjoy going to. The other being "Dub Actors after Dark". I can't talk about it. Nobody should EVER talk about it. You just have to experience it. Trust me.
  9. I'm looking forward to this. I'm in the midst of moving out, but since the contest doesn't start until the weekend of the move, I should be fine. I should be completely moved in by June 20.
  10. Not sure if I'm going to be able to do this. It sucks, because I want to, but I'm moving out of my house in two weeks, so I don't know when I'll have the computer back up and running.
  11. Happy birfdei Nikofridge...er... Happy Birthday Nekofroggie!
  12. yes! You did! I saw it tooooooo! Also, it's a sideways M! M G S 5 R P are the letters.
  13. Gee, you're late to the party. But hey, it happens. Just two words DarkeSword: Ban Hammer. Okay, maybe not. Honestly, I think it's because no one reads the "Please Read First" etc... threads. The ones always stickied to the tops of forums that are trafficked frequently. It's quite silly in the end, and no big deal, people just learn a little quicker than others.
  14. No, you are McVaffe and you speak the truth. Hail to the king, baby.
  15. Well, by now, I think we're agreed that zircon isn't going to remix that song. Also, this entire thread was just a vacuum into which you were attempting to suck people to turn it into a pseudo-political debate. On top of that, you're attempting to argue a point that we're all very, very familiar with, some more than others, and one that you're sure to lose given the nature of this particular forum. I would say not only are you outnumbered... But grossly mistaken. If all this was supposed to be was a request for someone to remix something, state that, and keep it there. I don't know why we're still having these types of discussions, I figured they'd be done to death by now. Maybe it's just me. Ha ha ha. Or maybe it's the fact that I'm super tired, and either reading too much into this, or not enough. Either way, I'm going to leave this one alone from here on out.
  16. Hey, don't forget to talk to PosiBolt, I'm sure he'll love to jump into an OCR Meet Up in St. Louis.
  17. Not entirely sure of my take on this at the moment, but I'm fairly certain it'll work out once all the bugs are squashed out of it. Though I have to say the naming might confuse people a little. All in all, putting things in one place is rather helpful.
  18. I just hope the online play doesn't suck, it'll give me a reason to dust off the Wii.
  19. Is that the Star Trek TNG era sequel he wrote to Generations? If so, I believe I may have ready that in high school. Honestly, when I saw that he'd wrote it, I was skeptical, but then I read it, and honestly, it was very well written. Had they actually done that as a sequel, I think it might have been somewhat well received. Oh yeah, that reminds me... I'm reading: Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins and How to DJ: The Insider's Guide to Success on the Decks by Tom Frederikse and Phil Benedictus in Association with Point Blank. The book How to DJ also features commentary from big name DJs such as John Digweed, Andy Cato and others. It's actually a very practical guide, and delves into as much of the digital era DJing as they could at the time, considering it was given a copyright of 2002. Anyway, I really like these books. Very good stuff, I plan to finish both within the next week or two.
  20. He needs album art so that instead of having a blank album art showing in your iTunes or on your iPod, zune, or other media you use to listen to OCRemixes, you can instead have album art that represents OCR. That's what he wants it for. I might step up on this if I have some time this week.
  21. So NOW it's up? Awesome, I'm downloading it right now. Though I probably won't get to watch it until I get home from work. Oh well, it'll be something to look forward to. SAMURAI SENTAI SHINKENJAA! APPARE!
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