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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. Radio ThaSauce Live now has both Twitter and Facebook accounts, check us out! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Radio-ThaSauce-Live/121506491252265?v=wall https://twitter.com/#!/RadioThaSauce Announcement! I have just received important musical data which I must share with you on the next Radio ThaSauce Live on August 20, 2010!! We've received intel from Shael Riley that must be shared with the masses! So come join us August 20 for a show you won't soon forget!!
  2. They already remade Megaman X on the PSP, doubt they'd do it again, but GandG or Final Fight would rock. I too would like to see Strider make a comeback as well.
  3. The film made me think a bit, which few films recently have done. In all honesty, could what happened in the film have really happened in life? Maybe, maybe not. Unfortunately, we don't have super-powered human beings running around saving the day or destroying it. I think in the end, the real question is, do the ends justify the means.
  4. Oh you guys! Ha ha ha. You know, methinks I'll look at this, but with a grain of salt. Or some shiz.
  5. Obviously someone with no life, and no hobbies. Someone who wants to see the world burn, really.
  6. So, I just checked my twitter to find I was being followed by this new web site called Gearsecure. So, I thought I'd share their site with everyone, because well, I think it's interesting, and you might have use of it. To give you an idea of what they do, here's a quotation from the web site about who they are, and what they do.
  7. You've summed up everything I was thinking, but could not say.
  8. Oh wow it's sweet. The only thing I don't like is the slightly long loading time before matches. Otherwise, the game is tight. Graphics are excellent, though I think the controls are a little slow if not just a tad stiff. Otherwise, this game kicks ass. Let me tell you what, Ultra Combos are awesome. I've only played around with Ken and Ryu, but both of their super moves are epic. Their ultra combos rock the house, and that new move that you can charge up by pressing the middle kick and punch buttons is awesome. It's especially great if you can fully charge it, it automatically attacks for you.
  9. Here's another issue, if you look at the browser window, you might notice (or maybe it's just me), that there's a scroll bar at the bottom of the browser window. Any ideas as to why it's doing this? Rather...why the "table" for the posts seems to not resize to fit the screen.
  10. I don't understand what goofy is supposed to mean. It's not cartoony in anyway, it can't really be cartoony, it's a CHIPTUNE. Kinda hard to be cartoony. Anyways, it's still a good soundtrack.
  11. I have the chiptune, and it does not sound goofy in the least bit. In fact, MM5 has a decent soundtrack. You should listen to it again.
  12. Nail down a date, maybe I'll come, if I can manage to get the time off required of me.
  13. So I think it stands to reason that this is, in fact, one of the best releases of late. Between Nicole's fantastic beats, glitchy n' all, and injury's silky smooth vocals, I must say, I really, really love this track. This remix is put together very, very well. You want high quality remixing? You just got it. Well done ladies, well done indeed.
  14. Oh right. So one person. Yeah. Forget it, it's deleted. Thanks.
  15. Just wanted to let you know that I'm hosting a new compo over at ThaSauce. It's open to everyone, just go here: http://compo.thasauce.net/compos/view/FNC. It's going to be a lot of fun, and I hope many of you will join in on the fun! Join #thasauce on irc.enterthegame.com!
  16. They're only filing chapter 11 so they can reorganize. They're not dead yet. But after this, if they don't get themselves together, it'll be curtains for good.
  17. Very nicely done Boss Pretzel. Looks like things are shaping up. Also, that picture of you and Larry together with the thought bubbles, that's awesome. Also...you're going to be 30 this year! Congrats!
  18. zircon is a BEAST with Fei Long. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE HIM.
  19. Not saying that it was all that bad, but let's be realistic, and hope it's not anywhere close to Tournament Fighters.
  20. I need one beam crossing, proton accelerating at the speed of light action, or it won't be a true fulfillment.
  21. So, I happened to be looking for something on IMDB, and ran into this trailer. So, I wanted to get some input on what everyone thinks about this upcoming game. Not sure if it's in lieu of a movie, but hey, we'll see. Though my understanding is that Bill Murray won't do another live action movie, but I guess that's because of how old he is now. Anyway, here's the link: http://www.imdb.com/video/screenplay/vi2961376025/
  22. Seriously, what is your problem? They'll get done when they get done. Period, end. No need to be a jerk. There's plenty of other people for that. Go back to lurking would you? Please??
  23. Something along the lines of... "BOW DOWN BEFORE THE ONE YOU SERVE, YOU'RE GOING TO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!!" \\m//
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