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Everything posted by Dyne

  1. I know, FF7 lulz, but it'll be fun anyway. I wanted to do something simple musically, so there's no production on this save for the limiter that keeps it from clipping. All it is right now is a simple bass and synth flute, but I can expand on it. http://www.williammichael.net/music/remix_projects/hmch-sketch.mp3 Thoughts? IRC Feedback -- <+Tensei-San> lets have a look then <+Tensei-San> sounds are alright by themselves but it needs some more fleshing out for proper feedback <+Tensei-San> rhythm in general sounds a bit irregular but thats prolly just because it needs some kind of percussion etc. <+Tensei-San> also, its bass+lead instrument, no real chords so I can't exactly tell if the progression would work or not <+Tensei-San> anyway, flesh it out and maybe itll turn out nice To-do -- - add percussion - add chord progression - adjust bass volume - adjust rhythm
  2. Happy birthday arek the absolute awesome!
  3. Alright, so this week's show will feature some news from the world of Remixes and Community! We'll be playing cuts from the new Sims 2 Remix Album, as well as taking requests, and talking about events in the community! Don't forget, tomorrow night, 8pm EST in #thasauce on IRC, as well as at UStream.tv! Check the first post for all the details!
  4. You can't fight you can only flee? Okay...and...?
  5. You can thank the writers guild strikes for the lack of good stories. Though sometimes I think the writers are off kilter now and then.
  6. I'm waiting for the day OC Remixes are played on G4 or the GMAs.
  7. I'm still excited for zircon, I mean, it's... HEROES... Millions of people watch it religiously. Think of how many people that's going to reach. Think of how many plays that is for that song. I bet you five bucks there's a DJ out there right now, or MULTIPLE DJs, who heard that track and are probably thinking, "OMG, I want to remix that!". Just sayin'.
  8. NO WAAAAI!!! ELITE MAN, TOTALLY ELITE! I now have a reason to watch Heroes.
  9. Good idea, I just keep forgetting to do that. I think what I need is to find a way to queue things up in seperate programs, and go from there. I'm not really sure how D-Lux set that up for himself, but I'm sure he had it all figured out somehow. Actually, if D-Lux might respond to this thread, or at least PM me with some tips n' tricks n' shiz, that'd be great. I want to keep improving from now until the end o' time.
  10. So, last friday's show will be the last where I simply just shoot from the hip. Starting this friday, I'm going to be focusing in on more news and events, as well as upcoming meet ups and OCR sightings. I'm also looking for someone to work up some kind of banner style image for the show itself, because I plan on putting up a web page for the show itself. So, if anyone's interested in working on that, it would be most welcome. What I'm looking for is an image no wider than 800 pixels, and no taller than 100 to 200 pixels. It doesn't have to be flashy, it can be something simple, but I'd like it to be in ThaSauce colors red and black with some grey thrown in for good measure. Also, I'd like to thank whoever chooses to take up the mantle ahead of time, as your effort, which can't be stated enough, will be much appreciated.
  11. I read this, and broke out into hysterical laughter. Thank you, I so truly needed that. bladiator, congrats man. I'm very happy for you. So, have you told the parents yet?
  12. Have you tried setting it so that you receive those emails? They could be ending up in your junk mail folder.
  13. Thursday, 9pm EST, BE THERE! Epicness will follow!
  14. I'm quite the sinner, I've violated them all to certain degrees. Games I've finished: Mega Man X (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Mega Man 2 Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy X Legend of Zelda Legend of Zelda: LttP Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Sonic Adventure Sonic Adventure 2 Games I haven't finished: ...75% of my library, which covers Wii, 360, DS, PS3, PS2, DreamCast, GBA and Saturn.
  15. Wait, they're "gone" this week? When did this happen? I have admin for Compos, so I'll host it then if they're truly not available.
  16. For real? There's even a trailer attached to this, I found about it on Twitter thanks to genoboost. Anyway... Thoughts on this revelation? Anyone leery about Link not being in the trailer? Or is that really link leading troops? I'm a bit confused. Has Nintendo dropped the ball on this one? Or is this going to be epic?
  17. Well, as of right now, it's not being done using shoutcast, I'm actually using ustream.tv for transmitting the show since StickAM bites. However, once I get my XP box up (and this is one of those long standing projects, mind you) I will hopefully be able to do everything through shoutcast as well, however... I'd prefer to stay with ustream.tv, and I do plan on recording the show as a podcast, along with bloopers and extras and what not. I'm also hopeful to start a few contests and maybe put up some prizes for them, but that's off in the future. The show needs to really take off before we start talking too far ahead. I'd like to be doing this for at least six months before I start talking contests and prizes, though for anyone interested in knowing what I have in mind, I plan for it to be geared toward the community in one form or another. Maybe gift certificates in certain monetary demoninations to zzounds or sweetwater or what not. Or even something for Amazon or some other site. It really depends on the participation of the folks who listen in, as well as those who are skeptical of the show, and haven't bothered tuning in. Anyways, I hope to see more people drop by the show, and give it a listen. The worst thing you can do is nothing. So do something friday nights, listen to Radio ThaSauce Live. You won't regret it.
  18. MWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That's the technoviking! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Only the most awesome of awesome tracks can sync with him. If it doesn't, tis epic fail for that track!
  19. Okay, I've had it with StickAM. From now on, or until it fails and I have no choice but to get a ShoutCast server, we'll be airing the show on UStream.tv. Any questions, just ask. The address is here: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/radio-thasauce-live
  20. That's a good question. I'm not really sure. I know VGM: Very Good Music never had any issues, but then again, it was a small show as well. So I don't really know. If anyone knows, let me know what the limitations are, and we'll go from there. On an unrelated note, I had issues with StickAM last week, and got cut off 3 times. So this week, I'm going to attempt to put together an XP box. As a note, I may be going to Delaware this friday, therefore, if that becomes the case, I'll post in this thread Thursday afternoon. However, I will attempt to take some stuff with and maybe set up shop from Delaware.
  21. Well, despite what you say, other people like Dream Theater, and that's just how it is. The funny thing is, the more you talk trash on them, the more I think you like them Edge. So, there is it.
  22. So, I get the blog on MySpace from Dream Theater, so I get news like the new album a lot. Makes for a happy me. Anyways, their new album, Black Clouds and Silver Linings comes out in June, on the 23rd. Six tracks, which I'm assuming are LONG as hell. So, it should be epic. This release statement is also on their official web site along with the album art. http://www.dreamtheater.net/news_dreamtheater.php#bcsl
  23. So. What can I say about the first issue of Battle for the Cowl that cannot already be said by others. I think it's a work of art, personally. Thinking as long and as hard as they have during the development of this particular event, it's no wonder that the first issue of the series has astounded me. My only suspect hope right now, is that the next two Battle for the Cowl issues are just as awe-inspiring. I believe they will not disappoint me. Not in the least. As a matter of fact, I think it only gets better from here, especially given how the issue itself ends. So, I say to all of you, if you haven't bought this issue, do so now, and pick up the rest of the series, I dare you to. I think it's going to prove to be an epic moment in the history of Batman. It certainly is for me.
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