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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. Ah, then I can't help you there as I've never bought a keyboard or laptop with the kb having a backlight to it... Did you get a mic & headset?
  2. Brb gonna go play sum UFO to clean out my eyes as that amount of butchery to a classic game is just too much...
  3. I said it was the problem, but DS didn't like my answer Just as I have said before and Halt just now, get a real mic headset. The Windows OS will pick it up so no worry about drivers. However do look back at my earlier post about the sound settings just in case. edit: Real men don't need backlight in their keyboards they use a lantern, flashlight in the teeth gritting hard, or the basic desk lap to light their keyboards
  4. - a Megaman 2 ROMHack. - Megaman 3 ROMHack - Megaman 2 ROMHack - Megaman 2 ROMHack - Megaman 5 ROMHack - Megaman 4 ROMHackNone have any vocal commentary to muddle with the game play and they are perfected runs.
  5. Okay something new came out, though maybe most of you have seen them already, Zangiefs to me was hilarious. Edit* No sign of Makoto though...
  6. Oh that's not what I was laughing about and you know it. Seriously though there's nothing wrong with it going multiplatform, in fact it would make business sense to do so. However I just happen to have enough doubt that it would never happen. For whatever reason I can't say, I simply don't see it happening. For some reason to think otherwise makes me laugh; much like a certain group trying to convince others that the world is actually flat. Much like what happened with MGS4, whether it was shit to some or not, a lot of people were looking forward to it and to see it not go multiplatform..? Well if this does get ported then great, if not then yeah nothing much to it.
  7. Alright alright, though I'm surprised he's having problems with it in the first place considering current Windows OS platforms don't usually have such issues with recognizing mics via plug-n-play. What kind of mic set up you using anyways Cerrax? Is it just for Mac use or is it just any regular mic? On windows go to the Control Panel > Sound and audio Devices. From there click on the "audio" tab and you should be able to set your mic as the Sound recorder. Should work right afterwards. If it's application-side what are you using for the mic? For future reference I'd recommend you get the mic/headset variety as you can then set it both as the sound default playback as well as sound recorder as well. This may also apply to Musicat as well. If you're using Windows MSN Live just make sure you have your mic set up as sound recorder. I again recommend you get a mic/headset.
  8. I laughed so hard I scared the cat and a couple of neighbors walking outside. I'll believe it when I see Metal Gear Solid 4 suddenly play on the 360 I'm dead serious that was too rich.
  9. There's your problem buddy! Seriously you may as well get your self a cheap hp laptop and save your self the trouble as well as time. Not to mention I hate Apple products for a variety of reasons
  10. Considering how long the PS2 still chugging by, even with ports, I think the PS3's life-span could very well go just as long.
  11. perhaps it's a case of "lol-squenix"?
  12. That's pretty sweet!
  13. Remind me why again? I'm pretty much looking forward to both actually but never hurts to have another's thoughts on them.
  14. I've noticed Umineko is gaining some popularity.
  15. Funny I was under the impression that it was also the Master Sword but under a different name. Only other time I can think of where the origins had been mentioned was in ALttP; which then allegedly found its first use in OoT What bothers me after ALttP is FSA (Four Sword Adventure)
  16. I'd like confirmation though considering how pervasive the rumor is around my usual places... Nonetheless if not I may get to play it anyways via the same method I got the latest Fatal Frame (JPN copy) game to work on my Wii.
  17. I thought Minish Cap did that already.
  18. Take a look, may interest you.
  19. So yeah as of late I've been getting this message I've not found anything else on the net that confirms this other than it simply being another rumor like that one about "Tales of Vesperia" being ported to the Wii console. Any one able to confirm this? Once again I'm not saying this is fact, but it's what I'm reading and hearing amongst my associates at work during break. edit:: To those that for whatever reason do not understand the comic, basically it's that Tales of Graces will not be seeing a western release; or so allegedly been stated around the net.
  20. Curiously are the 360s region free like the PS3s?
  21. If you want Crossfire Barrage or Frozen Frog from CROWSCLAW's discography, I'll have them up later this afternoon or evening. is a sample from Crossfire Barrage I believe. It's been a while since I've listen to the album. It's lighter than Blacker than Blackest Black, but my god even I couldn't handle that album. Far too metal for even myself, and I love metal In fact I have some recommendations by ~Xion~. I'll post them in the next post Edit* The "Brutal Games for Reminding of Death" album was not too bad, I'd even say their best track from it would be Mimetic Flower though it's perhaps heavier compared to the other tracsk in Crossfire Barrage and Frozen Frog. Crowsclaw is not the only one doing music for the touhou series. Theres dBu, ~xion~, demitori, and a few more; not to mention that's just covering the usual rockers/metal ones. Heck click on Yukari (my current sig) for a rather awesome track.
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