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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. I WAS PERFECTLY HAPPY WITH SIMON BELMONT BEING ABLE TO WHIP IN 8 DIRECTIONS BUT NO THEY GIMPED RICHTER AS WELL AS THE FUTURE DESCENDANTS OF THE BELMONTS. Seriously though going any direction short of "noclipping" through everything is possible in any fps, just is not as needed unless the map/terrain forces it.
  2. So you never had. It's okay if they were before your time. Nonetheless there's no need to be afraid of the mouse and keyboard.
  3. In more ways than one, For goodness sakes, if this chick can play Dead Space on the PC why can't you controller advocates..?
  4. He means the entirety of the websites, nonetheless they work for him now...
  5. You've never touched a Commodore64, the Apple II or even emulators on the PC during the late 90's and early 2000's right?
  6. Man up Go play some Fatal Frame 1/2/3, Silent Hill 1/2/3/maybe 4 even, Resident Evil Remake, Siren (original/remake), Deadspace (impossible mode plasma-cutter/melee only). By then you ought to be desensitized by jump scares. To truly test yourself go play DOOM 3 to make sure as it utilizes that very heavily. If you're super cheap, I can think of some doom mods/wads that use jump scares and do so effectively. Also GS, please post as if you're not some poorly programmed botspammer.
  7. Looks like recently that there may be a chance that Australian gamers will finally see a R18+ rating. http://www.ag.gov.au/gamesclassification
  8. Both Destructoid and Japanator load up just fine for me. Never been to Japanator before either, looks interesting...
  9. This would be one of those cases where you'd fail horrendously if you actually tried to use the game as an interactive version of Cliffsnotes. On another note lets take a look at what is to be faced...
  10. Considering how often Europeans get shafted out of a lot of things when it comes to games, I'll say it's fair for now. Besides as far as the article goes, that's the only extra thing they added within the "Death Edition" of DI; other then that it's the same as the Divine Edition.
  11. As far as what the demo gave away, the game is "loosely based" around Dante Alighieri's works, nonetheless this Dante will go through all 9 Circles of Hell; I don't see why they wouldn't utilize certain sections that are within the Seventh Circle (Violence), the Eight Circle (Fraud) and the Ninth Circle (Treason)... *Edit To those that choose to look for demo gameplay/entire demo gameplaythrough etcetera on youtube, it's NSFW due to partial nudity. Be aware of it... Seriously people need to get over seeing breasts, nonetheless I have no doubt people will complain regardless.
  12. So upon noticing its demo on the PSN I decided to try it out. So far I actually liked Dante's Inferno Art's pretty good and the animated bits reminded me of Metalocalypse but more importantly the gameplay, while may just be a rip off of Devil May Cry/God of War, is still quite entertaining. I will say there are some quick time events such as gaining control of one of the huge monstrosities that come in, but right after that I can pretty much trounce anything seemingly; though I would miss out gaining points to help improve either the scythe or the cross as far as I see. More of an opportunity to up the difficulty the way I see it. Overall, perhaps the balance between quicktime events and actual gameplay will be good this time around for those that rage about them. Another thing I do find interesting though are the Divine and Death Editions of the game... Curiously why is the death edition only available in Europe, not only that, why add in a new player costume for Isaac from Dead Space of all games..? Perhaps it's just that it's an EA published game but still...
  13. I want to punch people in the face when they try to make the arguement, "OH BUT RESIDENT EVIL 4/5 AND DEADSPACE ARE FPSs AND THEY'RE BEST WITH CONTROLLERS!". They are not fps... they are OTSS (over the shoulder shooters) and they are actually best with a pc-gamepad/console controller. As for Fallout3, I actually prefer the KB+M; though I guess I'm of the few that actually took the time to map out the keys comfortably.
  14. The keyboard/mouse combo practically provides perfect accuracy and speed. A console controller/pc gamepad simply can not compare for FPSs.
  15. Don't misunderstand, I was wondering what it would be like to actually have the chance to create a boss character for the game. I never actually said players/fans were given the chance to create a boss character. Yeah I recall Knightman had actually been a player-created boss... I envy the developers that's for sure. I look at it this way, I probably could have pulled out something like this~ and then facepalm thinking how bad it could possibly be if I did it drunk.
  16. Hmm... The chance to create your own boss character...
  17. This is the first I've heard of the ugly pink console. but take a look at this...
  18. Axl: OH GOD SOMETHINGS UNDER MY SKIN GET IT OUT GET IT OUT! Zero: Alright alright, X how's the "tweezer mode"? X: What twe... OH THAT, yeah I suppose there's a first time for everything right? Don't worry Axl everything will be just fine. Zero: That's right buddy, now hold still while your good ole buddy X get that sliver out. Axl: Why is that emitting energy? Uh no wait get back ge OH GOD MY LEFT EYE!
  19. No special weapons, no energy tanks, OHID, hopping/jumping only, final destination go!
  20. But think of Sigma! The poor bastard is barely thinking by the time X6 rolls around.
  21. It really does sound as if it should have been used as the of the game.
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