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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. At the time I've only bought Valkyrie Chronicles well as Silent Hill: Homecoming but didn't have the console. Even now on a slightly different note, I'm contemplating whether I should wait to get a PSP3k/PSP Go to try out the Persona "Revelations" remake or get one now... I've also heard about the Persona 3 Redux for the PSP which while adds a female protagonist this time around but leaves out "The Answer"; I'm not really sure how to respond to that. More interested in seeing the god damn remake of Persona "Revelations". In fact I got Persona 2: Innocent Sin (which had never been released in the US) with an English patch all ready to play as soon as I complete Persona "Revelations"...
  2. It was a bitch finding it too consider how many joke trailers and videos related to "The Last Airbender" there are. Nonetheless there's is nothing, that I know, that it tied to it except for perhaps plot that I've seen before. Other then that it's completely fresh so to speak...
  3. How the hell did you get that? Nonetheless I had envisioned new sprite art for the characters. It looks like fun so good luck on getting the mixers' aid~! Felt it was necessary...
  4. If this is the case I would have imagined they would have ruined Star Wars. Then again Lucas has already beaten them to the punch. I fucking hate apple's mediaplayer so here's a youtube version for anyone else. I would dare to say the natives are more farther away from the "furry" territory. Then again I've heard others call cat-girls (like Felicia) and characters like Midna (a god damn imp) a furry... I suppose it depends how far you're willing to stray from humanoid form to bestial/alien/mythical form...
  5. http://kotaku.com/5340085/ps3-slims-pics-and-specs/gallery/ In the end, I'm thinking I'll stick with my older 80GB PS3 model... I actually like having touch sensitive buttons, feels "futuristic". Not to mention it's grown on me.
  6. Actually works been swamping me as of late, not to mention real life priorities come first.
  7. um.... yeah...
  8. NOW I KNOW WHERE YOU LIIIIIIIVVVVVEEEEE >:J In any rate ya need some one from the board to send out a parcel of it? I'm sure you can order some from Amazon if it comes to that.
  9. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=2401305&st=compressed+air&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1051384115313 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16882889003. http://www.officedepot.com/catalog/search.do;jsessionid=0000cpqtqgUBvsLD67iUZ6a49on:13ddq0tfm?fkey=null&Ntt=compressed+air I'm sure walmart/kmart bound to have something in their electronics departments
  10. Hey proph, what is your opinion on the frequency using those compressed air canisters to clear out the dust? I can only imagine how well a PC perpetually active for 3 years with all that dust caked on would perform...
  11. Wait what...? I thought I just saw some "skynet" ships I remember in T2...
  12. I could probably find it... Give me a couple of days... Always did find some goodies along the way on the hunt. Edit: Will you can just check the comments and they can direct you to where it can be found, however if you prefer I can get something together instead.
  13. What ever happened to audio recording?
  14. Curiously is there any way to refute times report..? I don't doubt Shnabubula and find times reporting absolutely bullshit on making such false statements but what about others who are ignorant of him..? Any recordings or a verbatim of the interview (audio/stenographer on duty)?
  15. That sucks. Nice to know Time magazine likes to bullshit on their reports/articles these days... One less rag to look at imo.
  16. Well in other news I'm currently working on a theme for the PS3. Got quite a few other themes done in between whatever spare time I manage to get as well
  17. If ya want, I've heard that intec optic cables for the PS3 are pretty good for $15. I think you can find them on Amazon if you can't find them in retail. basic Composite Cables as well as HDMI cables are pretty sweet as well.
  18. I'd say give the cheaper ones a try unless you've heard some reliable sources that have horror stories of them frying shit. Heck I got the Nyko USB Hub for $14.99. BEST ADDON INVESTMENT FOR MY PS3 EVAR as it adds 3 more usb ports and a card reader. :3 However this is for the older 80/40/60gb models. Not sure if u can put it on the slim and it would respond normally. Edit* for those that get it, make sure u have the correct plastic piece in place and once you've slotted it in the left usb port, really push the module up so that you'll hear a "snap"; it means it's secure and not lurching downward where it could get pulled out much too easily.
  19. Considering it's by mad catz and they are the same guys that made those fight stick console/pads, I don't see why they would break any easier than a regular PS3 controller. My only complaint with the cheap mad catz ps3 is that the analog sticks feel... slippery?; especially if you're prone to have sweaty/greasy hands/thumbs. Other then that they're just as good as the official PS3 controllers. Oh yeah they also charge an extra $19.99 just for a different colored controller... Hope they prefer good ole black. >:L
  20. It's not that difficult to find, as the real difficulty comes around when others harp on you on the ethics of obtaining a "downloadable" copy of the soundtrack and having to ignore them with gusto.
  21. Just get the mad catz basic controller for the PS3 for $19.99
  22. Gave me a couple of chuckles but it also gave voice to why I can still listen to SH2's soundtrack on loop for the past eight years; and never get tired of it... Memories of playing it and finding the different endings continue to be an incredible experience. Much like T2:JD in a way...
  23. Engadget says otherwise unless you got a much better/reliable source of info...
  24. Unless you've had hiccups (recently discovered my old modem on performance bit the dust and I'll have to replace it while it's still hobbling along with shit speed) and at least on DSL (at most using Cable connection) you should be fine.
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