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Everything posted by Schwaltzvald

  1. ALRIGHT LISTEN UP FELLOW OCR MEMBERS I quit being lazy around last night and got it ready. Here is Hyadain's music set I must say though I think it's missing maybe one or two songs from the original set I've put up last year but if you already have it then don't be worried. Enjoy~! The set should have all the songs mentioned; Ganbare Goemon (rather awesome), World Warrior as well as the others are there.
  2. Not promising but give me by next week monday or something...
  3. Is it just me or does youtube unintentionally break pages..? I just tried looking at the vid AF linked up there^ and it was stuck on perpetual loading. I've refreshed my browser and even cleared my cache thinking it would help...
  4. Want me to try hunting them down like I did with the earlier ones..? I'll admit I'm still on my touhou shtick as I found a little under 500GBs of every possible touhou doujin album and I'm still finding newer ones to add to my collection. But I'll try nonetheless Edit* Unrelated but what the hell... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KMWo9I1SCQ
  5. One of the few that's actually worth it though imo... Unless of course a weak or none-existent community forms instead of at least a decent one...
  6. This Dick Sprang
  7. That's the thing though about her, make one or two mistakes, and chances are you'll be crushed when using her. Being able to control the wind itself is a blessing in her case considering it can enable her to escape many dangerous situations. Then again even with it, it never guarantee's safety or victory... Would it be fair to compare her to say.. Akuma/Gouki..? Edit* But I suppose it beats (god I wish I could make a gif of that, too fucking funny)
  8. I was wondering what the hell you were trying to do! I was getting way too into it that I missed such awesome opportunities to slap you around with George and finishing off with baden-baden-lily but NOOOoooo either the lag that was occuring or my own hesitation waiting for the lag to register 5 seconds from the past to show me if I hit or not. I also like how one can cancel out another's distortion drive attack if done in time. Also learned that Rachel's lighting rod pods can shatter Jin's ice projectiles; never noticed it in arcade mode but did in our match.
  9. So just yesterday I managed to get to play with someone on OCR (or was it his brother?) and I'd have to say I thought I did well considering the connection was choppy for me at best. Sure I lost but it felt different from a regular loss. He didn't hold up well with my simple combos but soon as I hesitated/lagged I was fucked. Still learning though and I hope to face him/her? again.
  10. http://coldhardflash.com/2008/09/superjail-super-interview.html
  11. For a BR ripoff it does it a hell of a lot better but perhaps I'm biased... Aside from the classic Airman (he's not impossible but it's a fun joke to say he is) option and maybe Quickman (with only buster), I can't really think of ONE classic megaman boss being impossibly difficult.
  12. So basically something like , or items such as this terrify you..?Or is it really just a fear of the unknown..? back on topic, I'm attempting a "no-bombing" run. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffff
  13. Oh please the all time hardest boss would be one you give resistance to. Well lately I've been doing some "no-bomb" runs and is not being very cooperative at all... motherfucking swirling swastikas keep fucking me up. (or manji if you want to be pc) edit: I've played earthbound and honestly the final form did shock me the first time but not terrify me. More like a "well shit..." moment when I got to him.
  14. I like to add that people seem to forget that, not including Tager, you can double jump; and in Rachael's case her Drive Silpheed can act as a third jump for her as well as a launcher. edit: I also say you lie neb
  15. practically requires the extra "sound effects" to make it seemed more visceral; starts at 0:15
  16. When you get to where you find your self getting pissed off or bored just seeing Jin all the time and seemingly following a flowchart that arguably works no matter how annoying or "cheap it seems... You'll care alright, you will care Personally though I'm having some good fun with Rachel along with Tager; but god damn Tager is probably the "chunkiest" fighter I've ever used and feels like it too...
  17. Jin's the Ken of BB online last I've heard, as well as Noel being quite popular. Also to those that have been playing online either on the PS3/360 Any one been seeing this flowchart for Arakune in gameplay lately..?
  18. Really? It felt the same to me, just a graphical overhaul and the option to save in the middle of the game where as the originals didn't have that. However one ought not to ever need to save in the classic games
  19. You already got me Jam, my copy's suppose to come in by tomorrow
  20. http://www.joystiq.com/2009/02/18/ea-announces-dead-space-extraction-for-wii-coming-this-fall/ http://www.joystiq.com/2009/06/03/hands-on-dead-space-extraction/ From what I've read elsewhere, it's supposedly "on-rails" that some how keeps from being exactly the same as other on-rails... so yeah... :L
  21. What's wrong? Too JAPANESE for you..?
  22. It seems to be coming out eventually for the Wii this time around. Seems more like an expansion rather than DP2. Nonetheless it looks very very promising.
  23. How about sheet music displayed via youtube while it plays the music..?
  24. Considering the creators couldn't hold their rights on GG from Sega. I'd say that's a good way to start up a new series. Maybe later on if this title goes well, we'll see newer iterations or just extra content over time. Shouldn't be too hard to add more characters, stages ect later on and charge something like $15 on PSN. Heck they got a couple of recent tekken games available entirely on PSN as complete games... edit* hey you, yes you did you check your messages?
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