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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Opens with the sound of the waves and some relaxing vibes. I liked the backing pattern of the source tune functioning as the ever-present base of the arrangement as well until 1:32. Not sure of the role of the tension until 1:56 (until I read the submission comments), but it certainly sounds well-done. The mixing's arguably too muddy, but it feels potentially intentional. :-D Hey, the soundscape's part of the overall mood and nothing's difficult to make out, so count me in on both the arrangement and production sides. Good work, Chrom! YES
  2. The bassline's mixed in a way where it's present, but sounds indistinct; it should have cut through more. Drum and bass with no bass. :-P Piano at :57 was very fakey, but it's alright for the style even if it's not my cup of tea. I dug the string writing at 1:19; cool approach to the chorus that I'd never heard before in an arrangement, ever. Wasn't liking how loud the drums at from 1:44-2:06 were, but they didn't last too long. 2:18's section was empty, but it does provide textural contrast. The glitchy sounds though were cool and added nice tension up to 2:57. Lots of creative textural changes throughout that kept the presentation interesting. The electric guitar chugs needed more body to them, but I'll live; gave some Duke Nukem 3D vibes. Not gonna play by play the rest, but sufficed to say, I dig cinematic strings, and I had mixing nitpicks come back for the end with the drums I wasn't digging. Love the sudden finish too, that'll catch people off guard the first time around. Nitpicks aside, Ben, super creative arrangement with tons of personality. YES
  3. I'm new to this one, so I'm coming in fresh. Something about this mixing feels lossy-sounding, and the groove at :13 feels static, despite the energy of the other writing. The bassline's that opened the track is decent, but over time feels like a boring loop that could use further variations well before 1:49 (writing and/or sonic) to not sound so static. Around 1:13-1:15, 1:33-1:35, I feel like the timing of the groove is slightly warping somehow (like :05 of this Blanka theme), so it subtly feels like it's slowing down, then speeding up to catch up; it could just be the timing playing tricks on me. Groove changed at 1:49 and the core drums that are on the beat sound tepid. The clap groove at 2:31 was underwhelming and undermining the energy, so I was glad that went away at 2:58. Ending will have to be fixed, since the track just cuts out abruptly. It'll come off like I hated the track and think it's hopeless; there's many positives with the overall treatment, Sekky, as it definitely stands apart from the original, and the effort's there to have the textures evolve, even if they still feel too vanilla to me. Something about the percussion at the foundation of this feels flat and plodding, that's the main hangup. If this passes as is, it's a case where there's some drawbacks but it's solid enough. To me, it feels like it's 65% of the way there; many of the sounds are fine, but the ones I pointed out could use more sophistication. Though I haven't listened to the previous versions, from reading the judges past votes, it seems like you're moving things along well and have made meaningful strides, so I hope you'll remain dedicated to improving this if it doesn't pass as is. NO (resubmit)
  4. Love the potential of arranging a Genesis theme like this one, which sounds so skeletal. It's being beefed up and fleshed out with richer sounds and lusher textures. Wonderful sonic expansion. Right at 2:28 when I was hoping we'd get something fresh on the next iteration of the verse, MkVaff changed up the leads and got more aggressive with the sound for some nice contrast. Good thinning out of the textures at 3:47 to wind it down. Do Defender of the Future next, Mike; need some Tim Follin love! YES
  5. It becomes more of a moot point at :28 when more elements come in, but there's obvious hiss on headphones when listening to this new version compared to the old one. I hear it as well around 2:14 when things are quieter. One of those issues where it doesn't matter much in the big picture, but you should be aware of it in case it can be addressed.
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  8. Yeah, it’s a perfectly fine cover-style mashup but it’s underdeveloped for our arrangement standards. The groove just coasts, and like proph said, there’s not much here that’s not just covered from the original themes. It needs to be further personalized/arranged in some varied ways to better stand apart from the original themes, so further melodic variations, rhythm or tempo changes, or other dynamic contrast would help. Not a bad base, just would need to do more for the arrangement standards here. NO
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  10. The overall sound felt somewhat washed out and imbalanced, but it's not a dealbreaker, especially when contrasted to the spirited arrangement. I liked the lil' nods to "Fighting in the Street" at the very beginning at :12 & :16. Around 1:55, I was looking for something different in the treatment, hoping there wouldn't be a huge cut-and-paste, but thankfully it didn't wind up that way after 2:11. Love the grimy energy here, just like prophetik did! :-) YES
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  14. This would sound perfect in a rhythm game. Definitely dug the melodic variations here, which kept going and going, feeling like a gradual but noticeable build in complexity for the writing. Fun theme by Andrew given a more futuristic inspiration by Brad! YES
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  18. Hello OCR, Here is Flake's and my submission to the upcoming Iwata Album. ReMix: Think on Your Feet Source: Title Screen, Menu, Ranking Your ReMixer name: TSori Your real name: Your email address: Your website: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trumpetsori Your userid: 2960 Credits: Arrangement, Flake, TSori Mixing: PocketCrow Mastering: Zack Parrish Piano: zmand97 Drumset: Andrew Gossett Aux. Percussion: Sean Hanson Violins: KestrelGirl, ViolinGamer, optimizasean Violas: AnimeVivi, KestrelGirl Cellos: Chromatic Apparatus Guitar: Kalen Scott Thomas Bass: Myuik Saxophones: iCrescendo Trombone: Flake Trumpets: TSori Of the above, all have artist profiles expect for: ReMixer name: Kalen Scott Thomas real name: Kalen Scott Thomas Email: n/a Website: youtube.com/@kalen_st ReMixer name: iCrescendo real name: Marijn Bov Email: n/a Website: ReMixer name: AnimeVivi real name: Joe Chen Email: n/a Website: www.youtube.com/user/animevivi/ userid: n/a ReMixer name: optimizasean real name: Sean Harding Email: n/a Website: https://linktr.ee/optimizasean userid: 39020 ReMixer name: Andrew Gossett real name: Andrew Gossett Email: n/a Website: www.youtube.com/@thebasoonist7513 userid: n/a ReMixer name: zmand97 real name: Zack Dornfield Email: zmand97@gmail.com Website: www.youtube.com/channel/UCRXo75RFCqXOURaVUNIGH2g userid: n/a ReMixer name: PocketCrow real name: Benjamin Email: n/a Website: songwhip.com/pocketcrow userid: n/a Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Brain Age Name of arrangement: "Think on Your feet " Name of individual song(s) arranged : "Title", "Menu", "Ranking" Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): see above Source Breakdown Remix. |. (Source) 0:00 - 0:15. (Original) 0:15-1:25 ( Menu 0:00- 0:22) 1:25-1:41. (Ranking 0:02-0:24, Menu 0:00-0:22) 1:41-2:02. (Original) 2:02-2:19. (Title 0:06-0:27) 2:19-2:51 ( Menu 0:00- 0:22) 2:51-3:09. (Ranking 0:02-0:24) Original: 0:36 Source: 2:33 81% source Commments Flake just sent me some comments he would like to include in our submission: > I had never co-arranged a ReMix project before, so when TSori reached out to me to work on arranging a track together I was eager to accept this opportunity to try out this approach. He had chosen a music style I was not familiar with, and I had never played the Brain Age games, so gathering inspiration from the various reference tracks he had at his disposal and working with him to combine it with the quirky source material was both a fun and challenging new experience. We each brought our own ideas to the table, and kept feeding off each other to create new ones together. Out of our back and forth collaboration we created what I believe is a truly unique arrangement that would not have been possible for either of us to do alone, and the performers took it one step further and really gave the track its own life.> TSori: Initially I had guessed there wouldn't be any requests for a trumpet collab on this album, so I thought I had better claim a track if I wanted to do more than direct it. Brain Age was a game I remember spending a lot time, with so, I thought I'd give that a try. Because the Brain Age sources don't have much in the way of melody it seemed like a good idea good to arrange it in a more rhythmically-driven style. I was an avid locker (funkstyle street dance) when I was at university, so I patterned the arrangement after the kind of music I danced to then. It turned out I couldn't have been more wrong about how many collab requests I'd get. Combine that with work, and pretty soon, I was swamped with neither the time nor creative bandwidth to finish the arrangement I started. I reached out to Flake who I had collaborated with several times before and know to be basically boundlessly creative. Thankfully, he was available and interested. So I sent him what I had started writing out, and talked him through what I was going for. He framed out the other 70% or so of the track right away and we started trading a draft arrangement back and forth, building on each other's ideas tii we had a full score. This was a truly collaborative arrangement. In fact our "complete" score had only placeholders for all of the percussion, guitar and bass. Sean Hanson, Andrew, Kalen, and Myuik essentially wrote their own parts in the track in addition to providing superb performances. I always try to do as much of a track as possible with live performers, and for this genre I think it was essential. That meant it was going to be a very big collab. There are a lot of familiar names from my previous OCR outings, and several new ones. They all turned in stellar performances on what is, at points, a deceptively tricky arrangement to perform. Some of those string licks are quite tough, but KestrelGirl, Anime Vivi, ViolinGamer, optimizasean, and ChromaticApparatus delivered great performances. PocketCrow answered the call for mixing, and though I had never worked with him before, he impressed the heck out of me with the quality of his work and his understanding of how to balance the ensemble. Zmand97 and iCrescendo, on piano and saxes, respectively, carried almost all of the source melody throughout the track. Their performances are the core of the ReMix and they both gave the track exactly what it needed to both be a familiar BrainAge tune as well as something new. Flake and I rounded out the ensemble as the brass section, with Flake putting his Trombone skills on display, and me getting an excuse to dust off my old lead jazz mouthpiece and put it to use again. This is the album version of the track so we owe our thanks for mastering this track and the album as a whole to Zack Parrish Hope you all enjoy "Think on Your Feet"!
  19. Your ReMixer name: ThePlasmas Your real name: Mauricio Castro Your email address: Your website(s): https://linktr.ee/theplasmasvgm Your userid: 30081 Name of game(s) arranged: Perfect Dark Name of arrangement: Datadyne Global HQ Name of individual song(s) arranged: Datadyne Central: Defection Additional information about the game: Graeme Norgate, N64. Link to the original soundtrack: Your own comments about the mix: I loved GoldenEye 64 so much that I really wanted a sequel. However, when the 007 franchise was taken by another studio, and then RARE announced the beginning of a new franchise called "Perfect Dark," I just couldn't let it pass. I almost begged my mom to buy it. She liked the design of the protagonist and watched me play the game every chance she could. This song was recorded to participate in the "Summer of 64" event produced by GameGrooves, available here: https://theplasmasvgm.bandcamp.com/album/64-ways-to-die
  20. RebeccaETripp Rebecca Tripp https://www.youtube.com/@RebeccaETripp/videos ID: 48262 Game(s): Ocarina of Time, Twilight Princess, Oracle of Ages, Skyward Sword Song Title: Legendary Depths Songs Remixed: Serenade of Water/Queen Rutela (OoT and TP), Exploring the Sea (OoA), Water Temple (OoT), Ancient Cistern (SS), Lakebed Temple (TP), Ice Cavern (OoT) Here’s a link: The oboe and english horn were performed by Medlix, the flute and piccolo by Gamer of the Winds, and the ocarina by Steven Higbee! This song is the first third of a much longer water medley I composed for youtube. This is sort of a fun submission for me because this part of the medley coincidentally comprises of three different themes I once submitted to you guys a long time ago that got rejected.
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