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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Apex 2016 June 17-19, 2016 Somerset, NJ - Garden State Convention Center apex-series.com OverClocked ReMix is excited to announce that we'll be returning to the premier Super Smash Bros. tournament event with Apex 2016! As in years past, we've also been tapped to do the official album, and we'll be releasing Apex 2016: I Got Next to help kick off the event! Apex 2016 will feature players from all over the world coming together to compete in the Super Smash Bros. series, Street Fighter V, Pokkén Tournament, Killer Instinct and other amazing fighting games. We'll be hanging out all weekend at our merchandise table, selling t-shifts, swag, and albums. Attending: Arrow DarkeSword DragonAvenger Level 99 Neblix OA zircon
  2. We be live! http://ocremix.org/info/Apex_2016:_I_Got_Next
  3. More about Apex Series! http://apex-series.com Download it! http://apex.ocremix.org Torrent! http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Apex_2016:_I_Got_Next.torrent
  4. I get the sense that you like reacting indignantly to things whenever possible. Perhaps start a YouTube channel. Well, I'm using Chrome + Windows 7 on my work computer and it works just fine for me. Is it possible there's some sort of browser add-on that could be interfering? I have Ghostery and AdBlock Plus added onto both Chrome and Firefox without issues. Here's what I have for my tests so far: Works: Chrome + Win10, Chrome + Win7, Firefox + Win7, IE11 + Win7 Doesn't Work: (awaiting examples) I did initially have a case where Firefox + Win7 wasn't working for some reason, but when I loaded another ReMix page, the orange buttons started working from that point on (including on the page where it initially didn't work). So there could be something up, but I'm not able to replicate it. Would love for other users to also try this and report back.
  5. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  6. Anything with good use of Mario 1's Bullet Bill SFX is an automatic YES. It sounds silly, but keeping the Mario 1 & 3 SFX exclusive to their respective sections of the track was a nice move! Ending the track with the "So long-a, Bowser!" was n00bishly cringeworthy. Good straightforward stuff!
  7. Based on YouTube (and the videos matching the length of the official soundtrack), you don't appear to be accurate. "Clockwork Mansion" is an arrangement of Super Castlevania IV's "Rotating Room," which makes sense given the similar meaning of those song titles.
  8. Rather than post something douchy and antagonistic like that, why don't you detail the problem? What's your browser and OS? I say that, because in Chrome + Windows 10, the buttons work. They've "always" worked, even. So let's get some more specifics about where and when they don't work in your case.
  9. What browser? I'm seeing the same thing in Chrome.
  10. The panning was arguably too wide, and I thought the chip leads had a strange balance where the frequencies they were in were somewhat piercing, yet they were also too quiet relative to the supporting instrumentation. Otherwise though, this was excellently arranged, and I'm OK with the mixing. Didn't hear the first version, but nothing's holding this back now. Nice energy, Jorrith and Erik, and nice work! YES
  11. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  12. @BardicKnowledge Would you (or anyone else here) be willing to create a stub Wikipedia page and/or link articles/interviews that could be used to source that article?
  13. S'OK, we're not inherently against using pre-made loops/breaks/fills, BUT... I take back every nice thing I've ever said about you.
  14. Opened up with an original electronic groove that doesn't connect to the theme, so we'll see where it comes in. The swell at :29 seemed to reveal that the soundscape lacked clarity, since everything had a muddy, lo-fi feel and not just a purposeful wet soundscape. The lead at :37 was too quiet, so we'll see what happens as things continue to build. Yeah... as I suspected from listening, the parts aren't balanced, so you have a lot of supporting elements sounding louder than the Chrono Trigger theme. Whatever sweeping sound was first used at 1:29 was abrasive and just sounded like some sort of persistent rendering error; why did that keep going all the way until 1:56. That electrosynth fading in around 2:18 was pretty generic, which was more obvious when it took over as lead at 2:30. Nothing but mud at 3:19's section, with the splashy cymbals in particular sounding extra sizzly; wow, you've gotta tone this stuff down so everything's not so sizzling and abrasive all the way until 4:18. By 4:18, I felt the piece had overstayed its welcome; there were some new ideas briefly explored with some of the vocal sampling, but then it just went back to the CT main theme and that weird sweeping sound for the final section. I sound very critical, but this was a good start so far, Matthew. I'm not a musician, so I can't drill down on suggested production improvements like the others thankfully have, but definitely take their advice to help add clarity and restraint to your sounds. The arrangement's not bad, but once you hit that initial buildup and go to the theme, the dynamic contrast and evolution of ideas throughout the rest of the track was limited; you can afford to get more interpretive and varied with the adaptation of this theme to a club-style arrangement, especially if you're going 6 minutes. NO
  15. I'm taking a different tack, because while the production criticisms from Gario and NutS are all fine, and I can't/won't disagree since that's above my pay grade, I just felt a decent portion of the execution was underwhelming. From :44-1:02, 1:20-1:46, 2:23-2:56, the snare drum/kick writing was vanilla and bland, despite some fills and spices; there's something about the tone of it that doesn't lend any energy to the piece. Also, the kick was (arguably) too loud relative to the lead guitars while the other supporting writing was too quiet & obscured (in a track that's already mixed too low). The arrangement and mixing were going well in the right direction, Trey, so I don't mean to imply the track's poor. But the drum writing in particular undermines the piece too much, IMO. NO (resubmit)
  16. I disagreed with this, so I wanted to chime in given the markedly different opinions on source usage. To me, the parts of the track that didn't explicitly use the melody merely had a similar/inspired by feel to the source composition, but weren't overtly arranged from any of those parts. I'm always willing to be shown when I'm wrong, but I know the theme well and agreed with Gario's breakdown. The other sections flowed very naturally, but aren't directly arranging "Aquatic Ambiance." I agreed with the others on too many elements coasting, but the overall change in the mood of the song and the subtle textural changes personalized the approach well. IMO, this would just need more usage of the source tune throughout the track (it can be writing that's not the source's melody) in a way that was creative and not too repetitive. Cool stuff, Darrell, I hope we hear more submissions from you, because your style is smooth, and the track's solidly produced. NO (resubmit)
  17. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  18. No plans for that, especially with a dynamic system where we probably won't tag everything fully/100% correctly. For now, you can't click on anything. That will be added later by djp, though we need to get more of the tagging work done as well so that it's more comprehensive.
  19. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  20. The mockups for Bitmap Books' new NES visual compendium look amazing. Already backed it! It's over on July 1st, so get in there! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2146199819/nintendo-entertainment-system-famicom-a-visual-com
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