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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Opened up in a tepid way, but we'll see where it goes. The texture at :33 felt empty despite the bass having big presense, potentially because the lead isn't upfront at all and the clap groove feels vanilla. Structurally, I wish there was more going on with some melodic interpretation. More variation with the beats would help as well; Both 1:24 and 1:32 were opportunities to transition to something else with that groove and vary it up, and when it didn't happen, the overall energy of the track dragged on and felt repetitive. Writing-wise, this needs more dynamic contrast and variation before the dropoff at 2:19. I liked the closing section though at 2:19, which had a cool, bubbly finish. This feels like a WIP that's 70% there. It's a solid start, but this needs more substance, variation, and personalization. That said, Y-Blade's absolutely capable of getting it there. NO (resubmit)
  2. I didn't have anything to add on what Sir_NutS said. I'm very familiar with this theme, and he's right that there were no changes to the structure or tempo, and the tone is basically the same as the original with an upgraded palette of sounds. There's also little in the way of variation. I didn't have any meaningful issues with the production and mixing; NutS is right that the beats and bass lacked presence, but it's not as if those issues would have held back an otherwise strong & creative arrangement, so it wasn't a big deal to me. It's an excellent cover, but it's not interpretive enough for the standards here. Cool stuff, Fredrik; if you have something more interpretive and varied to submit, definitely send it our way. NO
  3. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  4. OC ReMix* http://ocremix.org* Yeah, that would fulfill the credit we need, as mentioned in the FAQ. Go for it, and thanks for thinking of the community's music for your videos!
  5. Gimme something postable on this. Love "Grandma"
  6. This initially felt somewhat texturally empty, but once I paid closer attention, things are adequately filled out. I wish the lead guitar work were more upfront, and wanted the bass to sound sharper as well, but it's all more of a personal taste thing. Nice work changing the time signature (don't ask me what that is :-D), and the excellence of the drum writing was an understated plus here. It definitely is a meat-and-potatoes arrangement as far as retaining the structure of the source tune, but it personalized the adaptation enough IMO, with a solid rock adaptation that later brought in the chip leads for a nice change of pace, and featured lots of strong original writing addition like the energetic percussion and bass writing. Nice work, Eino! YES
  7. Apologies for the lack of QA that apparently transpires in OCR staff in general. We'll get that fixed soon!
  8. That's a rather crude way to describe a track. :-\
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. To my knowledge, you don't. We currently don't have anything like that. But if you mean artist profiles (e.g. http://ocremix.org/artist/4803/the-oneups), that would entail getting a mix by the group posted to OCR.
  11. Had it. Loved it. Nice rhythmic changes, and like Emu mentioned, keeping the chord progression from the original was mission critical to keeping the piece grounded in the source as you ventured off into liberal territory with the melody. Purty. Let's go. YES
  12. DaMonz, Sir_NutS, and Gario! We also have a NEW Workshop evaluator, Amphibious, giving WIP feedback & advice! As I like to say, welcome them aboard, and/or express your anger and skepticism!
  13. Without being prompted, I actually received a PM on March 12th from Air3s that he has a forthcoming update to this track. He's dealing with some frequency issues, so he told me on the 18th to hold up on dealing with the revised version, BUT it had some updates to leads and textures that I think might put it over the top. Also, the cutoff ending was a rendering error that he corrected. Rather than reject, I'll keep this open as he says he plans to have that update by Sunday. -------------------- https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzZ-TkKWy5oLZXBkc094V0tsVkE/view?usp=sharing ------------------------------------------------ EDIT (4/19): Sorry to Air3s for slacking on providing this update to the panel. New dad/baybeh times let this get away from me. That said, it was nice to get an update on this without any prompting, so I like that Adeseye had an open mind to go back to this one long after he subbed it. The structure is mostly the same, but there's: * compression reduced * some minor instrumentation changes * a little more dynamic contrast with the textural dropoffs * a little more ear candy (e.g. 1:45, 3:07) * pair of click/pops removed (1:43 & 3:20) * proper ending included (4:22; cutoff was a rendering error last time) There's some ducking at 1:29 during the fullest section of beats that Air3s was aware of and tried to mitigate, where it sounds like other parts drop in volume as the beats hit, but it didn't bother me enough. Everything I liked about the arrangement and subtle morphing of the track is intact, so I retain my (currently sole) YES and hope others reconsider their vote.
  14. Good stuff per Brandon's usual. The piano sample needed more body and humanization to it, but it wasn't a huge deal. Love the textures here, and the electric guitar soloing, while performed with some perceived stiffness at times, filled a nice role here. Sweet resolution at 3:51 as well. Relaxing adaptation, cleanly mixed with every part able to be appreciated, and nicely executed! YES
  15. The answer is likely no on takedowns OR having an explicit policy, but that said, don't monetize them. You can find plenty of YouTube arrangements of Atlus game soundtracks, so I'm not sure what you're worried about. Just do it.
  16. Well, it's a tough break that the melody's obscured as the notes transition at 1:40 and 1:48 due to fading that lead in and out. That wouldn't change anything for me, but you have a point that it may just be the chords. I'll just say that not counting the transposed chords in the mix is, in effect, punishing the arrangement for the source tune's opening being simple, which doesn't make sense for me. OK, so instead of B-C, it's E-F, plus there's no credit given to the timing of it also matching the source, which is pretty important. He's still explicitly referencing it, and that's what counts.
  17. Your ReMixer name: SlimyEmail:Website: https://soundcloud.com/slimy-4User ID: 30104Submission Information:Game: Double DragonName of Arrangement: Game Like It's 1988Name of Songs Arranged: Title Theme, Mission ScreenLinks to Originals:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M77093Txe-c&list=PL918478793D2E4C44&index=1https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5XAvPSS9nTQ&list=PL918478793D2E4C44&index=2Comments: "Make a Double Dragon remix and avoid the horrendous waiting period for judging? I'll make one in five minutes." Thus motivated by greed, I scoured YouTube for the perfect track for remixing. After many hours of searching, I found the one - the first one I had come across, to be precise."Maybe the intro of the song would sound good on vibes or something," and suddenly, 37 seconds of the remix were finished. So far, so good. Then I was faced with the prospect of writing more than 37 seconds of music.Out of sheer desperation, I decided to just copy the chord progression from Raiden II and butcher the source melody so that it could fit over the new chords. An 80's vibe loomed threateningly overhead.After a whole 30 seconds I arbitrarily decided to shoehorn in the mission select theme as a completely different style because "it would sound cool." The song sort of wrote itself after that.____The pulse wave at 1:09 is meant to sound similar to the 8-bit pulse wave in the original, like it was ripped straight out of the original, albeit in a different key and with some reverb and vibrato. I like the contrast it brings.I'm not really familiar with arranging for this kind of genre, so I owe a huge thanks to everyone who critiqued this in the workshop, ridding it of my ineptitude.One last comment, does the title of this remix sound dumb? I asked in the workshop, but no one told me if it's acceptable to use "game" as a verb. --------
  18. I passed on the panel's votes onto Robert, who actually sent 2 new versions on February 12th, but liked his second revision more after mulling it over. The compression's pulled back some, there's more EQ work, AND there's more dynamic contrast with the synth choices & textures. All in all, this makes a good thing even better!
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