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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. I didn't feel a lava vibe from this (though it's not like the source tune is that way either), so I'm interested in what prompted the title. This source first got put on my radar by Sine's excellent ReMix, "Seeking Heat," so I'm glad to hear it again with a fresh spin from Emery. I was enjoying this from the start, but when things picked up at 1:06, I fell in love with the sound palette here; really nice stuff. The EP used for the comping from 1:18-1:43 reminded me of ella guro's work. When the main beats dropped out at 1:43-2:07, I initially lost my place in terms of the timing of the piece, but once I heard it the third time, I was fine; that said, I could see some people complaining about being bucked off the horse, so to speak. Small thing, but the string accents from 2:33 were my favorite part of the textures getting denser again. Weird note at 2:51 that I didn't think worked, but it's quick and does resolve alright, so no big deal. 3:20 until the finish got even more expansive with original writing on top of the source tune, which is basically the additive approach Sine took for part of his mix, and one that makes a lot of sense. Everything works nicely here, Emery; great mixing that never sounds too dense or muddy, with part-writing that I can really appreciate. Nice sound upgrade to the source along with strong integration of original comping. YES
  2. I don't think the source lacking an upfront melodic line hurt this at all, as there's more than enough melodic content to work with here. The main issues were that the arrangement simply wasn't structurally interpretive enough with the treatment of the theme, AND it became repetitive and lacking in any dynamic contrast. Once you get to 2:00, there's nothing meaningfully new in the piece at all. Everything's just on auto-pilot and totally underdeveloped, and Sir_NutS is correct that the instrumentation, while not unpleasant at all, still feels stiff and lacking humanization. Agreed on that sour note at 1:37; that would need to be fixed. I also agreed with the snare drum sounding relatively flimsy, but for me it's mainly because there needed to be some additional padding of some sort to fill out the soundscape, not because the snare itself had a bad sound. I agreed with DragonAvenger that there's not a way for this mix to be approved without a drastic overhaul; there's just not enough interpretation of the theme. Even forgoing that main melodic line from "Into the Thick of It," you'd have to do much more creatively with it to have it meet the arrangement standards here. Cool cover, Jefferey, but there's not enough substance to make this take substantial and original. NO
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  4. Quick co-sign on Chimpa's NO vote. The personalization is evident, but she's right that the copy-pasta was in full force here, leading to a very underdeveloped, repetitive arrangement that also lacked dynamic contrast as a result; the additions starting at 3:23 weren't anywhere near enough to make up for that, since the track was practically over. I didn't mind the current level of compression or the drum mixing, but her advice on those aspects is correct; they're just not dealbreakers issues if the rest of the arrangement were fully developed and on point. You're not inherently a bad musician or anything like that for doing so much cut-and-paste stuff, but the potential of this piece isn't fully realized due to you kneecapping the development and creativity put into it after a certain point. See what more you can do with that, and also consider other rhythmic, textural and/or tempo changes you could do to keep the piece fresh and not get so repetitive with the ideas. Good potential, Victor! NO
  5. I've heard so many AA mixes, so I'd love to hear other DKC themes arranged more, but when you have a hit among VGM arrangers, it can't be denied. The sound design's not innovative, but Aymeric's got solid, personalized instrumentation here. The synth lead at 1:05 takes some getting used to, feeling somewhat shrill and off-key at first blush, but it's not a big deal; getting more creative with the sound for the lead probably would have made more of a difference there. Nice original writing from 2:07-2:27 that integrated well with the subtle references to the source before tweaking the melody at 2:27 followed by more original writing on top of the source from 2:52-3:05 and another iteration of the melody quickly before more original synth writing from 3:18 until the finish. Dynamically, this doesn't take many drastic turns, but there were effective additions and subtractions of the beats and synths to change the textures and provide contrast, plus many good integrations of original writing. There may be some qualms on the sound design or production being cramped, but to me it was nothing major that should hold this back. YES
  6. No download link on the SoundCloud page, so just stream it for now -LT Paul Hadamereal name : Aymeric Velozzo OC remix name: Aqua WaveGame : Donkey kong Country (snes)Name track : Aquatic AmbianceName OC remix : (not find for the moment)REMIX: ---------
  7. Never heard the previous version, but this version easily holds it down with a well-personalized set of live parts. Agreed with the others that there could some use of EQ to add some more clarity and sharpness to the soundscape, but the mixing's definitely not a meaningful issue here as I can hear most of the elements clearly despite a bit of a lo-fi sound. The fret noises of whatever was brought in at 2:32 tended to interfere with things on account of sounding too upfront, but it wasn't a huge deal. Nice work, Steve; welcome aboard! YES
  8. The track was 139 seconds long. I had it timed out slightly differently, but it's over the line with source usage anyway. Keep in mind that basically doing anything weird in the Crazy Bus style "counts," but I'm only allowing it by virtue of it being short, since it's not musical. :37.25-:49.5, :49-49.5, :54.5-:55, 1:00-1:11.5, 1:11.5-1:19.5, 1:22.75-1:31, 1:33.75-1:56.25, 2:04.75-2:19 = 76.75 seconds or 55.21% overt source usage This shit is crazy. Congrats on our second a capella mix, Joe! YES
  9. Right at :04, the woodwind (clarinet? I'm not a musician :-D) timing felt blocky. The brass at :37 also had a rigid quality to the timing. At :56 with the brass lead, the texture got muddy due to the instrumentation behind the lead; it's doesn't sound bad, but there were some cramped moments there. Something about the cymbal shots starting at 1:37 sounded very tacked on, underwhelming, and not integrated with the rest of the instrumentation. However, the mallet percussion starting at 1:54 was an excellent accent idea, as well as the various industrial clangs at 2:26. The isolated decay of that last string at 3:42 didn't sound great either, but I'll live. I agreed with the other Js about the arrangement repeating the melody a lot in a straightforward way and potentially having more places to go, but the instrumentation was personalized enough and varied enough, so there was enough different for me in each iteration. As far as the instrument quality, I wasn't as bothered by what the other Js heard, and didn't feel the overall realism in the execution was below the bar despite not being ideal. I did pick up on the mud starting at :56, but it didn't interfere with the sound much for me. It's not the strongest YES because I also would have liked more melodic interpretation, but I don't mind how an artist chooses to personalize their approach as long as there's enough modification and the overall production and execution is good. I'm not saying the NOs are invalid, but I don't feel the bar is quite that high. YES
  10. The Director/Artist comment TXT file contains that, as well as the Comments field of each file. The VGMdb entry also has the sources listed, using official US iTunes release titles.
  11. Email us the message at admin@ocremix.org, and we can try to parse out what's causing the error.
  12. That's djp's fault for whatever weird reason he had for not using an underscore for one spot.
  13. The vapor is real. http://ff5.ocremix.org
  14. OC ReMix presents Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~II. WATER~!! April 25, 2016 Contact: press@ocremix.org FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 57th community arrangement album, Final Fantasy V: The Fabled Warriors ~II. WATER~. The album consists of nine arrangements of composer Nobuo Uematsu's original score to the 1992 Super Nintendo game, Final Fantasy V, developed and published by Square. It is available for free download at http://ff5.ocremix.org, and is the second of a planned series of five albums honoring the game's soundtrack. The long-awaited second volume of The Fabled Warriors, WATER finally arrives after OC ReMix's initial 2010 entry, WIND. WATER features eight artists employing mariachi, chiptune, rock, experimental, EDM, Middle Eastern, acoustic guitar, and Celtic elements into their musical tributes. The Fabled Warriors was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Square Enix; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners. "It's filled with awesome music from a really talented bunch of guys. I'm grateful that they've been so patient with me, and I'm happy that you're all going to finally hear their awesome arrangements," said Shariq "DarkeSword" Ansari, director and creator of the album series. The first four albums will follow the four crystals in the game, with themes arranged for all of the corresponding jobs, and the last album will cover new jobs introduced in the 2006 Game Boy Advance release, as well as serve as an endcap to the project. The artwork of The Fabled Warriors: Volume II, featuring Lenna as a representation of water, was designed by Maya "rnn" Petersen, who also created the art of For Everlasting Peace: 25 Years of Mega Man, OC ReMix's commercial album in partnership with Capcom. rnn also fashioned the artwork for OCR's Mario map theme EDM album Super Cartography Bros., and has been featured in UDON's series of video game tribute art books, including Mega Man Tribute. "Now that WATER is finally out, we're going to move on to putting together Volume III: FIRE. I've got big plans, and while it would be irresponsible of me to promise a release date, I will say that after everything I've learned about running all these albums over the years, things are going to move along at a better pace," Ansari affirmed. "Keep an eye out, and in the meantime, enjoy The Fabled Warriors: Volume II: WATER." About OverClocked ReMix Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans. ### Download it: http://ff5.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Final_Fantasy_V_-_The_Fabled_Warriors_~II.WATER~.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/43318-/ Preview it:
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  16. Awesome to hear from Fuzz again; he's one of OCR's best 1-mix wonders. Cool piece, and good energy, but it's a traditional remix of the Enter the Dragon theme with no connection to the Bruce Lee C64 soundtrack that I could even hear until the backing pattern first used at 1:40, then (finally) the actual VGM melody at 3:32. There's just way too much usage of a non-VGM source tune. If you could build an arrangement strictly off of the C64 theme, that would be great, because the sound design and mixing were very effective here, and I liked the beefed up approach to the actual VGM theme. That said, this is mostly sampling and remixing "Enter the Dragon," which is just a violation of the standards. NO OVERRIDE
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