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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  2. Yeah, definitely agreed with DragonAvenger on the issues. The synth sequencing was very stiff, and the electric guitar work sounded too muddy and was also drowning out the supporting elements; it's difficult to appreciate the textures here because it's hard to make out the individual parts. Agreed as well on the drums being weak, and this needing even more interpretation despite moving in the right direction. The move back to the opening synth at 3:05 wasn't a good move; the synth just sounds anemic. It's a decent start, Adam, but you'll definitely need to improve your balance between the parts and get the sequenced instruments sounding less stiff. DA's right that this would be a great mix to get feedback on in the Workshop. If you're not interested in revisiting this one though, definitely still use the Workshop to get feedback and advice to help improve your skills. On the arrangement side, you show good potential! NO (resubmit)
  3. Something about the drums' tone doesn't work here; they're actually too loud & upfront, yet too dry. Also, the background feels somewhat empty despite the volume of everything going on. Another judge would have to explain that better, but you need more padding here, but the chippy synth line at :36, organ at :47, and strings at 1:16 helped when they were in play. On more of a nitpick, nearly anytime the bowed strings were used, they sounded pretty robotic. Chimpazilla would rightly call out the cut-and-paste nature of the verses (:04-:23 vs. :54-1:13) & choruses (:36-:53 vs. 1:26-1:43), which was lazy. It's not inherently bad to repeat things, but not doing the cut-and-paste would allow some subtle dynamic contrast; be sure to vary those brief sections up somehow. As is, it felt very repetitive because the overall energy level stayed so flat for over half the length of the piece. I liked both the changeup at 1:58 and the move back to rock at 2:17, but that was too little too late in the grand scheme of things. The arrangement itself was definitely well in the right direction in terms of the interpretation. The performance and sequencing could do with more energy and dynamic contrast; it's not horrible in any way, but there's a stilted quality to the timing on the sequenced parts that holds this back, most apparent with the organ & piano parts. Get the stiff timing and flat dynamics of the piece addressed and this would be a shoe-in, since the arrangement itself is a pass, IMO. Good first pass, Chris & Mac! NO (resubmit)
  4. ReMixer Names: AngelCityOutlaw, Furilas IRL Names: Chris, Mac Name of Game Arranged: DuckTales NES Song Arranged: Transylvania Arrangement Name: House On Haunted Bill Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UuHesrJROw ReMix: After watching many hours of Scooby Doo and playing DuckTales, I decided to remix the Transyvlania theme from the latter in a goofy, retro style remix inspired by horror punk bands like Misfits, 50s - 60s rock and especially classic, spooky cartoons. Mixing these genres into a cauldron of unspecified bubbling green liquid and reciting incantations from the Necronomicon summoned Furilas, who brought forth the bass. When asked to comment, Furilas had this to say: "This was a new genre for me, and probably will be for many. For extra immersiveness, I paid top dollar - around $13 - for a looping spooky background to scroll behind me while I played, and for a small dog to ruin many perfectly good takes with its awful lines." Oh yeah, I also provided an MP3 of the mix should it be deemed worthy! ------------------------------
  5. Man, I love this track, John, and it would have been a shoe-in back in, say, 2002, but it's just too short and underdeveloped for the current bar. It's well in the right direction, because what's here is interpretive and personalized; it definitely does a great job adopting the FEZ instrumentation style to OoT's title theme. However, at barely 2 minutes with a slow tempo and just one playthrough of the theme with no variations afterward, I'd argue it doesn't develop the concept enough and go to some other places. Even another minute's worth of this with some other variations or ideas presented could be enough to realize more of this idea's potential and get it posted. We'll see how other Js feel, but to me, the arrangement sounds great yet isn't substantive enough. It's not just a matter of song length, but the overall level of development. NO (resubmit)
  6. A cover of the title screen music of OOT, in the style of FEZ OST. - Remixer name: audiosprite - Real name: John Fio - website: soon to be audiosprite.com; currently soundcloud.com/audiosprite - Number on forums: 25609 - Name of game: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Name of arrangement: Fez of Time - Name of songs arranged: Title Theme - Composer: Koji Kondo - Inspired by Disasterpeace's synth lessons up on youtube, eg (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH04VJ8jxvo) Thanks for listening, John -------------------------
  7. The light electric guitar work in the background at :55 after the sax took over as lead felt like aimless noodling and didn't add much, but it's not invasive or anything like that, so I can look past it. The arrangement opened pretty strong otherwise. The extended sax comping was odd (e.g. 2:18-3:39) and aimless, which was more of a problem for me. Also, when is the source tune coming back? It's not enough to just improv stuff over a loose chord progression, but that's what happened from 1:52-on without looking back. While I liked the energy of the guitar work at 3:40, that changeup was a chance to swing back to focusing on the "Dearly Beloved" theme. Finally going back to it at 5:01 for less than 30 seconds was merely paying lip service to it. IMO, even if you timestamped this and counted some of the loose usage of the theme on the keyboard, the source tune isn't used in a way I'd consider dominant when thinking about the standards. Aside from some issues where the improving sounded unfocused for too long, this was a solidly produced and performed piece, Chris. If you performed a version with more focus and explicit usage of the Dearly Beloved theme, and reigned in some of the more aimless comping, this would be on very solid ground. NO (resubmit)
  8. MP3 Link: Name of Remixer: Geeks and Guitars Real Name: Chris Chirico Email Address: Website: http://www.youtube.com/geeksandguitars Userid: 53743 (geeksandguitars) Submission Information Name of Game Arranged: Kingdom Hearts Name of Arrangement: A Song For My Beloved Name of Individual Song Arranged: Dearly Beloved Additional Information (OC Remix Song Link): http://ocremix.org/song/21211 Comments: I previously submitted a track from Breath of Fire 2 (http://ocremix.org/community/topic/40780-no-breath-of-fire-2-the-two-winged-princess/). Many thanks to Emunator, Palpable and Nutritious for taking the time to listen to it and the feedback! I decided to submit this track in my second attempt - a much different feel than the other but hopefully it'll have a better chance of being considered a remix instead of a cover due to the instrumentation, variations on the theme, improvisation and additional chord changes that I added. Really hope you dig it! ---------------------------------- 12:00 of the video
  9. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  10. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  11. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  12. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/477lni/we_are_overclocked_remix_releasing_3000_free/ Ask us some questions!
  13. Ruh-roh! I certainly hope they get things on point, as all of those issues are very unfortunate. Big game releases can be pretty iterative these days, but the core things like network responsiveness and stable animation need to be rock solid. EDIT: How's the music at least? I loved the music used in this trailer (starts at :39):
  14. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
  15. Thanks for everyone's submissions! I've been busy watching after my new daughter but will be on this so we can expediently post more DD this month. I'll see what's up about another callout for March.
  16. Seemed fine to me. If any more tweaks need to be made, go for it, but it looks ready for primetime.
  17. Checked it out and just co-signing on this, including that, while inspired by boozinwalsh, this is 100% its own standalone arrangement. Wonderful debut, Giorgio! YES
  18. Hey, everyone, we're participating in an official Reddit AMA on Tue., Feb. 23rd in celebration of Fair Use Week! We hope you'll join djpretzel, myself, and the legal eagles from intellectual property & open Internet non-profit Public Knowledge for the AMA! Feel free to check out our 2013 self-AMA if you're already in the AMA mood, and we hope to field more questions later this month. It starts at 12PM Eastern US time, and goes until we're done answering every question. I'll keep checking back every few hours for a few days, so you're not too later if you ask a Q a little later in the day or week as well! ASK US ANYTHING about VGM, copyright issues with arranging game music and putting it out for free, how OCR is run, what you want to see or improve with the site, and any other important questions you have!
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