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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Someone send an invite to admin@ocremix.org and let's see if we can get something going. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. Fast-tracked, since it addresses issues from a 2006 sub - LT Download link Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Game Over Your real name: There's a new line-up of Game Over. The band consists of Wire (Elisabeth Pezouvanis), Tim Reaper (Timo Hovinen), Dasaten (Dustin Shomer) and Egg (Mårten) Your email: nintendometal@yahoo.com Your website: http://www.nintendometal.com Your userid on forums: nr. 747 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged - Castlevania Name of individual song(s) arranged - Level 1, level 3 Your own comments about the mix: Seven people worked with this remix: Aside from the band, Criss Blackburn, the vocalist of VII Gates (http://www.sevengates.se) did the backing vocals, Zoid from Satariel (http://www.satariel.com) did the growl, Another Soundscape did some of the mixing and Audiomaster (http://www.audiomaster.co.uk) did the mastering. This is a remaster of the original version from 2006 with new drums. Hope you like it. I (Wire) started working on the arrangement in October 2001. It was all in my head before I found some time to scrawl it down on a piece of paper (my normal song-writing/arrangement process). Since then I have grown to prefer a simpler, more subtle and less epic style (which can be heard in our future work). Due to four tempo changes and lots of different styles within the same song, this isn't our tightest performance ever and there were times when some of us cried blood. But it is one of the most appreciated songs of our fans and this is why we decided to redo it. Lyrics then. Yes, they are about S/M. About dominance and submission and switching back and forth between the two. The song plays around with the thought that this is how Dracula, with his creatively evil mind, found a new kind of amusement in killing Simon. One more thing should be mentioned. It's common in the lyrics of popular music to bring up the five senses. In the second part of the song we incorporated this cliché along with an added joke: Apparently, "sonar" is the sixth sense of the bat. IF you accept this mix we will celebrate by going live with our new homepage. Hope you enjoy, /Game Over through Wire. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13507 - Track 2 ("Vampire Killer") Some of the timing around the 3-4 minute mark did sound like it should have been tighter, but Wire & crew already knew that, so that's cool. Production-wise this was mixed kind of loud, so some of the loudest vocals sounded kind of cramped, but this was clearly still solid. As Palpable told me, loud is "how the kids like it these days", and we all do it for tha chilluns. Arrangement-wise, very strong stuff with some cool vocals. Hahaha, I didn't pay close enough attention to the lyrics to actually digest the S/M theme here, but that's definitely some untrodden ground in the community. And whether it's a country music ballad or dominance vs. submission, we have no fuckin' fear! Looking forward to the next one from y'all! YES
  3. I'll get in touch with the guy about proper credit, but the uploader never claimed he made it. Still, reporting mixes with no attribution (not necessarily plagiarism) is very useful too, so definitely keep 'em coming.
  4. Good call. The first 3 were great! Also, Sega really needs to publish Streets of Rage Remake officially. They're just leaving $ on the table, it's sad.
  5. You really don't know the source music well. It's basically Metroid series music until 2:30 of a 3:25-long track. Just putting that out there, because this wasn't too liberal.
  6. I believe we'll have it like that when vBulletin 3.8 is implemented. Prezzle?
  7. Yep, the minority means nothing. Too many game journos don't give music anything more than a sentence, and it just looks flimsy.
  8. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/9115 - Track 3 ("Magnetman Stage") What's up with that click/pop sound at the beginning. Ice that. Other than that, awesome. Great energy given to the theme, and great freestyling over the foundation of the original to keep it hot. I liked weed's work here, but I will admit the brass grabbed my attention the most; I was really liking the layered action going on. Man, this one I WIPs heard so long ago, I thought we'd never get it here, but props to Jon for never forgetting about it, and definitely gotta give respect to Danimal Cannon for spurcing up the production on it. I definitely remember the mixing not being ready for primetime with the old versions, yet this one brought it. Definitely a fun ride, this one. YES
  9. Well, that may mean doing track # is still a viable option. I'll have to look into it more, especially how it would sort with different digits (e.g. 00001, 00010, 00100, 01000). Thanks for checking that! I generally add some sort of data in that field, but I never add contact/site/name in that field if I know an artist wants it hidden. If they provide that information in a sub letter, it's safe to say they're OK with the info out there, but I appreciate the sentiment. Good catch! I removed APE tags from the few mixes with them, and I also caught several with ID3v1 tags as well and removed those. Winamp 5 can remove those types of tags. If you have any other info on 'Broken Mirror Reflection' and what may be the tagging case there, let me know.
  10. Here's some quick fun with Tony Twist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tony_Twist
  11. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18749 ALBUM PROJECT: Final Fantasy 4 'Echoes of Betrayal, Light of Redemption' Never thought I'd ever see my 4GB RAM at 96%, but today was a first. I layered in more instruments to play more source as the piece progresses. It actually was there most of the song, but slowly got covered up. I was already on the fence with the voice, and decided to try another direction than continue experimenting with elements that really aren't my style. I admit I jumped the gun submitting this. Kinda had a feeling I'd get rejected after I submitted the first time cuz once my ear fatigue subsided I really started to hear lots of problems, so I had time to come up with new ideas. I'll just let the new changes speak for themselves. Crossing my fingers now cuz at 97% I think my computer explodes or something. James George jamesbgeorge@gmail.com #3557 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "The Lunarians" (ff4-41.spc) I didn't give you credit for the source usage provided by the opening piano chord, since that's definitely right from the source. That's enough to push it over 50% source usage, so that's cool. The strings post-3:00 still sounded a bit fake/exposed, and I didn't think the drums fit quite right. The brass also had some brief but awkward dissonance in there. In any case, I'm OK with the overall package, even if the last minute could afford to be tweaked. YES (borderline)
  12. Remixer name: T.O.P Game: Zelda 3 Song: Zelda 3 Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Credits" (loz3-31.spc) Don't have too much to say. I could see how this could be viewed of as conservative, but while retaining the basic structure of the source, I thought this did a solid job weaving new original part-writing with personalized embellishments of the source. The last hanging note was just...there, but otherwise, I thought this got the job done well. YES
  13. Hi oc team! I made a remix of the very famous track of "mute city" - (F-Zero) * Iamjot (remixer name) * Juergen Brunner ( real name) * contact@ilikescifi.com ( email address) * www.ilikescifi.com * Your userid - i´m sorry, i just didnt find it anywhere, please help me in this special case Submission Information * F Zero * "Old dying town" (original name: mute city) * Mute City has one of the most impressive simple but perfect guitar licks in the game-music history. Thats exactly why i decided to make a rock remix of this fantastic title. I used a muted-damped guitar with an old fuzz pedal of my dad and tried to set the drums as "authentic" as possible with battery. The lyrics tell the two different storys, happening beside 2 different streets (so it´s still all about racing). I tried to sing the words as hard and edgy as possible. best wishes and go on guys!!! Jurgen ----------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=fz - "Mute City" (fz-09.spc) The lyrics are buried in the music, so bring 'em out more. The buildup to 1:08 ended up pretty anticlimactic. 1:40, as well, the new snare pattern there had no energy. 1:51 moved over into the source melody, but there was little dynamic contrast compared to the previous sections. This slowly built up to maybe 2nd gear, if that, when the structure seemed intended to build all the way up to 3rd. If you can tweak the production, perhaps develop the arrangement for another minute with some more ideas, and make the dynamics more pronounced, you'd have a stronger piece. Good start so far; it has some potential. NO
  14. Red Rum - "Synthesis" Link: Contact Information * Your ReMixer name: Red Rum * Your real name: Greg Costa * Your email address: red.rum@live.com * Your website: http://www51.sitesled.com/ * Your userid on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile: 15997 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Streets of Rage * Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Last Soul * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: Well, this remix actually I never thought was going to be good at all. In fact I thought it was just going to be another project that I would just throw in the trash heap, but I guess not. When I first submitted a remix on here, I heard that the judges liked the remix, but it was more of the less a cover more than an arrangement. So I decided to remix The Last Soul and only this time, create new parts that I composed myself and create a new sound that isn't close to the source. I originally called this track "The Last Chance," but I felt as though it was too close to the original source's title, so I decided to call it "Synthesis." Synthesis is a process which combines together two or more pre-existing elements resulting in the formation of something new. That is exactly what I tried to do here on this piece. My inspiration behind this, well... I was listening to the Bare Knuckle OST CD from Japan and I heard Yuzo Koshiro's arranged version of this track and then I thought to myself, "That's how you make an arrangement." I also have to thank a remixer named "Jredd" as well for explaining and going into detail about an arrangement. Basically he told me that you mix your own music into someone else's piece. So I started from the top, composing my own music into someone's else piece. At first I must admit, I felt awkward and then I just kept going with it and then it just led to this. So I submitted a WIP on the forums for people to listen to and write reviews, etc. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19047 Eventually, I started getting some feedback and then I read carefully and figured that I would do what the reviews say and try them out and see what works and what didn't. I kept releasing different versions to see what others thought and then I decided to finish it up and clean it up so the production was very clear and the arrangement was original. I also tried to create a breakbeat in the track at 1:48-2:06. Pretty epic and I believe it worked well. I've been also trying to get one of my works on OCRemix for a very long time because I felt as though that if I tried to reach that goal, it would just make me better in the long run. I think this remix actually shows it... Anyways, thank you and enjoy the piece. ------------------------------------------------------------- Love this source. Of course. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=53 - "The Last Soul" Opening up, the synth design already sounded pretty underwhelming. Things picked up at :18, but the textures felt simplistic and never quite cohesive. The percussion was the strongest area, IMO, and had some presence. The timing of the melody's sequencing felt too rigid until the chorus. The soundscape could have been cleaned up a bit as well, but it was OK. I'm cool with changeups, and the breakbeats at 1:48 were a decent concept, but didn't seem to fit with the rest of the piece, probably exacerbated by the poorly-written dropoff at 2:06. The claps at 2:06 were way too exposed and the texture until 2:24 was empty. 2:41 moved back to the source melody with some new stuff quietly sprinkled into the background. Again, the sequencing was a bit too quantized-sounding. I thought this was half-decent, Greg, but a ways off. Basically the first and last sections worked a bit better, both in terms of the production and interpreting the source, but there was a lack of finesse and cohesion with everything. Gotta leave it up to the others to elaborate on beyond that. NO (resubmit)
  15. To clarify, we don't encourage name changes, but as long as I'm here, I'll generally push for what the artist wants as long as they're absolutely sure. Then it's a matter to nagging djp to move forward with the change, but I'm here to help.
  16. Currently no days, that's all there is to it. We need to get back in gear.
  17. Always gotta bust out the stopwatch for Kunal. Throw us a softball some time! - LT Not sure if this will pass, but I'm willing to give it a shot. It's a remix of "Dance of Pales" for the Bad Dudes and Friends release: http://oneupstudios.com/ep_06.php -k LT Edit (1/22): Source video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3zIJ5wgaA8 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Akumajo Dracula X ~Nocturne in the Moonlight~ Original Game Soundtrack - (21) "Waltz of the Pearls" Obviously, the execution is excellent and the original writing ideas fit like a glove with the source arrangement. Still, this went into pretty liberal territory outside of the sections explicitly using the melody. Stopwatch time. The song's 4:39.5 long, so this needed more than 139.75 seconds of source usage (>50%) for me to pass it. Again, I'm liking the way everything's woven together, but I'm looking for some assurance that the A-to-B connections are legit and dominant. Here's what I got so far: :55-1:08, 1:12-1:26, 1:31-1:43, 2:06-2:23, 2:24-2:28, 2:41-2:42, 3:17-3:24, 3:26.5-3:33, 3:35-3:39, 4:31-4:38 You could also argue for the strings derived from 3-note pattern at :25-:27/:43-:45 in the original - :18-:37, 1:49-2:05, 4:11-4:26 Beyond that, it gets dicier, at least as far as I can tell. Gonna need more info from Kunal and/or you others as far as direct A-to-B connections. As long as that's there, I'm obviously cool with this, but I'm not down with YESs "because it sounds good." EDIT (1/8): I stopwatch to be fair. You other Js can count silence all you want, but I don't count omission. Listening once again, I'm a little more OK with the liberal string pattern. But what actually and finally put this over the top for me was the additional simplified usage of Castlevania 1's "Vampire Killer" theme used regularly from the beginning, which no one else picked out. Kunal, this mix wears some liberal clothes for significant portions, but it wears them well. You mentioned to me at MAGFest that you were wary of submitting more stuff to OCR because of some NOs you got for going too liberal with the source material. But your musical skill always shines through, so I'd say go ahead and submit without fear. If something's self-admittedly too liberal, like your Silent Hill tribute track from "Zombies Ate My Neighbors", then so be it, but definitely keep an open mind to sending your material in and seeing how it fares. YES (borderline)
  18. It's missing from OC ReMoved too, that's a surprise.
  19. No problems at all watching it. The interview was a good read!
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