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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Lots of groove bias here. Good stuff given the age; the piano has a nice tone to it.
  2. Sorry I didn't see this sooner. Entries are due March 1st. If you've seen the Street Fighter Tribute book UDON put out (OC ReMixer zid had a piece in that one, BTW), they're at it again with Darkstalkers, accepting professional caliber submissions for their Capcom-endorsed art book. http://www.udonentertainment.com/darkstalkerstribute/ Binjovi, I'm looking at YOU.
  3. Remixer name: Bak.R e-mail: Bak.R@hotmail.com Name of game arranged : Valkyrie Profile Name of individual song arranged : Opening Theme Informations : This is an orchestral arrangement of the opening theme of the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar - (102) "Take a Flight" The execution with these samples doesn't sound like the real thing, but it was serviceable enough. The arrangement could have been more dynamic for my personal tastes, but the interpretation was still fine. The fade at 3:34 definitely went too fast and made the finish too abrupt; I'd suggest fixing that. The slow pacing and orchestral instrumentation made it a decidedly different animal than the source, and a concept like this would fit very well in an actual Valkyrie Profile score. Not the most engaging stand-alone piece, but it's got a very deliberate plan behind it. YES (borderline)
  4. Remixer name: MFE Email: mfettema777@hotmail.com Name of game arranged: Galaga Name of individual song: Rumpy Pumpy Thumpy Galaga Remix Seemed odd to me that there wasn't at least one remix of the Galaga theme on the website, and I've always found it charming, so here is my attempt. Enjoy. MFE ------------------------------------------------------------- Here's the source tunes as the intro of the arranged track "Galaga" from the classic 1984 album Video Game Music. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13837 - Tracks 3 & 10 Source usage was just over half (:59.5-1:40, 2:06-2:20, 2:46-3:59), so I'm feeling it on that level. Also feeling the groove here, even if some of the sample quality and corresponding textures were a bit underwhelming. The opening sound at :06 was weak (including when it came back at 1:06), but I liked the other synths that gradually joined in as the intro continued. Good boost to the texture by adding some padding at 1:26. The brass samples at 1:40 sounded fairly good the way they were couched in the soundscape. It's not so much groove bias as appreciating how a lot was done with a little. The original melodies and countermelodies added here fit like a glove with the source, and the dynamics, while a bit straightforward were still reasonably effective. The synth design won't win any awards, and I wouldn't mind some of the samples being touched up to give them a more unique, full-bodied sound, but otherwise I'm cool with this. We'll see how the others feel, good luck! YES (borderline)
  5. I'm trying to break it down too vs. Bobby's info, but I'll need more info from him, since I'm not hearing some of the connections he's listing. - LT Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19076 So.... -Xenon Odyssey -Bobby Keller -xenonodyssey@hotmail.com -http://xenonodyssey.googlepages.com/ -http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=6142 -Sonic & Knuckles -Lava Reef Zone Act 2/Hidden Palace Zone Alright, here's the deal. I re-recorded it, but... :14.5-:31.5 = 17 :41-:47 = 6 1:06-1:07 = 1 1:24-1:34 = 10 1:37-1:43 = 6 2:05-2:28 = 23 2:31.5-2:34.5 (CT) = 3 2:40-2:42 = 2 2:50-3:42 = 52 3:56-4:03 = 7 4:21-4:22 = 1 128 274 = 46.7 % :/ I honestly feel that if I try and mess with the piece any longer, it will loose the feel I had in mind when I first wrote it. So take it as you will. If you guys still don't feel that it belongs here, that's fine. I'm going to submit it to DoD this month, so at least people will hear it. I'll just have to try for what, the 10th time? -B. Kel. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Lava Reef Zone (Act 2)" As with the last one, the performance it pretty solid with a couple minor thing, but definitely above bar. Bobby's times - :14.5-:31.5, :41-:47, 1:06-1:07, 1:24-1:34, 1:37-1:43, 2:05-2:28, 2:31.5-2:34.5 (CT), 2:40-2:42, 2:50-3:42, 3:56-4:03, 4:21-4:22 Larry's times - :14.5-:19.5, :27-31.5, 41.5-:47, 1:06-1:07, 1.10.75-1:15, 1:17-1:22, 1:24-1:28, 1:30-1:34, 1:37-1:44, 2:05-2:29, 2:55-3:44, 3:59-4:04, 4:21-4:24.75 I'll come back to this later, but I need the 50+% action going on, so that the source usage is dominant.
  6. His family, primarily his uncle, regularly uses his accounts, most notably his Facebook in order to give news on Reu's music. Shortly before he died, Reu had music being used in several then-upcoming projects. There's no conspiracy theory.
  7. Avaris Shaun Wallace Final Fantasy IV - SNES Mr. Nobuo Sources: Cry in Sorrow (can be called Theme of Sorrow in some places) Cecil Becomes a Paladin Title: Bahamut's Tear This is a song for the oh so wonderful FFIV project, if it gets accepted please put in the special posting que. Linkage: First of all thank you to everyone on the project for all of the great feedback and help. This was not an easy source to mix even though it sounds like it. This song was composed in one of the craziest keys known to man or woman. Just goes to prove that Mr. Nobuo knows how to write some beautiful tunage. The title is a reference to a sword from Valkyrie Profile 2 called Bahamut's Tear. I felt that the title was befitting the emotional meaning behind the source tune in the game. The song was gonna be called Dragoon's Tear but since Bahamut hasn't gotten any love on the titles from the project thought I'd share the wealth. Also AeroZ has a bitchin song with Dragoon already in the title. The synths are all Roland D50 samples and Sculpture except for one instance of Massive and one ES2 layered into a lead. There are lots of ethnic instrument samples butchered in the making of this song, and some chickens too. Some of the sub bass hits are bagpipe samples that made sweet love to a resonant filter etc etc... I really wanted to create an ethereal yet emotionally powerful song through both the composition and sonic texture. Something that was reminiscent of everything the original source tune stood for in the game. This his def my favorite from my favorite game and it has been a joy and a trial to arrange it. Thank you Mr. Nobuo for composing such a compelling soundtrack and inspiring so many great arrangements. I salute you. Thanks dudes, ~Shaun --------------------------------------------------------------- Opening had 3-4 seconds of silence that should be trimmed off. Not sure what the hell "Cecil Becomes a Paladin" is. I found some YouTube footage of that scene from the GBA version, and it played "The Lunarians", which wasn't in this. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff4 - "Cry in Sorrow (part 2)" [ff4-17b.spc] & "Red Wings" (ff4-02.spc) The string articulations sounded mechanical and unrealistic, and even slightly behind the beat at times. The sample quality was fine. Odd note at 1:40, though it resolved fine. I The timing of the piano for 3:31's section and the fast lead from 4:28-4:48 sounded slightly too mechanical, though not a huge deal. Also, why was the volume so soft? Nothing wrong with the arrangement. I was feeling it. Liked the brief "Red Wings" cameo at 2:35. The whole approach was a decidedly different take on the source material. I know the pacing is very deliberate, so the timing on these instruments is supposed to be somewhat rigid, but some of it didn't quite click, so I'm looking forward to some tweaks. The strings might not be a quick fix, but I'll go ahead and lean toward YES (conditional) hinged on refining the strings.
  8. Remixer Name: Parsec Real Name: Mark J. Hadley Email Address: parsec_productions@yahoo.com Userid: 21993 Game arranged: Final Fantasy Song arranged: Temple of Fiends Title of mix: Ruin of Fiends -------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13796 - Tracks 12 & 1 On the first listen, something about this was nagging on me as to why this shouldn't make it. The soundscape being so murky was one thing; seemed purposeful, even if the effects seemed overboard. There was some distortion caused by the piano, briefly around 1:32 and reappearing en masse from 3:20-3:38. I do like the combination of both sources together, but beyond a certain point, the ideas got old. 2:17's section felt extremely retreadish compared to :41's section. The countermelody was written different, but the rhythms and sounds were basically the same and thus didn't sound much different. Melodic variation would have helped keep this fresh. 3:06's section was a retread of the piano countermelody of :41's section as well. More variation & development can get this to the promised land. Potential is there. NO
  9. Contact Info: Remixer name: Divine Wrath Real Name: Joey Ransier E-mail: ransiers@msn.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/derwachturm UserI.D: 26445 Submission Info: Name of Game Arranged: Raiden II Individual Song: Golden Desert (from Level 4) Additional Information: Everything is already on the site. Comments: This is my first submission, and so far I have only done 2 arrangments (i'm fairly new at video game music). The major changes I made here were in the style and feel of the song. I love the soundtrack to this game and didn't really see a need to change the lead line much. However, I thought I could give the song more feeling. Most of my energy here went into rewriting the drums and inserting rythm guitars. Also writing that little guitar solo section. I changed the song to a metal feel, and this is seen in the elements I put into the guitars and bass, for instance the double bass and galloping rythm lines. Production wise I didn't really do anything special. Typical mix, typical EQ. I did get a new drum sound (you wouldn't be able to tell the difference unless you heard my original work) but that was about it. Overall, I feel happy with this mix dispite how simple it may be. I think I effectivly captured the idea of the original but gave it more variation and changed many essentials. I recorded the entire thing myself (used a synth on the drums but wrote the part myself) and you can definatley see progress in my drum writing and mixing skills. Enjoy!!!!!! LT Edit (2/9): Best footage I could find after a quick look (starts at :27): ------------------------------------------------------------ Raiden II - (07) "Level 4" Fairly solid, but the guitar performance in particular wasn't expressive enough. Loosen that up so the timing isn't as stiff. Melodically, this also could have afforded to go in some different directions compared to the source tune. The melody during the 1:28 & 3:31 sections were too much like retreads. Get more interpretive and vary them up. The dropoff at 2:31 worked conceptually, but there was still a fair amount of empty space there, IMO. Wouldn't mind a second opinion there. The treble also sounded a little too hot and could have been pulled back a bit. Work on filling out some of the empty space, making the textures sound more cohesive and making the guitar performance less mechanical sounding and this would be a lot stronger. NO
  10. HAHAHAHA! I couldn't disagree more with this. There's nothing inherently wrong with including audio drama stuff in a ReMix. Even if you weren't feeling it, "Team Gato" is the stuff of legends. And then saying the same complaint about "Needles"? Nuh-uh.
  11. Hiya. Just wanted to submit my first remix to OCremix (more in store) contact information: Remixer name: Meesh Real name: Michel de Brisis User number: 26400 Remix information: Game: Shadowgate (NES version) Sadly, I have not been able to procure any information on the name of the specific track or the composer. Link to remix: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/143177/Meesh%20-%20Shadowgate.mp3 Comments: The original track captured me immediately the first time I heard it. The simple lead line just popped out. Although I was much younger at that time, and wasn't really aspiring to be a remixer at that time, it has stuck with me all these years. The shuffle groove just seemed natural, and the addition of a standing/upright bass seemed to really go with the funky drums. I also tried mimicking the two main oscillators from the NES version, but still add a bit of a newer edge to the synth sounds. I hope you like the track as much as I do, and that everything is in accordance with the submission guidelines. Michel de Brisis --------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14595 - Track 11 Definitely a really cool feel here. The groove bias is potentially strong with this one, but I felt the core beat pattern & bassline offering more variation would have helped this. The textures could have been a bit fuller as well, but that wasn't a huge deal. At 2:32, once the melody was basically being treated the same way yet again, I had to call for more development here. The arrangement ideas are cool, and I'm down with the laid back vibe, but there was ultimately too much repetition once the core arrangement ideas and patterns were established. Work on this a little further to provide some more variation and keep the track fresh for the entire 3 1/2 mins. Solid base, Michel! In my opinion, this is close. NO (resubmit)
  12. Contact Info: Remixer Name: Cyguration Real Name: William Usher E-mail address: Cyguration@vgcore.com Website: (None) User ID: 25762 Submission Info: Name of the remix: Liquid Rooftops Remix Name of game arranged: Mirror's Edge Name of song arranged: Still Alive Link to the original: http://www.mirrorsedge.com/ Comments: Edging Mirror (my first submission) wasn't a track that seemed like it could ever become what I wanted from it. Instead, I took a lot of the judges' advice, messed around with some new drum patterns and tried mixing up the melody some more. This song is loosely based on Paul Van Dyk's 'Still Alive' remix, which is part of the Mirror's Edge video game soundtrack. Hopefully, this is my final remix from anything Mirror's Edge related. --- William D. Usher --------------------------------------------------------------- Still Alive - The Remixes - (01) The drum patterns got tired pretty quickly. It makes it seem like there's practically nothing else going on with this track. There was some slight variation, but otherwise the drums didn't lend any energy to the piece at all, a similar problem to the previous Mirror's Edge sub. That kind of problem will kill nearly any track. The other instruments sounded better. I know your piano sequencing was lacking for your previous sub, but piano tone sounded much more natural this time around. More dynamic contrast and drum variation, please. This kind of pacing never changing for 5 minutes is asking a lot. NO
  13. CONTACT INFO ReMixer: Otoki Real name: Micke Berglund Email: oto.info@gmail.com Website: http://www.curanima.se User id: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=26384 SUBMISSION INFO Game: Megaman 2 (NES) Song: Wily stage 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14303 - Track 19 ("Dr. Wily 1") The opening electronica stuff was OK, although the textures seemed on the empty side and kind of bland. Also seemed like there was some distortion during those sections adversely affecting the sound quality. Transitioned into classical instrumentation around 1:05 for an interesting contrast in styles before going back to the electronic stuff around 1:39. Yeah, pretty cool concept. Arrangement-wise, this played it pretty straight melodically. 3:17 & 3:45's sections were actually pretty disappointing given the passed up opportunity to do something a lot more interesting with the melodies there, so I had reservations on the arrangement being creative enough beyond the genre adaptation. The new, original, expansive part-writing obviously was a positive, and there was at least some melodic interpretation, though it left me wondering why it played it so straightforward. The main holding this back to me was the electronic sections not being cohesive enough. The empty space could stand to be filled out either with 1 or 2 additional parts, or with effects on some existing parts to give them more body/depth. You also should toning down some of the distorting areas, and make the melodies from 3:17-4:14 more interesting. Last but not least, the ending at 4:57 cut out too abruptly, so just tweak that to allow the ending to resolve properly. Solid work so far, but it hasn't realized its potential yet. NO (resubmit)
  14. I saw, but I'll have to get back to you a little later. I'll hit you back.
  15. Ormgas became OCR Radio and moved over to http://ormgas.rainwave.cc/ - They do have ratings. Enjoy!
  16. If you're seeing more on Saturday, it's because we're asleep on Friday night, as you said, but there's no particular flood time. New bots register pretty much throughout every day at any hour; I It's a minor inconvenience, and some get through to stay up for a couple hours some nights, but it's otherwise taken care of.
  17. Don't even bother reporting 'em, we see 'em. Really it's a just a matter of when people are around to delete them, which we always do in time, even if a flood of posts seemingly gets out of hand. AFAIK, once Dave switches to VB 3.8, there should be some CAPTCHA in place for the signups that should hopefully reduce the problem. I believe he needs to finish templating the v3.8 forums. In the meantime, the posts are definitely annoying, but don't worry about it or waste the time reporting them, it's cool.
  18. Back at ya with another concoction from "Blue's Kitchen." This time, its a little different from my usual style. CONTACT INFO: Blue Magic Damon Campbell http://www.angelfire.com/blues2/bluemagic/ Anglefire tends to have its retarted moments, so if the link is not working, please let me know. REMIX INFO: Kingdom Hearts 2 "Sacred Moon" (with a little bit of "Passion" thrown in there) I kinda stepped out of my comfort zone with this mix and decided to try a more driving, energetic mix. I also added alot synth pads in the background that I heavily distorted using the Buzz Effect Adapter, which was a FL Studio default plugin that I use to totally ignore. That adapter gave my synths a buzzing, whiny, insect like sound that I thought was pretty cool and added greatly to the overall feel of this mix. When I first stared this mix, I was kinda hoping that I could something that was similar to Sephire's "Above the Rising Falls" remix. That was my main inspiration. I hope you guys have as much fun listening to my little mix, as I had making it. Peace, Damon Campbell (Blue Magic) ------------------------------------------------------------- Kingdom Hearts II Original Soundtrack - (226) "Sacred Moon" & (103) "Passion ~opening version~" Interesting approach. Didn't seem like it was quite clicking once things picked up. The timing of the strings brought in at :30 sounded slightly off; the articulations didn't sound realistic. I also thought the drumkit sounded really weak and uncomplimentary to the rest of the instrumentation during the main verses (:45-1:15 & 2:30-3:01). The background seemed to be missing the right element or two to properly fill this out & glue the pieces together. The ending at 3:31 was also extremely abrupt. A good base, Damon, and I generally like the arrangement ideas here, but the execution needs to be refined to fully deliver here. Definitely no reason to be afraid to move outside your comfort zone in the future; keep doing it! NO (resubmit)
  19. It figures that even though I vote on 100% of the mixes, I let one slide. For a colleague no less. What kind of nepotism is THIS?!? http://doomdepot.doom2.net/music/doom%201%20&%202%20midis.zip - Doom II: Map 30 ("Opening to Hell") Seriously, the source tune is awesome for its barebonedednesses [sic], and this one retained the integral sine wave and bassline for the most-part, while building all sorts of unspeakable horrors to interact with it. Loved the change in the lead for the arranged melody from 3:52-4:14, BTW. With a source like "Opening to Hell", you're really left with a lot of room to build upward, and Jimmy & Chris did a great job with it. It bobs and weaves with dynamic energy that you'd never expect given the source. Nice work, and a great contribution to Delta-Q-Delta! YES
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