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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. The subject matter is bleak. And clearly a lot takes place during the nighttime. But the scenes that actually took place during the day now all look dark too, which I just found weak. For stuff like the return of Dr. Manhattan or Ozymandias defending himself at his building, the shit happened in broad daylight yet it's all dim and dark, and the rest of the scenes like that seem like they'll turn out that way as well. I don't see why the whole film needs to look like it's gonna rain any minute, so I hope that's not what it looks like. And what the hell did they do with Oz and Comedian's hairstyles? Oz in particular looks like a goof. Also seems like they de-aged Comedian a good deal based on his youthful look in Vietnam. I'm not nitpicking like the movie will be poor, but would rather not have a visual setting like the permanent dusk of 300.
  2. I'm actually in the minority on it. Hopefully the movie will be good, but I've read Watchmen several times, and I thought the trailer sucked. I felt the remixed Pumpkins song was a poor fit (too bad, I liked the original from B&R). Plus, I got 0 sense of what the movie was supposed to be about, even though I know the story forwards and backwards. And though the world is supposed to be dark, it's not supposed to be Sin City/300 dark. It just looked needlessly dingy and depressing. Regardless, I'll probably end up seeing this in theaters, and hope they'll do a good job.
  3. Hi There, It's been a long while since I've last submitted anything to OCRemix. Though all of my previous mixes have been declined, I don't mind. lol I still like to hear the comments you all give on them. My latest mix is the End Theme from Radical Dreamers. I actually have never played the game. I do have the music, which I like alot. It's a dance mix (lol surprise!) but I've been trying to get my production skills down, and I think I did pretty well on this one. Took me about a month or so to lay down the basic structure of this track. I had to get the melodies and harmony lines by ear, since finding sheet music or even midis was near impossible, so I just relied on the .spcs I found. The song itself follows the original pretty well, with variations in the timing of notes, along with some new harmonies and solos. Overall I think I did really well. I can't wait to hear what you all think. Name: Brink-of-Time Real name: David C. Jacobson Jr. Email: brink@brink-of-time.com Website: http://www.brink-of-time.com Forum: 3677 Game: Radical Dreamers Song: End Title -Enjoy Dave (Brink-of-Time) ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=rd - "Ending ~ Le Tresor Interdit" (rd-15.spc) Decent groove to open things up, with a pretty extended intro (1:25-long). The synths employed sounded bread-and-butter, but did an OK job of rhythmically altering the source melody. I liked what was there, but the arrangement deserved something more interpretive. The genre adaptation felt really by-the-numbers, particularly for the synth-focused sections. There's the rhythmic alterations, and that was basically the extent of the melodic interpretation. That would have passed in ye olden days, but you gotta go a bit further nowadays. The core groove that started from 2:26-4:03 had a brief break from 2:53-3:07, but otherwise dragged out for too long and made the background feel repetitive and stagnant. Meanwhile, the dropoff at 4:06 was a good concept, and it's obvious you were going for a thinner texture, but that final section sounded way too spartan and weakened the effect of the finish. I think it could be produced a different way to preserve the dynamic contrast you were going for, without making the soundscape feel empty. What's in place is a solid base, generally well put-together, but it doesn't stand out as a unique enough take within the genre. Let's get a little more personalization and interpretation into the arrangement, David. You don't have to get carried away or overhaul the framework, but I think you can do something more with this to make it stand out. Good luck with the rest of the vote. NO (resubmit)
  4. They're friends. They've also collaborated on music before. ... Do you need chapter 2?
  5. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=14998 Name: DrumUltimA Real Name: Doug Perry Email: drumultima@comcast.net Website: http://drumultima.livejournal.com ForumID: 3877 Name of Game: CHRONO TRIGGER! Name of songs: World Revolution, with little bits of Last Battle, The Chrono Trigger, Fanfare 1, Robo's Theme, Ayla's Theme, Chrono and Marle, Kaeru (frog)'s Theme, and Battle with Magus Hey guys, Doug here. Here's my resubmit of the remix formerly known as "Lavos is Inconsistent", which I am now calling "But the Future Refused to Change". I took the crits from my initial evaluation very seriously and I couldn't be more happy with what I've learned. Special thanks to Palpable for dealing with me for so long I totally reworked the mixing of the drums, switching out samples and working with eq and compressors, as well as doing a ton of balance/eq work with the rest of the instrumentation. Other runner-up names I was considering include "Stop Eating Planets", "Larry Quits the Judges Panel", and "Hard Taco Supreme" (thanks to f4t4l for that last one). If you all like any of those better, feel free to make an executive decision and change the name As always, if this gets rejected (again ), please leave the url posted. Thanks guys!!!! -Doug "DrumUltimA" Perry --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "World Revolution" (ct-313.spc), A bunch of 'em Source usage/arrangement was already fine, so I'm just gonna play-by-play opinions on the execution. Loved the organ and woodwind intro, leading to a good transition at :26. The drums were fairly good (hey, they don't sound exactly like the drums from your past 2 mixes!), and I was enjoying the bubbly synth in the back. The soundscape was on the dry side, so stuff like the organ lacked some depth, but the overall sound quality was OK. Good stuff with the woodwind handling the "World Revolution" melody from :55-1:09. The weak guitar synth from was touched up with some subtle delay/trailing effects that didn't make the articulations seem as mechanical, and gave the sound little more body. Still not a fan of the bubbly synth and piano dissonance from 1:35-1:49. Good drum transition at 1:55 to the medley section. Probably wouldn't have used the guitar synth again from 2:01-2:09, but whatchugonnado. Otherwise a really intelligent weaving of several themes before transitioning with SFX at 2:45 back into "World Revolution". Good stuff from that point, gradually building and building the track up with more elements. It ended up getting busier and more dissonant, but finally ended that at 4:15 with a solid piano/organ/synth refocus back on "World Revolution" from 4:15-5:30, including some very subtle harmonizations that bled into the lead, but did it in a good, effective way that sounded like a purposeful accenting of the lead. Everything came together much more cohesively, and it definitely sounds like you learned a thing or three on the production side. For a few of the sections, a less-is-more approach helped tone down some of the busyness that only ended up obscuring some really cool ideas. Everything still sounds fairly full, but now it can all be appreciated. Fine tuned very nicely, Doug. YES
  6. Hi, I have not registered to your website since I was only recommended to upload the file to the website, but I hope you'll take submissions regardless of whether or not i'm registered. My remixer name: Otreum Real name: Nathan Francis Email address: nf25488@hotmail.com Website: http://www.moddb.com/members/192515/otreum userid: don't have one Submission Information: Name of game arranged: (???) SNES Jurassic Park? Name of individual song arranged: SNES Jurassic Park mountain song remake? Additional informaiton: I have no idea who the composer of the original song was called. The original song was for the Super Nintendo top view Jurassic Park game. Original sound track: My own comments: Well, I was looking at the Jurassic Park mod and read that they would rather just get a JP game out there rather than worry about who makes it or any of that, they didn't care who got it done, as long as it could be finished and playable. Since this song was an all time favourite song from the JP game and since I initially started making a JP total conversion (now i'm making a different TC), I figured that I would remake the song. That's really about it. The song was for that mod, but now i'm not sure I want them to have it for reasons I will keep to myself. That's about it, enjoy the song ---------------------------------------------------------------- Man, that source is full of groove. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=jp - "Triceratops Trot" (jp-05.spc) Nice intro with the vox, with the source tune already fading in, then crossfading into a pan flute-type deal at :14. The melody was slightly simplified, but pretty straightforward. Some good buildup at :38 via an added countermelody and light percussion. More buildup from :57-1:16 with some really flimsy sounding drums that sounded stapled on in the back, and some addition percussion in the lower frequency ranges that ended up distorting. Not good. Had a solid idea for a dropoff at 1:16, but the texture was too empty, IMO. I thought everything was pretty poorly balanced. The main drums have no meat on them, the other drums were muddying up the background and the woodwind lead was lonely. Also, the harmonization was nearly inaudible and doesn't have any synergy with the lead. Both the vox and the brass weren't a factor, they were so obscured. I liked writing of the changeup at 2:33, as well as the string harmonization from 2:53-3:12. The harmonization at 2:38 seemed out of key with the lead. The drums at 3:21 were just as poor of a fit there as they were anywhere else; they never sound like they're in the same soundscape. What the hell was that writing that first crept in at 3:31? It just sounds awkward. Same with the countermelodic string synth writing at 3:50; "capital U" Ugly. Wish I could be nicer about it, but it's just extremely poorly written and doesn't sound musical at all. It all showed up in the latter half, but it seems like once you went to add in more wholly original flourishes, you fell pretty hard. Retool all of that. A lot of the problems here had to do with the mixing and effects not being properly balanced. Once you do that and then flesh out the soundfield a bit more, this'll be in a lot better shape. Decent base so far, Nathan. NO
  7. Hahaha! We don't have any 16-minute mixes. You probably have an MP3 player that isn't decoding the file properly. It's showing up fine in Winamp, but I dunno how it's showing in other players.
  8. Liquid Neon was DJ Pheonix [sic]. Nothing wrong with Martin wanting to change his handle. Good luck finding something you like.
  9. ReMixer name: DJ MAX-E Real Name: Michael Staple Email Address: maxie_da_man_2007@hotmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/djmaxe100 Userid: 24346 Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles Song: Hydrocity Zone System: Sega Genesis The title of this mix is called, Breaking the Waterflow. Made this mix about a week ago. After I finished the whole track of Sonic 2, I was listening to one of Project Chaos' mix of Hydrocity zone called "HydroChill" on youtube. The song was so calming and nice that I decided to make one myself, but this time I wanted to go deeper into Sonic 3 & Knuckles and try to find some ways to make my mixes better than the original. For this mix I gave most of the instruments effects like Fruity Phaser, Fast Dist, etc. to make it sound underwater-like. I made my own hip-hop beat for this mix as well since I like the old skool hip-hop alot. No drum loops. Thanks to Project Chaos for the inspiration and doing proper justice to Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Great Job! Plus, special thanks to my fans on YouTube. Hope you enjoy this mix. ------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - "Hydrocity Zone 1" Ouch with the treble; you're hurting my ears there, so pull it back. There were a ton of other piercing frequencies, including the glassy melodic lead at :31. On the production side, the mix ends up being very taxing to the ears on headphones. There were some dynamics in place, but it didn't make up for the beats repeating ad nauseum. They're well-written beats, but they can't go on cruise control like this for nearly the entire track. You can click almost anywhere and the beat pattern is the same. The beats gets old no matter what other changes are going on around 'em, so think about ways to incorporate variations; it can be subtle, but it needs to be substantive. I see how you went for an underwater effects on some of the sounds, though I'd argue the usage of the effects went overboard. Then again, those effects not sounding right were more of a byproduct of the piercing instrumentation not meshing with the underwater-style sounds. That's what you need to fix. 2:07-2:47 & 3:43-4:35 was too much like a cut-and-paste from :31's section; you need some melodic variation to keep things fresh. As is, you could cut a lot of fat from the mix because of the sheer repetition. There was some interpretive comping-style writing from 2:49-3:13 (with a brief moment of awkwardness from 2:58-3:00; tweak that). Interesting idea for the ending at 4:35, by the way; good concept. Good base so far, Michael. Either cut some fat or add more substance to the arrangement via variations of both the background and foreground parts. Hopefully, the other Js can give you some production tips that would help make the textures more cohesive and less piercing to the ear. Keep working on this and see how much you can improve it! NO (resubmit)
  10. Hey guys, time for another new remix from me! Hope you dig this one, it's a trance remix of FF6's The Prelude, which I've titled "Purity". I don't have anywhere to host it right now so I attached it to this email. If you're familiar with some of my older work, you'll know I've remixed this song before in a collab with auvixa, but a lot of time has passed since then and my skills have come a long way, so I wanted to do this song again and give it the treatment it deserves. I wanted to make something energetic and euphoric with the source material, like what you would hear in a good melodic trance set, and I think I suceeded. Anyways, enjoy! -abg / Shawn Overn --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "The Prelude" (ff6-316.spc) I'm cool with the arrangement. Could have weaved in some original melodic writing or more interpretive melodic interpretation to make things more interesting, but I liked what was there regardless. The mixing was pretty rough though. Obviously, it's possible to go for a more compressed and dense sound, but things were too indistinct, IMO. Stuff like the stuttering rhythms first used at :28, and the "Prelude" countermelody firs used at :58 felt too swallowed up in the overall soundscape. The "Prelude" melody showed up at 1:38. Adding the strings on top at 2:07 added to the muddiness. Pretty much goes on like this, with the less dense sections sounding a bit better, but the thickest textures sounding muddy. I've got no problem with a "wall of sound" style approach, but the individual elements need to have their own space better carved out. When the textures come together so indistinctly, it undermines the strength of the arrangement. I can roll with a conditional YES, but it definitely goes to NO if the soundscape remains as is. The sounds bleed together just a bit too much for me to roll with it. I think this could be meaningfully improved without making the soundscape too clean and undermining the effect Shawn was going for.
  11. Your ReMixer name: Joren de Bruin Your real name: Joren de Bruin Your email address: ayato_kamina1@hotmail.com Your website: - Your userid: 16286 Name of game(s) arranged: Chrono Trigger Name of individual song(s) arranged: Corridors of Time Name of Remix: Corrupter of Time Well, this mix has come a long way, so to speak. It started out as a pretty blatant rip-off of Sixto's style, but because of my lack of confidence in my ability to carry an entire mix on just guitars I added a lot of instrumentation, mainly drawing influences from the Naruto soundtrack, the Symphony & Metallica album and all kinds of other rock/orchestral songs. A special shout-out goes to Tweek, who contacted me on IRC and besides being a really cool dude, he had great samples and sequencing skills, so he wrote a lot of the string parts, as well the majority of the intro. The (obligatory) synth solo generated some controversy among listeners but because the "Wow this is awesome"-side far outweighed the "This is really off-key"-side I decided to keep it in. Just wanted to say that it was intentional. Anyway, that's about all I have to say about this mix, enjoy. -Joren ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tweek's contributions are collab-worthy, so I'm leaving myself a mental note to credit Brian. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Corridors of Time" (ct-304.spc) Didn't like the string being exposed with that fake-sounding decay at :11; the devil's in the details. Pretty balls out stuff on the arrangement side. I can hear the Sixto influence, but it manages to be its own thing. The countermelody brought in at :59 was a little too loud, IMO, but reasonably clicked with the guitars. Interesting stuff at 1:35 with the Eastern plucked strings. The textures from 1:35-2:03 were too crowded though. Awesome dropoff and changeup at 2:23; loved the melodic interpretation on the lead. Went back into the dense stuff at 2:46, again feeling on the crowded side, but I've gotta say, this was actually mixed fairly well. The cymbals seemed to be a bit piercing from 2:58-3:22, but no big deal. A few more dynamic changes here and there, but basically nothing but solid stuff until the end. The track cut off a bit abruptly 4:12 during the cymbal fade, which should be touched up. Awesome stuff though. Aside from some fairly minor production crits, this was excellent. Welcome to the club, Joren. It's about time! YES
  12. Patrick had some potential plans to either resample some existing parts or record some live parts, but he hasn't had the availability. While we'd all agree this could be revised on some level, djp is cool with the existing version, and Pat is also OK with letting this go up in its existing form, so we're going to run with it!
  13. Congratulations. I may have to reject it.
  14. Don't mess it up, Dave! I expect lil' pretzel twists within the next decade!
  15. I mailed Johan on the production issues here, but it looks like they can't be fixed: Aight, guys, what would you like to do?
  16. Do you mean to get it accepted as an OC ReMix? If so, your arrangement approach would definitely not be allowed.
  17. Nah, it's all good. I know Mattias criticized the vocals this go, and I did last time, but even so, I think we both felt they didn't do anything meaningful to hurt the track. I definitely came around to the vocals on this shot; they're awesome! NO vs. conditional YES is always tough. I'll always go NO if it looks like a tweak here and there wouldn't be enough to fix up the issues, but I definitely want to see this make it in some form.
  18. Was good. Not sure why it's legendary, but certainly a strong film. I could have waited for the DVD. Good performance by Ledger; wish he was in there more. That was the obvious inspiration for it.
  19. Both of the NOs say the arrangement is good but the mixing is holding it back. What did that have to do with the vocals or genre?
  20. Hahahaha! Yeah, PMs to djp almost never work, even from me. They get lost in the shuffle. I'll see what I can do.
  21. Nutritious, Fishy Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com http://NutritiousMultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Tales of Phantasia Go A Step Further & Go Over Adversity Note: This is a PROJECT submission for the Tales album. Being on several OCR projects that were quite a long time away from being released, I started looking around for other projects that were close to completion. I literally joined the Tales project at the last minute after convincing Kyle that I could start and finish my mix before the deadline two weeks away. I submitted a nearly finished mix a couple days before the deadline, but got some feedback that the lead synth wasn't quite strong enough to carry the melody. Fishy graciously agreed (on the day the mix was due actually) to record a couple of guitar leads to double up with the synth, which turned out awesome. Anyway, about the mix. I started off remixing just Go A Step Further (sounds like a fanfare song probably), but couldn't come up with enough material from that song alone. At around 1:40, the mix transitions to the second song, Go Over Adversity, with a modified time signature (I think the original is 5/4). I really wish I could've incorporated more of this song, because it has a very cool chorus that plays after the first melody. However, time constraints prevented me from doing this. Around 2:20 it switches back to Go A Step Further with a bit more shreddage from the Fish. Hope you guys enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=top - "Go a Step Further" (top-133.spc) & "Go Over Adversity" (top-220.spc) I'm feeling the arrangement, though the source tunes didn't really have much to work with melodically, which somewhat carried over into the mix. Aside from Cain's guitar, the track didn't really have any other hooks, not that that had anything to do with the decision. Just leaves me wanting something a little catchier. Not feeling the snare tone at :32; I always complain about that stuff. The mixing wasn't awful, but both times Cain's guitar was involved (:59-1:19 & 2:49-3:16), it just barreled over everything. I like that it's going for balls out energy, but to me it obscured the rest of the instrumentation when there should have been synergy. I liked the writing of the brass section at 1:46, but the low brass from 2:08-2:21 didn't sit well in the mix; sometimes it sounded more like an audio deformation than brass samples. Minor stuff: the awkward note movement at 3:23 exposed the string samples, and the fadeout also cut off a bit abruptly at 3:36. Some of Justin's subs pass and some don't, but a fairly consistent issue throughout them is that the attempted synergy between orchestration and other instruments/styles isn't quite there. Even when the textures work well enough, they could be better. I wish I could articulate it more, but hopefully some others Js can elaborate if they agree. I like your style, Justin, and you have no reason to move away from it, but there's still room for improvement. I may be in the minority, but I think this could use a little more fine tuning on the drum sound and mixing choices before it's good to go. NO (refine/resubmit) EDIT (8/6): The triggering of the strings at 3:23 still sounded awkward and exposed the sample badly; a shame it wasn't fixed. 2:36-2:49 sounded a bit muddy and crowded thanks to a warbling effects on one of the synths. The other issues though (levels of Fishy's guitar, brass deformation, weak snare) were addressed well. The snare tone almost sounds TOO punchy now, but at least it reasonably works, unlike the last time. The sound balance and polish turned out better, so this was more solid, and pushes it over the line. YES
  22. Submission Information Sonic Adventure 2 Supporting Me Comments: I was inspired to do this song after listening back to the SA2 soundtrack. Supporting Me and Shadow's theme Throw it All Away seemed very different and like pieces I seemed interested in doing, so I decided to go for a remix of Supporting Me. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Weird source tune. Interesting production on it. Pretty good groove too. SONIC ADVENTURE 2 ORIGINAL SOUND TRACK multi-dimensional - (228) "Supporting Me ...for Biolizard" You're certainly trying to produce this the same way as the original, creating a kind of washed out effect where the leads aren't front and center. I don't think it clicks the same way with the electrosynth you chose at :41 or the guitar synth (which sounded a bit mechanically sequenced) at :55, but it was OK. The abbreviated source melody first used at 1:24 was too low energy; could have been the slow attacks. Stuttering the rhythms at 1:52 didn't sound much better, since the sequencing was too mechanical-sounding. The droning-type noise added at 2:05 also sounded weird, segueing into a brutally incoherent section sampling the source tune vocals in layers until 2:42. More bland, awkwardly written electrosynth stuff on melody at 3:01. The drum changeup at 3:43 made little sense with less than 40 seconds left, but was a decent attempt at playing with the dynamics a bit. I was enjoying the industrial-ish close at 4:04 (couple of odd notes with the piano, however), even though the track abruptly cut off at 4:21. The industrial style of the backing instrumentation was fairly well put together, but the melodic arrangement was poorly written and had foreground sound choices that, IMO, didn't mesh at all with the other sounds. Plus, the vocal sampling was nothing but awkward. Not bad for a first sub, but needs a ton of work in the front. NO
  23. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10520 The Radical Dreamers - Requiem of Broken Futures Contact Information * The Radical Dreamers * Michael Collins * mutronbiphase548@gmail.com Submission Information * Phantasy Star IV/Chrono Cross * Requiem for Lutz/Chronopolis * Izuho Takeuchi/Yasunori Mitsuda * This remix was written for Allie, one of my best friends, an absolutely golden and beautiful girl. -------------------------------------------------------------- http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Chrono_Cross_psf.rar - 302 "Chronopolis" http://project2612.org/download.php?id=51 - "Requiem for Lutz" Opens up pretty lossy-sounding at 112kbps CBR. I'd VBR this, for sure. Piano intro still sounds mechanical. The decay of the piano at :46 didn't sound natural either; sounded more like a fadeout. From :47-1:48, the piano sound was deforming a bit. The quality of the piano sequencing was decent, but the piano went on for such a long time, it exacerbated the lack of fluidity in the sequencing. 1:48 moved over into the rock section. Performance was still awesome, but the production and sound balance was terrible. The lead and harmonization needed to be more upfront and all the parts need to be better separated through EQing. The cymbals, I dunno what happened to them, but they're splashing over the place and obscuring stuff, especially from 2:54-3:11. After 3:11, the production still sounded lossy, and some of the cymbal shots still obscured the track, but the sound balance was a lot better than before. Guitar stuff from 6:07 until the end still sounded whiny and a bit stiffly performed, but I'll live. I love the arrangement, but the sound quality was still weak. Dunno, could even be the same version submitted from last time, despite improving this with Dennis Mott's crits and coming out with a later version that, IIRC, was mixed way better than this. Maybe one of the Js could take a look at the source files and recommend how to clean this up so the sound quality wasn't holding this back. NO (resubmit)
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