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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Info: Remixer name: NeoS Game remixed: Silent Hill series E-mail: mail.neos@gmail.com song title: Welcome to Silent Hill style: Jumpstyle Hey OCR judges, Here I am (again) and this time I have a Jumpstyle Remix from Silent Hill’s main theme. I don’t know if you guys know the genre (as it’s not really popular in the US) I don’t have much hope this track will pass since it’s not the typical OCReMix-style electro house you usually get, but what the hell, right? So if you don’t know the genre, I hope this is a nice introduction to it. Again, thank you for your reviewing time. NeoS. --------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, what are you talking about? zircon said "we have 0 electro house tracks", and, besides, genre has nothing to do with anything with selecting what makes it. Out of the last 25 tracks posted on the front page, we have maybe 2 or 3 tracks you could classify as electronica. I'm not offended, but it just seems you have no idea what we post at all. Anyway, let's get to the meat: Silent Hill Original Soundtracks - (01) "SILENT HILL" No hate here, but the opening electrosynths, boom-tss, and other sounds are too thin and generic-sounding. It just makes the track sound bland, because there's no depth or sophistication to the textures to make it stand out. Conceptually, I'm fine with the rhythms. Drops off at 1:21 to move over into some sampled screaming before what sounds like a sampled portion of "SILENT HILL" quietly fades in around 1:30, lasting until 2:05. Moved into an electronic, more rhythmic take on the source melody at 2:08, but again, you've got really generic & bland synth lead that arguably makes the theme sound less melodious than it really is. I liked the light vox in the background, though the melody was LONELY. It was just that solitary melodic line until 3:09, where the harmonized vox wasn't loud enough to have any synergy with the lead. The second electrosynth on harmony added at 3:09 unfortunately didn't add much. There was still no depth or complexity to the textures. This was just too barebones the whole way and not interesting to listen to. You should have probably changed things up at 3:24, because the repeated iterations of the melody until 4:04 got old pretty quickly. You definitely could have cut out some fat and switched to the 4:04 section a lot earlier to provide some contrast. Went back to the sampled screaming and source tune around 4:34 for the close, which was a cooler way to end it. Perhaps scrap the earlier use of it and just save it for the end; I was feeling it more as the finish. But yeah, if you wanted to work on this further, the composition and textures need more depth, the sounds need to bring something more unique, and the length could be trimmed down. But this would honestly need a lot of work. NO
  2. Time to get some new ears. Nah, I see what you mean. The volume gets up there. Good old mix though, back when OCR was just djp and a couple other people he asked to host arrangements from.
  3. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13682 Remixer: Hollidayrain Name: Sreyas Krishnan Email Address: sreyaskr@msn.com Website: www.soundclick.com/hollidayrain Game: Wario Land 3 (Game Boy) Song arranged: Closing Credits Theme Title: Dancing in the Box Link to song: First off, I really want to thank you guys for your criticism on the first one. They really helped me both make some changes to this piece as well as my production altogether. A couple of changes you will notice immediately are the oboe solo at the beginning and the less disgusting clap. I also cut down on the 'machine-gun' snare rolls, and really altered my interpretation of the original theme by adding both a countermelody and even an alternate melody. -Hollidayrain ------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/hoot/gbs/Wario%20Land%203%20(2000)(Nintendo).zip - Track 21 The mixing's a bit too bright. Some of the frequencies in the intro felt piercing. The beats brought in at :22 sounded pretty skimpy and untreated, IMO. Meanwhile, the delay on everything left the soundscape feeling somewhat swamped. Without pulling that back too much, I'd tone that down a little. Moved over into an original electronic section at :44 returning to the melody at 1:18. Seems to me like the supporting beats are too loud compared to the melody, leaving the melody fighting to be heard. Same with the countermelody at 3:15, it just barrels over the lead. Definitely some better variations of the theme at 1:47. Wasn't feeling the lead choice at 2:15/3:29; it's a pretty ugly sound. Overall, the textures could still use some work, both with the sound balance among the parts and choosing sounds that are pleasing and not generic. There's a lot of stuff you could do with the current sounds to bring about a more unique-sounding electronic mix. The drumwork at 3:16 felt pretty retread-ish despite employing some off-beats and being structured differently than the 1:49 section; I'd appreciate another J making suggestions on how to keep the beats sounding interesting. I did think the last original section at 3:58 didn't fit at all as a bookend to the track. Stylistically, it wasn't similar at all to the upbeat source tune and made for an awkward finish. Overall on the arrangement side, things were a lot more creative and dynamic, so props there. Adjusting the sound balance would only bring out the dynamics of the arrangement more. But really now, this needs a spit polish on the sound quality. I wouldn't slave away at this for a long time, Sreyas, but I'd use the resources here to see what you could do in a couple of weeks to upgrade the sounds and position the parts where they need to be. NO (resubmit)
  4. Contact Information * Your ReMixer names: analoq, Hemophiliac * Your real name: Aaron Matthews, Chris Roman * Your userid: 1848, 4862 Submission Information * Name of game arranged: Startropics * Name of individual song arranged: nsf track 4 * Additional information about game: NES, Y. Hirai (composer) ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.zophar.net/nsf/Startropics.zip - Track 4 The source melody rode in the back seat during the middle of the track, but it was still the foundation of the piece and I heard it throughout. Nice stuff arrangement-wise, with a pretty solid groove. There was about just over 8 seconds of silence at the end that should be trimmed off. Otherwise, just giving the panel some good stuff to chill to. Listening to this was like finding something I needed that I didn't know I was actually looking for. Being very familiar with Aaron's stuff, it was really cool seeing Chris take charge on this one and lead the arrangement, supplemented with those analoq spices. Correct me if I'm mistaken on the balance of the contribution. Regardless, I liked the relaxed light jazz feel here. The genre fit the source like a glove. YES
  5. remixer: HoboKa game: CHRONO TRIGGER (I know this game gets whored off too much, but hey it's CT) original: Factory Ruins remix: Factory_groove_baby (you can change the name if you want, providing it gets accepted) link: Description: OKAY I know I've been submitting a lot of my stuff to you guys recently, but this one is a gem amongst the pile of cow excrement, at least to me, so here I am submitting it. It's not really your typical dance song, in fact I've no clue which genre this is =/, although it's kinda DnB-ish. I tried to vary it up a lot, making the drums very interesting to listen to, I even got a bassline for you guys, seeing as my last DnB song got anally raped for not having an "apparent" one even though there WAS one...maybe you guys ought to get your headphones checked . And Larry, I think I've finally learnt how to walk and I'm somewhere in between the walking and running phase...maybe I'm wunning. Well, enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Remains of the Factory" (ct-210.spc) You've got the personalization vibe down at least. The saw lead at :28 sounded pretty tacky, IMO. It's just a pretty generic choice and didn't really work in the texture you created once more stuff entered at :48. 1:11-1:33 moved over into some original stuff that didn't quite click. Same with the original writing on top of the source from 1:33-2:11. Really awkward writing of the lead synth that didn't have any synergy combined with the source. A lot of similar issues with your previous CT sub "Grief Stricken" in terms of when the arrangement worked better and when it went off the rails. As soon as you try to do your own thing, you just don't have the ear for writing cohesive original parts and it ends up messing up the flow. I thought the sound choices lacked, but what really needs work is effectively forming your original writing ideas. When the source is the focus, you're able to play with it a bit, change the sounds and give it some rhythmic or other small touches. That's all good. But when you aim beyond that for something more complex like original sections or adding original "melodic" lines around the source, you're quickly getting out of your depth, which is unfortunate. Beyond "practice, practice, practice" to train your ear, I'm not sure how else you can address a pretty critical issue like that. NO
  6. Remixer Handle : Kepler Remixer Name : Stian Vik Saunes contact info : mail: athr0x@spray.no Arranged Game : Chrono Trigger (SNES) Arranged Song : Schala's theme Original by Nobuo Uematsu, Noriko Matsueda, Yasunori Mitsuda Project created in FL Studio 8 ------------------------------------------------------------ http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Schala's Theme" (ct-306.spc) Cool first submission. Seems like there's a bit too much of a lo-fi tinge to the sound quality. It might be purposeful, but it ends up sounding lossy in a bad way. I loved the SID-style/chip-style textures here. Nonetheless, the "Schala" melody should have been interpreted more substantially. There were some minor changes, and the personalization with the supporting writing was evident. But you've got to develop the arrangement of the melody more. The introduction started things off hot, but then you settled into a comfort zone in second gear and never moved out of it. Right now, the track doesn't break 3 minutes and the arrangement basically retreaded at 1:44 and went for a fadeout ending at 2:36 instead of doing anything substantively new with the theme for the second half. If you can extend the creativity of this track more into the interpretation side, you'd be gold. Do more with the melody and dynamics to keep this fresh instead of rehashing things so early. Right now, this is too underdeveloped. Definitely resubmit this one, Stian. NO (resubmit)
  7. name: Alex Shtokalko Game: CHRONO TRIGGER Originals: No Hope and that other...sad...one (I forget the name) Remix name: Grief Stricken Remixer alius: HoboKa link: Well, here's another orchestral piece from me, it's pretty conservative but not at certain parts, I hope you guys enjoy it. ------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "The Day the World Revived" (ct-206.spc) & "At the Bottom of Night" (ct-303.spc) The levels were too quiet, but that wasn't a huge deal. The structure here was all sorts of weird. I don't mind messing around with the melodic structure or adding original sections, clearly. But this came across like mucking with things just to make the structure different, and the results didn't sound very focused or melodious (e.g. :00-:42, 1:40-1:57, 2:17-3:05). It wasn't terrible, but they sections didn't connect together effectively and transitions like the one at 2:17 felt awkward. The best executed parts ended up being the ones where you followed the source tune very closely, and thus had the core mapped out for you already (e.g. :43-1:40, 1:57-2:17, 3:05-4:10), with 3:05-4:10 being the best on interpretation. Seems like you're leaning a bit on the cover-ish sections to pull you through. The last piano note at 4:16 stopped abruptly at 4:19; keep an eye on details like that to keep the finish strong. Some of the backing string writing felt dissonant, or at least odd at times, particularly during the less cover-ish sections. The textures and mixing felt a bit odd as well, which I'd appreciate another J elaborating on, but I thought you at least had some good subtle dynamics in play here. It's really just a matter of getting your compositional ideas more focused and flowing, Alex, and adding more interpretive substance to the first few cover-ish sections. NO
  8. * Your ReMixer name: (Fearless vampire Killers (F.V.K.) * Your real name : Jeremy D sumabon * Your email address: Sumabon@hotmail.com * Your website :None at the moment Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Megaman 2 * Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Woodman stage * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) * Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) o * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. o I made this song about 5 years ago, but I never got around to finishing what I had originally planned. I was going to wait and finish the piece, and then submit it, but I never did. I feel that it stands pretty well on its own as is, and it's a pretty different approach to Megaman music. Well, different than the approach I see most people take. o was Really into 1970's era dub reggae when I made this song and that explains the repetitiveness, over- reverb, and heavy bass mix of the song. The name of the song is a play on "Rids the world of the evil curse of the Vampires", which is a popular dub album -------------------------------------------------------------- It was reggae-ish, so the panel can have it. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman3.zip - Track 13 ("Woodman Stage") This was an interesting take, and the interpretive saw wave section at :54 was a good idea, but the lead sounds were very fake-sounding (brass lead) and thin (both the brass and the saw wave). The background instrumentation was chill and laid-back with a solid combo of piano, bass and the percussion, but the overall texture was very sparse and empty due to those leads being so weak. Arrangement-wise, the track was basically done at 1:17, before going for another loop, which was too underdeveloped of an idea. For something 1:58-long, in my opinion, you can't be repeating ANYTHING within such a short track. Something more fleshed out of at least 2:30's worth of a constantly evolving arrangement would be a lot more solid. The change of the theme into more of a reggae style was really cool, Jeremy, but you need to develop the ideas more and get more interpretive with the Woodman melody as well as vary up the background writing more. The approach can be subtle, but keep things evolving throughout. NO
  9. Use some proper English please. Like you've probably seen, the Works in Progress area has areas for video game music ReMixes, and then everything else ("Other"). Host your file somewhere and include a link to the track in your new thread, so that people can download it and/or critique it. If you're looking to submit a video game ReMix to OCR for consideration, then read this.
  10. No thanks. He can keep his stupid Hawaiian shirts to himself.
  11. Make sure this doesn't interfere with your ability to go to MAGFest! Save lots of money!
  12. I've reported all of the videos, so hopefully YouTube will follow up.
  13. Yeah, I know, the selection's pretty shallow so far. There's only 1200 of 'em.
  14. I help you, n00b. http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/ EDIT: Search thread title - "SNES"
  15. No, we are not switching servers.
  16. Let us know what you think of the soundtrack! (He's gonna shit on it! )
  17. Wow, that's pretty sweet. Yeah, hopefully some video will be out for that performance.
  18. But the theme was right in the background maybe 20 seconds in. It was understated, but it was there.
  19. I'm just a big fan of our ongoing avatar project. (For any total n00bs, those are the little character icons next to people's forum names). Thanks to the help of our users, we now have nearly 1200 different choices for everyone to use. So, particularly for any lurkers or non-registered people out there, fire up that forum account, pick an avatar and lemme know why you chose it! Depending on what you pick, you're likely to have a unique choice that no one else is using. I've got Bowser pictured from Tetris Attack. He's a great villain, and he's got a great evil look on him here. I figured it would be appropriate to pick a villain, as being both a mod and a judge, I'm thus a scourge of the community!
  20. That was just the short form. They'll have video down the line, so I'm definitely looking forward to that! In other ROFLCon-related news that I neglected to mention, you can check out djp and myself in footage from Alexis Ohanian's ROFL initiative for One Laptop Per Child. We're behind Tron Guy, how hilarious is that. If you thought he was freaky as hell, you have not seen him working that suit in person. Light it up, Tron.
  21. We could certainly offer up some audio interviews Dave and the staff have done if we wanna add to the pile, though those are considerably longer: *Game Music Radio recently changed their site, so their archives are currently down. If anyone has MP3s of the 2006 interviews with djpretzel and zircon & pixietricks, let me know. *There's djpretzel's April interview with Music of the Gamer. *There are also the spots on The Screen Savers and Electric Playground (the last two videos in our Press section), which are comparatively very short. I just want to mention that everyone who helps, please keep track of what they've worked on, like the info up top. I plan on linking to your profile (or ReMixers profile, if needed) with a transcription credit if your work is approved. It's only fair, and we appreciate your help!
  22. Welcome to your new home, thread.
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