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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Would have gone to this had I still been in the DC-Metro area; lemme know how it was!
  2. Jimmy owns his house. He just didn't care about ripping down the existing wallpaper. As for Andy not having pants, maybe he's a nudist in training. But I wouldn't wanna see it. Hairy. SnappleMan might.
  3. Heheheh. Yeah, I'm a fan of theirs too, and their new stuff isn't terrible, but I still think Parachutes was their best.
  4. http://www.facebook.com/pages/OverClocked-ReMix/7350358374 http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2210239078 Join. Then encourage 100 friends to join. Thanks a lot for showing your support, everyone!
  5. No one said this was strictly a praise forum, and you know that anyway. But as far as what you expected, I think you would have been aware it didn't stick to the genre conventions had you read more closely: He's knows and says it's not textbook trance. He says it's a hybrid of styles. He's also knows and says it's not textbook trance, and he also says it's a hybrid of styles. It's a moot point to go "a-ha! [sic] They said it's trance, but it's NOT!", as if there was false advertising. The word trance was used, absolutely. But no one said it was straight-up trance. They said it had trance elements.
  6. I dunno what OCtRance is supposed to be. The track has some trance elements. But to call it weak because the ReMixer didn't stick to genre conventions is pointless. The track is what it is. It doesn't need to be a textbook example of trance to be a good track. Calling it a "subpar style adaptation" assumes the track was trying to be something it wasn't. So you can't fault it for that, you can just say you would have preferred something traditional. I also don't know why you're invoking Siamey, who's last mix passed with no problem. The main issue he had with his last two rejected subs was using the source material more substantively in the mix, not what genre the track was.
  7. Relies too much on some drumloop presets. The piano could be more upfront. No idea what it is, but not one from here.
  8. Jon, you got a nice pimp from Amber Ahlborn of Nerve.com, congrats! It's a hit with the ladies. Still wanna pull that mix?
  9. Hahaha! Because clearly the proper way to counter the people who liked his work is to be a big douche. Viva Piñata and GoldenEye?!? Please, Kirkhope is already a legend.
  10. Hey, who knows, maybe we'll do something like an "I'm feeling lucky" feature. Certainly sounds like an interesting enough idea, though I'm sure where that could be integrated into the site. If anyone had compelling enough idea, maybe Dave would implement it. The Russian ReMix roulette on the front page offers 6 random ReMixes every half hour, and ormgas @ rainwave.cc plays everything we have, like Atma alluded to. I'd also tell people to just download from our torrents. Grab everything and queue 'em up.
  11. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=5075 1st RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=7716 2nd RESUB Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=9318 Remixer Name: Brain Cleaner Real Name: Kai Brooks Email: braincleanermusic@gmail.com Website: myspace.com/braincleaner (temp) Userid: 20389 Game: Unreal Tournament (Classic, the '99 one) Original Song: Foregone Destruction Remix Name: Hat Trick Original: REMIX: Notes: This is a resub, but the last submission was in over a year ago. Hope you all like the new direction. Made exclusively with Ableton Live 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Unreal Tournament OSV - "Foregone Destruction" Opened up pretty loud; probably should have toned down that lead. The drums sounded pretty lonely in the back when they came in at :29. Nothing was filling out the space in the back adequately; this really could have used a pad to fill that out. The synth lines added in at :38, :53 & 1:06 weren't positioned properly to do that, IMO, and ended up stumbling over with each other until 1:18. The approach of using the source background as more of an anchor for original writing on top is an interesting one, but I don't think this was pulling it off. I liked the dropoff at 1:18 (it was a welcome relief from the clutter of the previous section's buildup). I could argue 1:30-1:53 was empty for too long and you could have subtly added something to build things up, but that's more subjective of a criticism. You also threw in a three note reference to the source melody at 1:29 & 1:35 that sounded kind of off-key with the rest of the track. 1:53 brought some drumwork back in to pick the energy up a bit. Much better use of the vox-like sounds to pad the soundscape. Not feeling that 3-beep pattern brought in at 2:18 at all; it was too loud and didn't enhance the texture by being there. The pad foundation was still chugging at 2:42's transitional section, but I thought it overstayed its welcome by then. At least the track finally moved out of it by 3:05, though that beep-pattern came back at 3:06, followed by some machine gun claps that sounded very awkward, IMO. And again, more synths were added that overcomplicated the textures and didn't sound melodious at all. Things were fine with that saw-like countermelody at 3:06, but then started to go overboard at 3:17 with a busier beeping melody & another saw countermelody under that, then even MORE at from 3:29-3:41 with I-don't-even-know-what-that-is-but-it-sounds-ugly. It's way too much, and none of it gels. :'-( Then it switched to another beat entirely in the last 20 seconds that had a lot of potential, and barely scratched the surface on it. Where was that before??? That's wasted potential. :'-( again. Sorry, Kai, some of the ideas keep getting needlessly busy/cluttered with these poorly-written additions, and it just ruins the flow. There was no synergy or cohesiveness in those sections at all. Also, it felt like the arrangement was leaning too much on still fairly straightforward/verbatim ideas from "Foregone Destruction" to serve as the foundation of the track, attempting to compensate by building a bunch of original sounds and writing on top that unfortunately didn't click. I would have focused on keeping the core sections arranging the source evolving and fresh. Stuff like 4:17's changeup would have been cooler earlier. JigginJonT just told me one thing that's important for both of us to keep in mind, that being "when you work on a project for a long time, you start to lose objectivity." I realize a lot of the past NOs said the arrangement was somewhat simplified, but it looked like the general consensus of those NOs was that this was reasonably close to passing and didn't need to be majorly mucked with. More rhythmic or melodic variation with the core patterns arranging "Foregone Destruction" would have put this over the top for me, but instead a lot of noise and busyness was added that didn't need to be introduced in the first place. Perhaps in trying to address the criticisms from last time, you interpreted that as needing to majorly overhaul what was there, but I think that ended up being a mistake where you threw out both ideas that didn't work and ideas that DID. I'd probably let it go with this mix, only in the sense that it may not be worth your while to tweak it anymore, but I'm looking forward to hearing whatever else you may make in the future. NO EDIT (9/17): Re: Palpable and zyko's comments that I wasn't being objective enough, I don't think that was the case at all. The clutter issues really hurt the piece, and other more minor issues that I wasn't the only one picking up on (some of the production choices and some writing sounding odd/off-key), ultimately added up to the NO.
  12. Both you AND zircon were hating on that theme the first time y'all heard it, after I plugged that YouTube non-stop. Though you did laugh your ass off at how broken the game was. Of course, Cheetahmanz is one of the greatest NES themes ever made, so you couldn't "meh" on it for long. You forum folks could also look good with our Cheetahmen avatars! Hercules, Aries and Apollo!
  13. It's not magic when it spits out "Your mom" for every answer.
  14. Nah, I couldn't disagree more with you and the others critics of that section. That was dynamic contrast, and it was well done, especially how the piano seamlessly chained into the rebuilding of the trance instrumentation. It kept things fresh and evolving within the track, and that was only a good thing to me as a listener. Funniest thing about this mix is how Jon didn't feel confident enough on this one and wanted us to withdraw it from submission while submitting his next mix. Meanwhile, we had already passed it but hadn't updated that information yet. HAVE SOME FAITH, JON!
  15. Kind of ROFL to read that, because a certain singer has got an amazing vocal performance that's waiting to be posted, collabbing with another ultra-talented female newcomer. And there's some post production, but you don't get anywhere without the raw materials being good. I thought "Blue Reflection" was pretty solid for the time. The vocals just should have been better positioned in the soundfield.
  16. Yeah, nothing wrong with doing a MIDI remix album, Lightthrower. It doesn't involve the effort of rearrangements, but, you know...[shrugs]. Gotta agree that you jumped the gun on how much of a travesty this was. Aside from the courtesy of crediting the MIDI authors, this wasn't a big faux pas. She wasn't trying to hype the goal of the album up as anything more than it was, which was reinstrumentation. Not that I'm upset at you. Thanks a lot for enjoying Voices of the Lifestream, if anything. Funny reading that thread, the people who disliked VotL for "changing the feel too much" or whatever. One of the guys thought we were a techno site; clueless. Some people just want verbatim covers, and that's it. That's where the most nostalgia is, and there's nothing wrong with that. But keep in mind, as much as this site and the ReMixers have cultivated strong fanbases, OC ReMix isn't primarily about fanservice - certainly not in the way cover mockups are. What sets OCR apart is that creative rearrangements are more of a tribute to the actual composers than an effort to appeal to the lowest common denominator. Regardless of a typical fan's preferences for a remix, I think a composer would be a lot more impressed hearing a creative interpretation of a theme they wrote, rather than a reinstrumented version. That's the more important goal of this site.
  17. Too liberal...again? You're breaking my heart, Kunal - LT Just wanted to submit my mix "Somebody Get Me Some Water". This is in conjunction with the Super Dodgeball Project that was just released by the Bad Dudes. The direct download page is http://www.noballsnoglory.net. LT Edit (7/22): Got a breakdown from Kunal! ---------------------------------------------------------------- I remember Mustin wanted this to DP when we pimped the "No Balls, No Glory" release, but when I checked it, the arrangement didn't pass the sniff test, hence my need for a formal submission. Might as well get the others to weigh in. http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/S/Super%20Dodge%20Ball.nsf - Track 5 Awesome track, beautifully put together, but it's getting too liberal; much the same situation as Kunal's Silent Hill series mix from Zombies Rocked My Neighbors that ended up doing its own thing too much. For a 216-seconds long track, it needs the source for more than 108 seconds to get my YES. Opened up with a really liberal, simplified bubbly pattern inspired by the rhythm of the the source's opening it seems. Too liberal though to overtly connect it, IMO. Built up into some added instrumentation at :13. Nice string cameo at :28. The flute at :44 sounded inspired by the source melody, but only tied to the source overtly from :58-1:05. Source seemed liberally arranged from 1:12-1:22, before going into a more verbatim shot from 1:27-1:34. Seemed like just original stuff from 1:41-2:14. More India theme action from 2:14-2:21 and 2:29-2:35. :51-:55 of the source was liberally arranged from 2:58-3:16. Right now, I'm not even breaking 30 seconds of overt usage. Obviously there was other more liberal stuff that's loosely based on the source, most importantly the first 57 seconds with the bubbly synth, but it's too loose of a connection, IMO. If someone wants to go the theory route and explain how it's more strongly connected to the phrasing of the source, they certainly can. This just seems too far off, even being super generous. As far as I can tell, you just get whiffs of the theme. So, it's a great track inspired by the India theme, but it does its own thing too much at the expense of using the source in a dominant, overt way. I'm only going to hold out on a vote until I hear from the artist. EDIT (7/22): Kunal's timestamps gave some basic info on where usage starts, but ultimately jive with what I found, and I felt the overall arrangement was too liberal. Love the track, but that can't be the criteria for approval. :'-( NO
  18. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13632 ReMixer name: CHIPP Damage, Fray Real name: Jahan Zoltan Honma, Nathan Monteleone Email address: chaahan@hotmail.com User id: 16036 Game(s) arranged: Valkyrie Profile Song(s) arranged: Behave Irrationally (primary), Turn Over a New Leaf (secondary) Additional information about game: Released in August, 2000 in America. Developed by Tri-Ace and published by Enix. Music composed by Motoi Sakuraba (My FAVORITE!). Known for crazy progressive rock music-filled dungeons, a crazy battle system and more death than this remix. Link to the original soundtrack: It's #224 and #113 on this page Hello djp and company. CHIPP Damage here. I hope you're ready for a resubmission of my remix of the most important song from the best Norse Mythology -based RPG (Irrational Behavior from Valkyrie Profile), done in the only Norse Mythology-based modern genre of music (Viking Metal), produced by a guy whose name is pronounced just like that of a Norse God (Fray), and arranged by a guy whose got nothing Norwegian to his name except for perhaps some viking-esque snowflakes in his beard (Me). This plate of sweets has all the death-voiced gingerbread men, Weeping Lily pollen-filled brownies, and RAGNAROKY ROAD ice cream that the previous one had, except this time it's produced twice as well. Fray got a new oven and has been cooking this thing for. . . like ever! And I REALLY appreciate him for it. He tried his best to selflessly satisfy the helpful comments of the judges (Thanks for those, by the way) while simultaneously giving me the viking-esque sound that I was longing for. We're both really happy with the results and we hope you are too. Just for fun, I'd like to give you the play-by-play of just the arrangement myself this time. I hope I can get feedback from Liontamer in that area (nudge). Stars off with a 4/4 adaption of the main melody of the source being played very fast. :06 There a solo and a quick heavy riff which are original. :15 Heavy chords and lyrics. I lowered the key from the original but it's a i vi progression like the main melody of the source. :26 Some heavy chords that are a 4/4 adaption of the middle voice in the music box intro of the source tune. It sounds like a vibraphone to me, but I'm not sure. :38 And now the main melody comes out a 4th down from the original's key plus a harmonizing guitar below it. When the lyrics come in, the strings jump up that 4th. 1:20 It's been so long since I recorded this that I can't remember how I chose the next three chords but it's D C and B with a A on top of each. 1:41 YES! The main melody on the bottom and a harmonizing guitar on top of it. 2:03 original heavy chords with lyrics. 2:13 Uses the same harmony I used for the main melody section at :26 but with lots of rhythmical differences this time around. 2:35 A riff that's inspired by the very beginning of Turn Over a New Leaf. 2:55 It's the "Turn Over a New Leaf Solo Section!" Using the melody and it's harmony from the original but with the harmony one octave up, putting it on top. 3:09 still roughly verbatim New Leaf solos until 3:22 where I changed the part that would come there in the original into a call and response part and changed the bass notes 3:37 Back to Behave Irrationally. this part of the solo is based on the music box intro of the source. The chord progression has been changed though. 3:55 Back the main melody. Only difference this time is that there aren't any lyrics now. The final riff is a i vi progression based on the main melody and the final solo is original. JUST in case you're interested. I did get the idea for a remix like this from another song. It's also a song about Ragnarok by the band Amon Amarth. I really liked their idea of telling a really intense high-paced story all throughout the first half and then having a long solo section in the middle followed by a slow doomy riff that signifies that Surtur has just burned all that was left of the World Tree. It's called Burning Creation. Link yo: http://chipp_damage.sitesled.com/04%20Burning%20Creation.wma Sincerely, Jahan --------------------------------------------------------------- What happened to that Sixto mastered version? http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar - 224 "Behave Irrationally" & 113 "Turn Over a New Leaf" The arrangement was solid, IMO; sorry for not mentioning it last time. It was obviously using the sources enough, but the breakdown was cool to follow. The drums were way too skimpy from 3:06-3:19, except for that little break in between. 3:55-4:22 was extremely drawn out and meandering; you couldn't even make out the source melody, it was so buried. If you can't change it to something that works, shorten it drastically or get rid of it. The "booms" from 4:40-5:18 seemed to just bleed over the soundscape; you need to carve out some separate space for it so it doesn't muddy up the soundfield. Hahaha, still funny vocals. Not sure why I wasn't feeling the delivery on them as much the first time around, because they're awesome. The instrumentation still sounds comparatively quiet and lo-fi. Not sure why that is, but this could really use some polish. Just brighten up the track with some appropriate higher frequencies and separate the parts better, and this would be good to go. The production was a clear improvement from last time, but it still needs that final push. Don't be discouraged, bros, I really wanna see this make it to the front page! NO (refine/resubmit)
  19. Gotta do something on those 7am vocals; too dry, plus the delivery sucks. Lots of classics on there, though, I love this album. Personal favorites are River City Rap, <3 Jesus, Da Black Market, and Funk Out, but pretty much everything is fun. Before I forget: http://vgmdb.net/db/albums.php?id=9325 What's the source tune for OUSWTFBBQ5? An FF track? And where's some album art? C'mon, Photoshop a happy face on top of a Ritz cracker. Use Joe with an O-face or something.
  20. Hi , my name is Anatolii Shipilov born in Russia [ Cyberia :] now live in Israel I grown on NES Mega Man games , and i love almost all musics in that game . i dont played a " Rock Man EXE " in GameBoy but i liked music in that so i decided to Rmx track that i liked very much . hope u and all listeners like it Game : Rock Man EXE 1 [ GameBoy Advance ] Name of Track [ Original ] : Running Through The Cyber World Composer : Akari Kaida Remixer : Chosen [ Me :] my e-mail : dj_plastix@hotmail.com Thanx Anatolii ------------------------------------------------------------ Hopefully the language barrier here isn't too great. Keep in mind, you need to name your track something different from the original song. This is support to tribute the source tune, but also stand apart from it due to unique and creative ideas you add. The title's one aspect of that. http://www.zophar.net/download_file/8211 - (09) "Running Through the Cyber World" I liked the constant instrumental variation here; it was a good way to personalize the sound of the piece. You were definitely going in the right direction there. The textures here were decent, but could have been fuller. You had some pads going on in the back that worked well when in play though. The guitar synth sequencing from 1:22 -1:44 was really mechanical-sounding though. Overall though, the structure was pretty much verbatim with the source tune. You need to vary the structure or interpret the melodies more to make your arrangement stand apart more from the original. NO
  21. Contact Info: Remixer Name: Blue.Nocturne Real Name: Dennis Kim Email Address: blue_nctrn@yahoo.com User Id: 22091 Submission Information: Remix Title: Gusty Garden (Starlit Temple Remix) Link to Remix: Name of game arranged: Super Mario Galaxy Name of songs arranged: Gusty Garden (Also known as Wind Garden), parts of Starbit Festival Additional Info: Originally composed by Mahito Yokota, played by the Mario Galaxy Orchestra Produced for the Nintendo Wii, Released 11/12/07 in US Link to Original Songs: Gusty Garden - http://youtube.com/watch?v=pqBfsdGrn8s Starbit Festival - Additional Comments: "I'm fairly new to OCR, I was sort of recruited by Abadoss through the CMC's he posted on the VGMusic forums. I used to submit quite a bit of midis, Gusty Garden being one of them, but nowadays I find myself gearing more toward Mp3 work. This remix was made using FL Studio and Garritan Personal Orchestra, as well as the SGM soundfont. My inspiration for this song is actually the posted Gusty Garden Orchestration video. I really felt the energy and intensity of the song, so I felt it would make a great remix. Of course, since the original was extremely well done, it was a lot of pressure trying to come up with a remix that does justice to the piece. I actually had to make two attempts with this song, this specific submission is the second attempt, and my first attempt was scrapped. Since the original was extremely vibrant, I felt the only way my remix will stand a chance if it is soothing, rather than being powerful. The original was fully orchestrated; my remix is instead string, woodwind, and percussion focused. Some parts are a little unrealistic orchestra-wise, but usually it is to make it feel more like a temple or to add more atmosphere. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy it." ---------------------------------------------------------------- Super Mario Galaxy Original Soundtrack Platinum Version - (117) "Wind Garden" & (102) "Starbit Festival" Strange opening; quickly took a weird turn at :03 compared to how it opened. Rather odd minor-key intro before things picked up at :16. Moved over reasonably well into "Wing Garden" at :32 though. Kind of a Mario 64 meets orchestral mood to it. The changeup at 1:38 was extremely awkward, but the writing to move out of that into the "Wind Garden" chorus at 1:44 was good. The drum buildup from 2:59-3:12 also felt strange, but that was because the timing was a little too perfect-sounding, despite the good effects used on the samples. The track just...ends at 3:29. Can't say that was much of a resolution. Ended up cutting the legs out from under the finish. I liked the arrangement taking things into a minor key. Threw me for a loop on the first listen, but sounded a lot more coherent afterwards. CHz felt the leads didn't stand out enough vs. the other sounds, but I thought they cut through enough and had enough presence; didn't mind it at all, but it was a reasonable enough criticism. The sound quality was fairly solid. The writing choices for the opening, middle transition at 1:38 and ending seemed to really throw things for a loop. I can look past the first two, but the lack of ending just isn't sitting right. My decision really hearkens back to ye olden days when I joined the panel 4 years ago, one that almost never comes up nowadays. That is to say, you just need to write a proper ending, then it'll be good to go. The other transitional issues aren't really enough to kill this off, but if you wanted to smooth those out too, that would be great. Otherwise, don't be discouraged if this doesn't make it, Dennis. Your sound/production is fairly solid, and your arrangement ideas are fairly strong. You'll get something passed down the line. it may even be this one, so we'll see what the other Js say. NO (fix the ending/refine/resubmit)
  22. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=10990 Nutritious, Lindsey Phillips Justin Medford NutritiousMultimedia@gmail.com http://nutritiousmultimedia.googlepages.com 16520 Cave Story Final Battle OST: Remix: Originally, after my previous rejection for this mix, I wasn't planning to rework it. I'd moved on to a lot of different mixes and was still working on my composing ability in general. Recently, though, I decided to pick the piece back up and give it another shot. I've started from scratch with both the orchestration and the drums. Guitar tone was a bit of a problem - the guitars recorded here were done on two separate occasions, in two different locations and different effects/levels (you'll notice the guitar from the second location come in around 1:35). Since re-recording them wasn't an option, I've done my best to equalize them out and roll with the idea of having dual guitars with different tone on each. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Cave Story (Game Rip) - 31 "Last Battle" The brass and strings totally bled into sustained strings from :29-:41. The drum writing was more creative, but the tone didn't make for a cohesive texture at all, and it still didn't fill out the back enough, IMO; it effectively kills the track. I also thought doing beats nearly every quarter note for the foundation of the drums sounded simplistic and make the drum writing seem less sophisticated, BUT it could be that needing a better tone/sound is really the issue with it. I'd love for someone to give a more informed opinion there, 'cause I thought that was the Achilles heel of the track. Lindsey's guitar work was a bit too upfront, IMO, but it was positioned OK; good power on it, and I liked the rough tone. Fairly good guitar harmonization from 1:39-2:05, which also worked very well with the string writing. Loads of legit synergy there. The string sequencing could have sounded a little more refined; was slightly mechanical-sounding in places, but was couched well in the soundscape and sounded great interacting with the other parts. Fix the drum sound, and I think this would be clicking all the way. The arrangement was pretty solid, and while there were some minor issues with the production, you pretty much have this where you need it, Justin. NO (refine/resubmit)
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