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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. False. Your pic is a side profile. Personally, I'm cool with it. Dunno what Dave's opinion would be, but we'll see.
  2. You've gotta canvas the community, homie, and stay on people. Dry hump, even.
  3. We should do a panel there. I'd love to go!
  4. Offhand, I'd say no. It seems like you're using it for profit.
  5. Just throwing out the word that I'd like to add pics to several ReMixer profile pages. The only requirement is that they're a legit picture of you, and not, for example, your face half in the dark or your back to the camera. Dave's call. If you'd like to provide a profile photo, drop me a line in the thread with the picture you'd like added or mail me a copy at larryoji@ocremix.org. If you have photos out there, but are feeling lazy and don't mind me choosing one for you, just post and lemme know. File format and large photos aren't an issue. I'm going to be resizing everything to 175 pixels wide. Height doesn't matter as much. I'll also be cropping any photos if they need it. Thanks!
  6. Props, Andy, a (double) winner is you! I tried to bolster Skryp, but his was in 10th when I started, and only moved to 7th. :'-(
  7. That would be quite the valid point if the company's hype wasn't that it was a better search engine than Google from day one on account of indexing more pages. Of course, we haven't heard anything official from Cuil yet reacting to this disaster, but they've pretty much have to say what you just said in order to save any face now.
  8. Aight, so for anyone that's not seen yet, new search engine hotness Cuil ("cool") officially launched yesterday, founded by some ex-Googlers. Did some searches on it though, and, at least right now, it sucks. From their info page: Let's take VG composer Tim Follin for example. I guess I shouldn't complain, since OCR is the first result...and the sixth...and the tenth. But Cuil pulls up images it's obtained from God knows where in order to spice up the results, and the images frequently have jack to do with anything and aren't obtained from the resulting site in the first place. Half the time, it doesn't even pull up useful stuff. It ends up giving top results from a lot of shitty, out-of-date sites that just spider Wikipedia. I'm sure they're going to work on improving the search results, but I gotta say, if it's gonna stay like this vs. Google's "reliance on superficial popularity metrics", give me the superficial popularity metrics any day.
  9. I figured I'd try! Transportation prices are through the roof now. $195 for the Amtrak, ye gods.
  10. Happy birthday, Jim Jam with the flim flam! Like Ty said, "May all your dreams... something, something...!"
  11. Contact Info * Remixer Name: Uboichi * Real Name: Uub Jacobson * E-mail: uboichi@gmail.com * User ID: 10339 Remix Info * Games Arranged: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade; Zelda 3: A link to the past; Super Mario World; Final Fantasy 6 * Songs Arranged: Music from Karazhan which actually has no title, the mp3 file I based it on is called KA_OperaHarpsiWalkUni01.mp3 in the MPQ archive; Princess Zelda's Rescue; Sub Castle BGM (SMW); Fragment of the Opera Overture and The Phantom Train. * Original Composers: Russel Brower (WoW BC); Kondo Koji (Zelda, SMW); Uematsu Nobuo (FF6). My original intent was to just make a Remix of the music from karazhan. Everytime I went there with my guild I'd set the BGM volume to the max when we went to Moroes simply because I loved the music so much there. At some point our days of raiding Karazhan were practically over as we moved on to harder content, but I still grabbed every opportunity I could get to go Karazhan again just for the music. I even downloaded an MPQ extractor to be able to transfer the mp3 to my MP3 player so I could listen to it while not at home at all! But alas, squeezing the time needed for a study, for being board member of my study association, making arrangements for my choir and for playing WoW in one week was a hard thing to do, so I didn't have a lot of time to spend on Remixing. But as we say in the Netherlands, 'blood flows where it can't go' meaning by nature we have urges we can't resist. So all the time during college I was thinking about how to Remix this tune. Then suddenly the idea popped up to mix it up with The Phantom Train. They both were in 6/8th and kinda had a same feel in the melody. And then the other day I was humming my ideas a bit while listening to music when the opera from FF6 passed on the playlist. And there was this particular part of the overture that seemed to blend really well with the Phantom Train. So a couple of weeks later when I had time I started on the Project. And in some weird way I accidentily managed to get the castle theme from SMW involved in the mix. And then I was thinking like "if it's there anyway, why not put a bit of emphasis on it?". So I used a church organ to highlight that part. I was so pleased about the change brought by the organ that it kind of influenced the rest of the project. A lot. Shortly after I came up with the title of the mix and decided that for such a title at least one other SNES title had to be used. So that became the Rescue of Princess Zelda. Actually I was thinking of the Crystal Theme, but they're basicly the same and Princess Zelda's Rescue was the more common used title on OCR ^^. Note: My project was based on the harpsichord version of the karazhan melody. There exists an organ version also, but despite me using an organ that's not the version I'm using. http://uboichi.googlepages.com/TheGhostsofNintendoarehauntingKarazh.mp3 Arrangement Breakdown: 0:00 Follows the original part of the overture as close as possible, but still trying to give my own sound to it 0:34 I abandon the original feeling of the overture part while maintaining the melody with a slight variation. 0:42 I introduce the organ to scare the crap out of people with SMW! Bowser is coming for you! GRAAHHH!! 0:52 Introduction of the Phantom Train team. Melody by the light instruments flute and oboe, accompaniment by heavy ones like the organ. I've seen a lot of ghosts in Karazhan, but I have to admit I've never seen a phantom train. 1:09 Transition to next part. 1:24 This is where it gets interesting. The introduction of the Karazhan melody on the piano, which the Horns try to drown it 'cause they want to stick to the phantom train tune, in which they fail at 1:32, but at 1:40 the organ starts backing up the horns by going back to the overture tune in his own mad deranged way. The organ and piano play a war between order and chaos. The organ gets the overhand with his melody though, which gets echoed by the rest of the orchestra that agrees at 2:03 in a recap of 0:34. 2:14 A recap of 0:42, with a twist. Emo bowser? =O ... Not! GRAAHH!! 2:46 Throw out the light instruments and bring in the brass! Bit like 0:52, with 2 trumpet parts, one playing main melody, other playing counter. Organ is banished! 3:02 Transition to next part. This time with strings 'cause they can be even scarier than the organ in a context like this. 3:17 The organ starts playing again, liking the mad character of the Karazhan tune. The strings try to reason with it by playing the phantom train motive, but they're playing it on wrong pitches! =O 3:31 The progression of the Karazhan tune, which got ignored the first time because of the organ trying to play a solo. Deliberately lighter than the organ part at 3:17 in preparation of rescueing princess zelda. 3:49 Yay! Princess Zelda is rescued! Or is she...? Guess the organ caught her just after her escape. Damn you Link. 4:23 Another Transition! How original! 4:35 Almost the entire orchestra now joins in with the Karazhan tune, except for the horns who in a desperate attempt still try to drown everything with the Phantom Melody. 4:56 End. I hope you enjoyed it! P.S. In case of rejection please leave the link in so people who are interested can listen. LT Edit (7/26): Here's a YouTube of the primary source:
  12. It's on the panel. We're judging from the updated version you gave me, just so you know.
  13. Mixer Name: Bren Forum Username: Bren Real Name: Brendan Bennett Game Remixed: Megaman X6 Track Remixed: Weapon Factory - http://youtube.com/watch?v=F9BIIF2CxIU I did some research, but unfortunately could not find the name of the original composer. This is kind of a chilled out remix of the weapon factory theme (aka Infinity Mijinion's stage). I recently finished a cover of the song and decided to use that file as a template for this remix. Not much else to say other than I think X6 has a very good soundtrack and I'm surprised so few have attempted to remix it. By the way, I've included a link to the original posted on youtube. The quality isn't the greatest, but no important elements of the song are lost in the compression from what I can tell. ------------------------------------------------------------- Capcom Music Generation Rockman X1~6 - 510 "Infinity Mijinion Stage" Gotta agree with some of the criticisms given on the WIP board. It's certainly possible to substantively rearrange a track well while using similar sounds, but it's a tougher sell. I'm not sure there's a situation where that electric guitar synth first used at :15 would even sound good; it's not meant to sound like a real guitar, sure, but the sequencing was too robotic-sounding. "Infinity Mijinion Stage" clearly flows a lot more smoothly. Wasn't feeling the melody of the verse and chorus being near-verbatim with the original from :40-1:23. The guitar in the back was also near-verbatim with the original. Moved over at 1:23 to the soloing-style section of the original (:46-1:13), only with no melody, so it's just arranging the foundation. The bubbly string-like synth was new, but the guitar stuff was verbatim again. Arrangement retreads :13's section at 1:51 only now with some meaty electric guitar stuff to fill out the back more. Sounds like a pure cut-and-paste, which was a shame. 2:47's section included the soloing from :46-1:13 of the original, only with a different (somewhat rigidly sequenced) lead. Yeah, the beats are new and there's some new embellishments, but I'm kind of surprised you came to me with this wondering whether or not it was too conservative. The answer is clearly yes; so many parts were carried over wholesale. You can't just write some new beats, than change a few instruments but keep the melodic and countermelodic writing wholesale and expect it to have a shot. Decent cover, but clearly not interpretive enough. NO
  14. The Blue Fields I'll Return to Someday Remixer name: Thrixth Real name: Tyler Leitch Email: bintyler@aol.com Userid: 24330 Name of games arranged: Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy IX, Final Fantasy XII Songs arranged: Blue Fields(VIII), The Place I'll Return to Someday(IX), Ozmone Plains(XII), Prelude Links: I bet the first two are on the archives or whatnot, but FFXII doesn't have too many remixes, so if you need to hear any of them, you can go to Comments: When I heard "Blue Fields" and "The Place I'll Return to Someday", two songs which are very prevalent throughout their respective Final Fantasies, I immediately noticed the similarity. Both were dorian, and both had almost identical soaring themes in the middle. Building off "Blue Fields", I constructed a song that focused on the ostinato heard in the pizzicato and rhodes, and developed the themes in "Blue Fields" and "The Place" along with "Ozmone Plains", a favorite also-dorian-song of mine from FFXII. The beginning of this mix is a swirling build of the three songs that turns and turns in and out of 6/8 and 3/4 until it takes off and introduces the two soaring themes from "The Place" and "Blue Fields" before going on to develop the pieces further. (And at the end are traces of the Prelude in the piano, so I thought I'd mention it on the Songs Arranged list) Thank you, -Thrixth --------------------------------------------------------------- Reader's Digest of the source usage: It's mostly FF8's "Blue Fields" here, along with substantial usage of FF9's "The Place I'll Return to Someday". I believe FF12's "Ozmone Plains" was just a background player from :00-:44 derived from the chorus's vox, and then arranged piano part from :53-1:02 was of the main melody. Could totally be bullshitting that, but it wasn't really important, since there was clearly enough source usage overall. The "Prelude" cameo on the piano was from 4:07-4:11. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 103 "Blue Fields" http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 101 "The Place I'll Return to Someday" http://www.noderunner.net/~llin/psf/packs/FFXII_psf2.rar - 307 "Ozmone Plains" http://www.zophar.net/download_file/8938 - Track 1 Damn, right off the bat, the beats and lil' noise embellishments were way too loud and overbearing. Loud can work, but you still need to pull those back a bit. As is, they make the track extremely taxing to listen to on headphones, with the only respite being from 1:20-1:57. From 1:20-on, the mixing needed some work. The parts were bleeding or compressed into each other a bit too much, making the sound quality seem lossy. Wouldn't have been a major issue if it didn't last most of the track, exacerbated by the volume. I really wasn't feeling the countermelodic writing under the "Blue Field" chorus from 2:59-4:11. Something wasn't clicking there; maybe it's just me, but I'd really appreciate a second opinion. There's an awkward noise accidentally left on the ending at 4:44. The production needs to be tightened up. Fix the mixing and you'll be in a lot better shape with this one. NO (resubmit)
  15. Ahoy, Heath here, with a non-clubtrance remix submission. Thank god! This is a short mix I did of "the magic house" from ff6 and "succession of witches" from ff8. I really poured my heart into this one, but I'm sure everyone says that. I really tried altering the melodies more than I usually do, and playing with them a bit more in terms of dicking around on my keyboard trying to improvise. I didn't get very crazy with it at all, but at least i tried making it less midi-rip-ish than usual. The hardest thing making this mix? FINDING OUT WHAT THE HELL THAT LOW DINGING SOUND HE ALWAYS USES IN HIS SONGS IS!! answer: apparently they are called tubular bells and are pretty common and i fail. Thank you orkester soundbank for having a decent set of them. (and decent set of triangles too! a staple of many ff8 songs.) For some more song info, I'll copy/paste from my PRC entry notes: "At first I had no idea how to make a song groove at 100bpm (what? generic 4 kick trance beat doesnt sound good? impossible!) but eventually I tried out some stuff that sounded a bit timbaland-esque, which was unfortunate. After fixing that up, I realized I was humming an ff8 song that my mind had blended into the ff6 song, so I went with it and it worked out really well IMO. The picture I paint in my mind is the magic house theme cruising along, and then Ultimecia's time compression kicks in and the 2 worlds collide for a bit." Btw if you blast this on a decent system, the bass synth actually sounds pretty cool, so... yea. If the link does not work, its on the front page of my site, first post. Yes its in 320kbps, yes that is overkill, but you guys know me, I'm always around, I can get a 192kbps version to the judges panel RITE KWIK if its accepted. The project files are on an external hdd burried in my suitcase, otherwise id make one right now. Did I say suitcase? I meant "sitting on my desk right here but I'm too fucking lazy" If this just isn't possible then please let me know and I'll get my shit together. as per the required stuff: Siamey Heath Morris djsiamey@hotmail.com www.siamey.com 971 Thanks for your time guys. PACE! -------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "The Magic House" (ff6-310.spc) http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF8_minipsf.rar - 206 "Succession of Witches" Opened up pretty cover-ish with "The Magic House", but had some rhythmic interpretation and new countermelodic writing for the groove bias. :43 moved over into some original sounding stuff that ended up sounding pretty aimless, mostly the writing from :52-1:06. The woodwinds didn't really seem like they were in the same key as the groove, so there was no cohesion. Moved over into "Succession of Witches" at 1:11 with some FITHOS LUSEC WECOS VINOSEC vocals. You could still make out the "white boy talking into a mic trying to sound cool" underneath the production trickery. Cool effect at 1:19. 1:30-1:40 was too cluttered and needed some better separation of the parts; I see the power and dynamics you were going for, but you can clean it up a bit and preserve the intent. Good transition back into "The Magic House" at 1:40, going back to the theme for the finish and retreading part of the first section for a fairly strong close. I just wasn't feeling :43-1:11 at all. For an only 2:19-long track, everything's gotta be clicking on all cylinders. I'd say refine that portion in the middle so the track pieces together strongly the whole way and this would be set. NO (refine/resubmit)
  16. Remixer Name: Blue.Nocturne Real Name: Dennis Kim Email Address: blue_nctrn@yahoo.com User Id: 22091 Submission Information: Remix Title: Sacred Flute Name of game arranged: Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Name of songs arranged: Flute Boy's Ocarina, Main Theme Link to Original Songs: If it's not in the SPC archive, http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/index-gr.html, name of the midi is "Flute Boy's Ocarina" Additional Comments: "I was browsing through OCR's LoZ remixes and I noticed there wasn't one for the flute boy's song. I thought it kind of iconic and the precursor to the N64's highly involved ocarina system. This song would play around the ghostly image of this strange child which plays a flute in a meadow. He would be surrounded by animals and as you approach, he disappears and the animals run away. This happened only in the Light World, and as you eventually obtain his flute/ocarina, you were able to use it to summon a bird that flies you around the map. Anyways, I decided to be less orchestral in this song, but I ended up being as orchestral as my last remix. I used full Garritan Personal Orchestra for the orchestral elements, FPC for drums, and soundfonts for the guitar work. I also was hit by a major roadblock as I finished the song, FL 8 caused annoying popping noises, but luckily that was solved and I could finally submit this. Anyways I hope you enjoy it, but if not, there's always the next submission." ----------------------------------------------------------- Interesting; wonder why this wasn't in the SPC. Oh well. Checked out a YouTube video and this MIDI is a nice transcription, so let it ride. http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/Zelda3ocarina.mid - Flute Boy's Ocarina http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=loz3 - "Overworld" (loz3-04.spc) The only thing not working, IMO, was the drums up to :44; they ended up sounding too hollow and soft. Afterward, though many of the samples lacked some depth and realism, the textures were clicking a lot more effectively. Overall, this was some fairly beautiful, flowing writing. The bowed strings sounded a little too thin, and were exposed a few times, but overall the mixing was fairly good. Flourishes like 1:11-1:14 reminded me of Joshua Morse's style of writing. I felt like the transition to the major key rendition of "Overworld" at 2:22 wasn't smooth at all and took me out of enjoying the mix for a moment, but it resolved somewhat at 2:29. Fairly minor criticism, as the last minute was strong. Awesome variations of the arranged source tune, excellent instrumental variations, I was feeling this. Even though the samples could have been used a bit more effectively/realistically, what was here was still cohesively put together and pleasing to listen to. Nice work, Dennis! Keep it up, bro! Your arrangements are pretty strong, and you have the potential to get a lot of pieces posted. Hope we get a resub of your Super Mario Galaxy piece. YES
  17. First and foremost Remixer Name: The Vagrance Real Name: Samuel Day E-mail: Samuel.Day@gmail.com Website: http://www.myspace.com/flimusicparty Forum ID: 15461 Name of Game Arranged: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Name of Original Song: Midna's Desperation Name of Remixed Song: No Hope Comments: I suppose this is the place where I talk about inspiration and all of that. This remix was started immediately after I heard the song while I played through the game (very late to the field, I must admit), and when I say immediately I mean I hit the pause button and looked up the MIDI file for it. I hadn't done a Trip-Hop style in a long time and I felt like it was the right choice, and changing everything from 3/4 to 4/4 wasn't very hard considering how much space was generated from slowing down the tempo. The lyrics for the rapping part because a lot of people in the WIP topic were requesting them: "Get smacked with the invisible hand like Alan Greenspan Don't try to mess with the new-age iron man Sorry fellow men, sunshine will now be replaced So please enjoy this twilight because there is no escape The system provided has no concerns So please be prepared to lose life and limb, or at least form Don't bother the chief, I'm too great to scorn Don't bother with her, (shes) too late to mourn" So yeah, I hope you all enjoy it much more than my other, previous mixes. And thanks for all the work you do. --------------------------------------------------------------- The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Game Rip) - (70) "Midna's Desperation" Interesting opening with some cool effects. The brief piano at :11 was a good touch, I liked the lo-fi effects on the beats from :23-:34, but they didn't mesh with the soundscape at all. The timing of the piano at :46 felt a bit odd; I see you were going for a slight rhythmic alteration, and it's OK. The beat pattern you brought in at :34 went on for too long, IMO. You fattened up the sound nicely at 1:27, but the beat pattern, arrangement and texture was basically the same, so the piece dragged until 2:37, IMO. You gotta provide more substantive or dynamic contrast, otherwise cut the fat. Took a little while to transition (nothing wrong, it just took a while) into a new section at 3:01. The rapping at 3:12 was poorly mixed to me; it needs to be more upfront and clean, IMO. Some of the effects were on the vocals were cool, but the regular voice didn't sound as good because it was a bit thin and untreated. You could have some light effects on your regular voice to give it some depth, but it was aight. Went back into the instrumental. 3:59-4:11 got a bit on the cluttered side. 4:24-4:25 and 4:28-4:35 also got a bit blistering and distorted with the percussion. Aside from reworking some of the beats to not seem too repetitive, I'd experiment with other ways to present the source melody. The original was a piano, and this used a piano produced basically the same way. It's cool if you want to do that, though you may want to do something more interpretive with the melody, since it still ends up sounding pretty close to the original with some minor modifications. Or, you don't have to scrap the sound choice entirely, but you could try varying the sound for part of the mix. Good base so far. NO (resubmit)
  18. Happy birthday, happy engagement, happy video game soundtrack job, happy everything!
  19. No problem posting the question here at all. I'm just glad I could help point you in the right direction!
  20. I know the artists for several of those pieces, but you really should be asking this question at the VGMix forums. Most, if not all, of those tracks were available from VGMix 2.
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