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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. I wasn't a huge fan of the key change later on, but it grew on me. Solid interpretation. This laid down a nice subdued groove but definitely added a lot more substance and emotional weight compared to the SNES original. Nice work from Eric that holds up very well; good job.
  2. Couldn't disagree more. The melody repeats, but the textures are evolving and developed the whole way through. That's why it could manage only being 2:32-long. This was one of the few judges decisions I've come to realize I was wrong in voting NO on. Whenever something passes in light of a NO from me, or the vote is close, I tend to revisit the mix to make sure my opinion hasn't changed. There've been maybe 4 decisions out of 1,600+ that I've ever found fault in, and this was one of them. I believe I told Martin this a few years ago, but it bears mentioning again. I was spoiled with the older VGMix version of this track. When he subbed this version, the original synth playing the melody at :19 was pushed a lot farther into the back, replaced upfront with the funkier synth. I was too focused on how the older lead was fairly inaudible, and thus wasn't feeling like the source melody was used enough in that first half of the mix. Binnie was right in pointing out how the melody was there on that other synth, but it didn't click with me until after this got posted. Martin had no hard feelings, and I'm glad all's well that ends well. I'm definitely a big fan of this one, and this does a great job adding a lot of beef and additional substance to Follin's original work. Follin has marveled before at the quality and skill in what some arrangers have done to his work; I can only imagine he'd feel the same way about this one.
  3. Pretty solid old-school material. Loved the sound choices for the introduction. Once things picked up, the track was on the empty side due to the drums not filling out the back by themselves, but the overall execution was pretty solid. A little dated, but it still holds up pretty well.
  4. Weird, I can't say I've actively listened to this in full until tonight. Alex did a great job here connecting his original grooves with the Metalman material. Solid stuff.
  5. Sounds nice, but enough source usage? Gonna need a breakdown...again! - LT * ReMixer name : AeroZ * Real name : Sebastian Freij * E-mail address : sebastian_freij@hotmail.com * Your website : www.myspace.com/freijman * Name of game : Seiken Densetsu 3 * Name of individual : Female Turbulence Comments: Hey guys. I've been trying out some new things this times. Added some cello on it with automatised effects. Tried to blend the cello with the lo-fi sound. It's quite a long track, so I had to encode it quite hard. Well, this is the result. If you want a high bitrate of the track, just let me know. Cheers! /Seb LT Edit (2/21): Just got the breakdown from Sebastian on this one:
  6. You get a cookie! Pepperidge Farm. Chessmen. Horsey piece. Enjoy!
  7. Contact Information * Cosmic Frog * Joakim Jönsson * e00ie@hotmail.com * http://www.myspace.com/electronicfrog * 21281 Submission Information * Sonic The Hedgehog 3 * IceCap Zone * System: Sega Genesis Composer: Bobby Brooks ? * http://www.vgmusic.com/new-files/Icy_Memories(XG).mid Well I was looking through some remixes here and I saw a remix of this track. So I thought ' hm I should try to remix this to ', so I did. I made it with some darude insperation but I usual go for my own style. I used Fl Studio to make this track and with some vsti instruments, for example Refx Nexus.. ( submission file: ) Enjoy... ---------------------------------------------------------- Just noting that this mix wasn't a rip of the referenced VGMusic MIDI, so no worries there. http://project2612.org/download.php?id=61 - IceCap Zone 1 I'm certainly interested in what the other Js think, as I may be too harsh on this one. If y'all feel this is good along the lines of "AmberTrance" for simply being solid even if not blow-away, then lemme know. The genre adaptation was by-the-numbers to me, but had decent dynamics and was pretty solid for what it was. I just felt this wasn't very interpretive with the source material beyond. 2:44 was a good chance to do something new/different that would have given some more variety, but it basically went back to the same ideas. This isn't poor by any means; the production/effects weren't unique, but the sound quality was solid. That's not to discount what interpretive and expansive writing is already in place, but I just feel there needs to be more interpretation of the IceCap theme beyond the conversion of the track into trance, as most of the overall structure and feel is the same as the original. Would have been gold in ye olden days, but the interpretation bar has gone up. NO (resubmit)
  8. Hello, it is Ryo Lion. I received mail of Japanese use agreement from Mr. Jahan, and he has understood at last. - Since file size was over 6MB, it lowered to 160k bps from 192k bps. - matter name: -- Ryo Lion real-name: -- Takahashi RYO mail: -- spfw64k9@biscuit.ocn.ne.jp site: -- http://ryolion.net/ original: -- Chrono Trigger original melody: -- Corridor of Time Comment:-- I thought that I would arrange in when since it is the music of Mr. Mitsuda's characteristic beautiful melody line. The arrangement which follows the last form aimed at fusion of an acoustic guitar and MIDI. Finally, it appreciates towards people of OCR. ---------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Corridors of Time" (ct-304.spc) & "Chrono Trigger" (ct-102a.spc) I liked the soundscape, but aside from the (awesome) percussion sequencing, I felt like the melodic structure and some of the supporting structure was too similar to the original. The original material from 1:39-2:14 was pretty good. Nice reference to the "Chrono Trigger" theme from 2:52-3:09 and 3:47-3:53. Back into the Zeal them at 3:10, basically more of the writing from the first section. I'm just walking away with the feeling that the "Corridors of Time" feels too cut-and-paste from the source (booooooo!), but the original percussion, deeper production and original sections gave this a different character than the original. A bit more on the upgrade side than what I'd want personally, but I think this has its merits relative to the standards. Don't have a problem with this going either way. YES (borderline) EDIT (2/5): Thinking more about CHz's vote, it just feels like the sections close to the structure of the source simply seem too cut-and-paste derived from the original. There are some good interpretive sections, and also some good original sections. But after letting this marinate, I can't get behind this one; it tows a dangerous line in terms of lifting structural aspects wholesale from the source material. NO (resubmit)
  9. Email Disco Dan. His contact information is right on his ReMixer page and forum profile. Barring that, find the contact info of herograw and Ramanisence on the boards and ask either of them if they might have it.
  10. Mattias is the ripe old age of 19 today! This guy's got somewhere like 84 mixes waiting to be posted. Keep up the good work, Swede!
  11. I think it was more meant to emphasize that they receive the right to post the track to their archives once you enter, but you're right in that there's no other way I can see to interpret the usage of the word.
  12. Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I know about those. I'm just saying, when are WE gonna get some to post!
  13. Really glad to see Dan & Chris's "Let's Attack Aggressively" from the recent DoD on this project. Hopefully no one falters on this, because I'd love to see it get finished. "Let's Attack Aggressively" is practically a built-in album title. Given a certain quality level, there's no reason I can think of that any arrangement project wouldn't be approved here. When "Dirge for the Follin" eventually wraps up, that's an example of a broader community project hosted here, involving DoD and Remix.Kwed.Org regulars as well as some OC ReMix people. As for this project being hosted on OCR, it's too early to suggest anything like that, and that's ultimately up to Andy as the director. I'd think Jake would eventually host it at something like contra4.vgmix.com, to help pimp his work on the soundtrack. That would be the best idea to me, since it's Jake's baby here. Jake could talk about his thoughts on the creation of the soundtrack, then possibly do something like comments on the strengths of each arrangement. I know Jake thought it would be cool to get a professional release of the soundtrack; once more songs get done, why not angle for something involving the arrangements here? That might get Konami to consider something if they didn't have to do too much legwork. All that said, any of the more interpretive arrangements within the format here, I'd definitely love to see submitted to OCR. I'm actually a big fan of when really recent games get good coverage; I actually love hearing artists take a new idea and quickly putting a spin on it that's just as good as the new soundtrack, so having games like Twilight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 represented here already has been great. Hopefully we'll see Contra 4 added to that list this year. Still waiting for a Shantae mix though...
  14. We certainly are; it's looking exciting! I'll be mailing the entrants later today (waiting for one download-able copy I forgot to contact an entrant on, hopefully we get that today), but everyone's entries were received, and I've got them all. We should have winners and runner-ups announced in the next 2 weeks, which is hopefully a larger than needed estimate.
  15. We're underway judging the entries, but I'm waiting on hearing back from bethel on an easily download-able version of his 7+ min video. Looking forward to getting that in HQ, as it was looking cool.
  16. ReMixers have to provide us a picture to use, though when I have free time without my usual 100 other things to do, I'd be glad to dig up everyone picture and simply handle that myself. If you want to provide a picture to use (and egg everyone else on to do so) that would be great.
  17. Noting that Tim's brother Geoff Follin composed the Tom & Jerry soundtrack mentioned in the article. Treasure Master is always a good choice. kingshriek's version of the NSF features two tracks that were missing from the more widely distributed NSF. I remember me and djp trying to figure out if the Zillion game was developed before/concurrently or after the anime series; if it was after, we'd have to pull the Zillion mixes, since they'd really be anime mixes, with most of the themes from the game being adaptations of the anime soundtrack.
  18. Is that Saturday night going into Sunday morning? Dear God, that sounds like death. That definitely takes me back though. I started out with Thursday nights 2-4AM EST, but I didn't have to stick with that for very long. If you're able to record the show, you should host it; if you're anything like Emory, I'm sure the students get some webspace to use. The rest of you guys, just PM me if you ever want me to fill an interview slot. My Skype connection sucks, but I've got Vonage, so I can call anywhere in the country for free. Radio is my first love, so lemme support you faegs.
  19. Just noting that I'm caught up on this. Thanks a lot for all the new images, guys, keep 'em coming!
  20. For both the DarkStalkers and Mascots categories, we should be able to add text to the Category pages like any other entry, so we'd use those to house that stuff. For project thanks, I'd think to use the Mascots category page. We could probably get a link to that added onto the sidebar and dropdown menus as well.
  21. if you know the bitrate is too large, you should have just sent a version at 192kbps or below. We definitely can't post something at 256kbps. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=dkc - "Aquatic Ambiance" (dkc-08.spc) The note decay at 1:04 exposed the sampled piano way too much. Once the track moved over into the more beats & synths material at 1:59, I felt the arrangement was good, but the textures were pretty thin. Another instrument added into the background could have done a great job adding a bit more depth to the piece. The monkey SFX from 3:35-3:49 was weird but a good idea for some added flavor. I thought the writing of the original material at 3:49 didn't really mesh well with the rest of the arranged source tune, and also agreed with Vigilante that the segue back into the piano at 4:30 felt jarring. Otherwise, still a solid enough arrangement, even if it could have been bolstered in some other ways. YES
  22. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/Xenogears_psf.rar - 215 "Omen" Man, this sounded like all the highs got cut with extreme prejudice, so I don't see how the production was excellent. If anything, it undermined the nice ambiance generated by the chords here, as Palpable mentioned. Otherwise, solid stuff, IMO. Already passed, but I've been busy lately and don't want to let anything go without a comment. Keep submitting more stuff, Will! YES
  23. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/ValkyrieProfile_psf.rar - 224 "Behave Irrationally" & 113 "Turn Over a New Leaf" Well, as soon as the track opened, the sequenced guitar stuck out, but it was pretty serviceable. HAHAHAHA, these vocals are ridiculous, in a funny way. But honestly, pretty bad in some spots. The more spoken word portions were serviceable, the growling parts cool, the yelling parts sounded awful. When the vocals dropped off at :37, the instrumental textures were really poor, IMO. The atmosphere was super quiet despite everything hammering down. The balance was pretty bad. It was stupid that the cymbal shots were so much more audible than the snare; meanwhile the machine guns drums were annoying in their frequency and were too soft to give off the intended impact. So really you're just left with a really flimsy drumkit layered on top of the machine-gun drums and nothing sounds good as a result. The 1:41-2:02 & 3:06-4:35 sections were stronger in the execution in terms of sounding fuller, though the balance still needed some work. Palpable was dead on though, once vocals were added into the picture, certain parts were fighting to be heard. I'll be frank, the other NOs broke it down better than I can do, so take their advice and run with it. Keep working on it guys. NO
  24. I implied the reference specifically as being made to a sampled guitar, when it wasn't sampled. Just like how e-penis refers to your fake penis. Black power!
  25. But of course. You dumb ho, Jon. Why do you think I corrected that in the first place? Ain't no e-guitar in here, honky. Black power!
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