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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Too liberal? Too liberal! No way? No way! - LT Mixer name: Bren Forum name: Bren Game: Sonic CD (US soundtrack) Track: Stardust Speedway - Bad future (included in the zip) Title: Lightspeed Marathon Too far from the original? You decide. Originally I wrote this as a side project, not necessarily a remix, and just kept adding more elements from the original. It was always intended to sound similar to the original, but what I'm wondering now is if it's close enough or not for it to be accepted as a remix on OCR. If it's not, then at least I hope you'll enjoy listening to it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Sonic the Hedgehog Boom - (02) "Stardust Speedway-Bad Future" Wouldn't mind zircon or another theory guy to deconstruct this, but from an interpretation perspective, I indeed thought it was too liberal once I compared this with the source. (Thanks for providing it, BTW.) The source had melodies to use, and I didn't hear them in play here at all as far as I could tell. What's here is stylistically similar to the source but that's it. I'd even argue the overall instrumentation and feel copies the original too closely. If the melodies had been close, it might as well have just been the Sonic CD song. The arrangement itself is also way too repetitive and underdeveloped, beyond a key change and some added guitar on top at 2:12. More variation and development of the concept would have been great for the track in general. Production-wise though, the best work I've ever heard from you, Bren. A bit cramped, but everything was otherwise sounding pretty good. I've heard some pretty weak sounds from you in the past, but everything seems to have taken a nice step up in terms of the treatment. So really, I don't see enough at all to make this a viable arrangement or different enough with the sounds to give this a unique, personalized style. Ultimately, that makes it pretty cut-and-dry as far as the standards go, but you had an idea of that yourself. Mainly wanted to praise the production strides you've made here. Looking forward to future work from you that's less liberal and more overtly interpretive. NO
  2. Not sure if uninstalling Norton leaves behind stuff, but it shouldn't really matter once you do. Definitely ice it, it's a total piece of shit. A shame too, Norton himself hasn't been involved the company for years. Definitely explore AVG and other CNET recommended virus-protection programs. As for other related security programs, ZoneAlarm is cool and AdAware is good as well.
  3. Nah djp, I don't think you're grinchy badmen. Child's Play is definitely a unique and creative cause, but when you put it into perspective, I would rather give money that would go towards medical care or research that would potentially have a more long-term impact on the quality of life of children. But if you wanted to take a cynical perspective, one could argue (I didn't say prove) that giving money to children's hospitals or research funds would not primarily/substantially go to the cause you want them to and may be siphoned off by bureaucracies and management. One aspect of why Child's Play may appeal is because donators feel sure that the systems and games they sponsor or contribute towards will end up in the hands of a sick child and not a middle manager. Does that mindset promote long-term help for children? No, even though I agree that giving toward hospitals and research should be the better of the two choices. I'm not saying you wouldn't give due diligence, but in order to reassure the more cynical of potential donators if you indeed go the charitable route, it's critical that the proper research be done to make sure that any cause considered is very transparent with how donations are spent, and that you also provide access at one's fingertips to that information.
  4. Tim's brother Geoff did Altered Space, but Geoff's work is also fair game for the project.
  5. Yeah, anyone looking at tracks, make sure to run 'em by me first just to make sure they were composed by Follin. For Lemmings, track 08-22 are the real gold. Even you if don't choose to participate, you should download those and check them all out; I don't think you'll be disappointed at all. They're all very well-written, IMO.
  6. I agree with djp that TO can't just insist these tracks be included. Redlight needs to agree to be included, especially with possible plans to make promo copies of this album as well, which IMO adds another dimension to things. No, that's an implication you made. The nature of the Doom II sources had no bearing on whether those tracks would be allowed on the project itself, just the OCR main page. Plus, I can't emphasize enough that we on staff haven't decided what to do with the overall Doom situation. I have my opinion but that's only based on one aspect of the situation. You have concluded that we have some sort of finalized stance, which we're far from having. Where TO was 100% wrong was in stating that those various tracks were already deemed ineligible for OCR. Despite what he said, they weren't. It wasn't decided then, it hasn't been decided now. The Doom II soundtrack having some mainstream-derived sources is common knowledge among many fans of the game, which is why I don't believe TO felt the need to say so beforehand. That also explains why, by extension, he wouldn't believe that someone would be mad about that fact. But that's only an inference and I could be dead wrong, so TO has to explain his frame of mind there. While it definitely would have been better for all involved for TO to have highlighted the issue earlier in the project thread, he did as soon as he realized the implications for his project and that he hadn't made light of the issue to everyone on board. While I can understand that you wish you knew of a potential controversy re: eligibility for the main page, saying TO intentionally deceived you is 1) assuming bad faith and 2) reaching. If TO knew anyone would have been upset regarding the source tunes mixed and could have instead directed them to other source tunes, he would have. And if he really wanted to deceive anyone, he easily could have: 1) Just waited for the project to be completed AND released, essentially locking in the tracks, and only then make light of the issue 2) Waited for you to submit the track, and only then make light of the issue 3) Not make light of the issue at all Again, let's not assume bad faith. This "deception" conclusion is definitely not correct. You guys need to shake hands or hug or something. No matter what, there's nothing so deep going on here that we can't be friendly and mature.
  7. http://follin.quiteajolt.com/ I'm looking for fresh meat for the most important project in OCR history (Disclaimer: to me), the Tim Follin project, which will be OCR's first composer tribute, involving arrangers across communities. Seeing as how Follin is known moreso for his music than his games, though he has some really well-received games under his belt, I've hosted all of the MP3s of his material available from the Gamingforce Forums project led by niki. Get all the MP3s at the link above, follin.quiteajolt.com, hosted by CHz. CHz says it's ok to rape his bandwidth (i.e. I'm claiming he said it's ok). If you're an arranger and need suggestions, please let me know. I'd like to get at least 15 arrangements total and am currently at 8 not counting WIPs. Please download everything and give 'em a good listen. Look, a bootleg listing of what's a available, including 2 short films by Follin. Gotta catch 'em all or something to that effect! Altered_Space_-_GB/ 24-Oct-2007 23:28 - Atari_ST_collection/ 25-Oct-2007 12:08 - Bionic_Commando_-_Am..> 25-Oct-2007 10:45 - Body Counting 248kbp..> 25-Oct-2007 12:23 29M Bust-A-Move_4 _-_GBC/ 25-Oct-2007 00:31 - Ecco_the_Dolphin_-_D..> 25-Oct-2007 10:46 - Equinox_-_SNES/ 25-Oct-2007 02:40 - Firearm_-_unreleased/ 25-Oct-2007 12:42 - Ford_Racing_2_-_PS2/ 25-Oct-2007 11:13 - Future_Tactics_-_PS2/ 25-Oct-2007 11:14 - Gauntlet_III_-_Amiga/ 25-Oct-2007 11:55 - Ghouls_'N_Ghosts_-_A..> 25-Oct-2007 11:14 - LED_Storm_-_Amiga/ 25-Oct-2007 04:18 - Lemmings_-_PSP/ 25-Oct-2007 11:17 - Magic_Johnson's_Fast..> 25-Oct-2007 11:18 - Originals/ 25-Oct-2007 12:55 - Pictionary_-_NES/ 25-Oct-2007 11:18 - Plok_-_SNES/ 25-Oct-2007 11:56 - Puzznic_-_Amiga/ 25-Oct-2007 11:23 - Rock_N'_Roll_Racing_..> 25-Oct-2007 11:21 - Silver_Surfer_-_NES/ 25-Oct-2007 11:21 - Sky_Shark_-_NES/ 25-Oct-2007 11:22 - Sly_Spy_-_Amiga/ 25-Oct-2007 11:22 - Spider-Man_and_the_X..> 25-Oct-2007 11:25 - Starsky_&_Hutch_-_PS2/ 25-Oct-2007 11:25 - Target_-_Renegade_-_..> 25-Oct-2007 11:26 - The Sun Circle 248kb..> 25-Oct-2007 12:36 31M Thomas_the_Tank_Engi..> 25-Oct-2007 11:28 - Wolverine_-_NES/ 25-Oct-2007 11:28 - ZX_Spectrum_collection/
  8. You can give your congrats to Radiowar on his debut OC ReMix, by checking it out here and leaving your comments in the Review thread here. No thanks to me!
  9. http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/B/Base%20Wars%20-%20Cyber%20Stadium%20Series.nsf - Track 1 Hahaha! Cool original intro, extremely loosely based off the style of the intro from :00-:06 of the source. really feeling the distorted-style SID-esque synths. The Doctor Who samples added a weird element to the track. Source melody was brought in at :31. The simple percussion at the heart of the groove, but effective enough to keep it moving, with some good fills at each measure. Great subtle escalation with the added beats at :31, more instrumentation at :48, then moving up the melody really beefing up the role of the pad at 1:03. Drops it back a little at 1:19, before the breakdown at 1:35. Very effective dynamics, IMO. Ah, at 1:36 I see where you got the mix title with another Doctor Who sample. Breakdown continued with original writing from 1:51-2:07, before moving back into the source with some arpeggiated support and gradually escalating the track yet again at 2:23 & 2:39 before taking it down a notch again at 2:55 to get the track on its way to wrapping up. So in terms of the melodic usage in a 3:43.5-long mix, it was there from :31-1:33 & 2:07-2:54, or 1:49's worth, about 48.77%. Close, but no cigar at that level. But the intro caught my attention, so I inquired with zircon: Thanks a lot to zirc for taking time out to help me with my questions. Though I hear the influence, the arrangement's simplified bassline intro of :00-:14 compared to the source tune's :00-:06 intro felt like too tenuous of a connection where I can't give it credit. But the usage of where the source melody wasn't in play (:00-:31, 1:36-1:44, 1:51-2:07, 2:55-3:43) was pretty substantial, enough to nudge the source usage above the 50% line if given a sort of "partial" credit. I leave that to the theory experts. I feel like if I YESed, it would be because I heard what I wanted to hear. I indeed hear a connection, but there's something to be said about it being so liberal that it might as well be original. I'd much rather see something tweaked in the arrangement to make the connection decisively stronger and bump it above the 50% threshold with a few seconds more overt source arrangement. It's a really cool track, no mistake about it. If there's an aspect of viable arrangement that I'm missing, please let me know. As is though, I'm sticking to what I can directly make out, and that's not enough to place the majority (even a slim majority) of focus on the source material. Even 49.99% overt source usage just isn't enough to me given how I interpret the Standards. NO (dancing on the borderline)
  10. By his 2nd "Super YES" post, BGC knew it was fake, but otherwise...
  11. I've yet to update the Queue thread, but it's already on the panel.
  12. I've written about it for the pimpage; enjoy.
  13. Hi there! This is my first remix submission to you guys and actually it's one of my first attempts at covering videogame music. The source material is in my opinion, a colossal achievement in the chiptune department. I still remember the first time I played this and how I was blown away by the overall quality of the soundtrack. Since then, I always wanted to remix one of these tunes, so I'm glad I finally got the opportunity. I must say that I had my work cut out for me though.. I had a hard time with the intricating melodies at first. I think there may be a bit too much melodies layered on top of each other in the original tune (Ex. 0:08). So I mainly tried to isolate the different tracks instead of putting them althogeter and confuse the listener. I also down tempo'ed the whole track so that it would fit the symphonic feel I wanted to give it. I must appologize for the use of drum loops, I edited all of them to break the repetitiveness but found myself a bit limited overall. I learned my lesson for next time. I hope it'll pass the test so that more people get to know that awesome game.. Thank You! Yan ----------------------------------------------------------------- Link to remixed file: Link to original chiptune: Your ReMixer name : Rakadam! Your real name : Yan Thouin Your email address : Y_thouin1@hotmail.com Yan.thouin@ubisoft.com Your website : --------------- Your userid : 22317 Name of game arranged : Gaiares Name of individual song arranged : Original: Mission 4 Remix: The TOZ factor Additional information about game : Composer: Shinobu Ogawa System : Sega Genesis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- http://project2612.org/download.php?id=24 - "Mission 4" Catchy source tune. Cool opening as well. Piano brought in at :10 sounded was already pretty exposed and could be better humanized. Not sure why it wasn't in the foreground of the piece, as it was the melody, but the counter-melodic writing from the guitar and strings seemed derived from the source as well. The drumloops were a negative, not so much in that you used them (as I don't feel they were a crutch), but because the various pattern didn't sound like they were in the same room or of the same sound quality when they'd switch off. Frankly, the patterns also weren't very strong in the first place and I felt they didn't really integrate well with the other instrumentation. Not sure why the soundscape had to be this murky most of the time, as lots of details are lost. Besides the source melody, for example, the bowed string part in the background from 1:06-1:29 is almost completely buried. Stretches such as 1:51-2:36 dragged out due to no one element given the piece focus with everything being quiet yet at similar volume levels. Lots of sound balance issues the whole way. A decent base, going in the right direction in terms of concepts that would make for good OC ReMixes. I think it shows off legit potential as an artist. Hopefully the other Js can give some more pointed composition and production advice. Keep working at it and use the ReMixing and Works forums at the site to enhance you skills and seek out fan feedback if you aren't doing so already. NO
  14. Over the filesize limit, but we'll deal with that - LT Red Tailed Fox, zyko caio moraes ferreira , waleed hawatky wmhawatky@yahoo.com www.zykomazika.com zelda, again. this time, it's a really fun collaboration with my buddy caio from beautiful rio de janeiro. a beautiful mixture of ideas here, i believe; he came to me with the body and soul... a gentle, wispy forest musik that tripped me and transported me. what i heard was excellent zelda forest music and instantly fell in love... we cooked up a structure to the track over instant messenger but then his hard drive crashed and all we had of this track was a mix down of one full cycle of the A and B sections of the track he had concocted. i played surgeon the rest of the way and this is what we've got the intro is actually borrowed from my remix "The Woods of the Invertix" from way back god knows when. hope you dig it. ---------------------------------------------------------------- I knew I recognized that intro. Let's see what's there. http://www.zophar.net/usf/lozusf.rar - 35 "Lost Woods" & 64 "Water Temple" In my opinion, the sum total should sound more cohesive, but clearly this was clicking for the major majority. Caio's bassline work felt retread-ish given what I've heard in "Brinstar Bonsai Garden" and other (more relevant) slower originals he's collabed on with Malcos and Shnabubula, but that was a more minor criticism. Nice usage of "Water Temple" from 1:43-2:09. Heard the same animal SFX used here as I did in Caio's rejected DKC2 sub "Fixbit Forest". Went into some pretty liberal interpretations from 2:36-4:05, but always grounded in working with the "Lost Woods" theme which was good. Whoa, really jumpy change at 3:11; I'd check the source files there and fix that if possible; not sure if some Js will let that slide before it went up. Awkward move in the same vein back to "Water Temple" at 4:22 for the finish. The finish there wasn't cohesive but was interesting. Good stuff, and I'd argue fairly solid synergy. Since the filesize is too large anyway, let's double check if we can get those jumpy transitions fixed, 3:11 especially. YES EDIT: Vote changed. See below.
  15. Terrible answer, but pretty much all of them are worth checking out. SF1 and the original SF2 are probably the only ones I'd skip, but you should mess with those just to see how they play.
  16. Your ReMixer name: Psycho Scapegoat Your real name : Steven Creaney Your email address : psychoscapegoat@hotmail.com Your website http://scapegoat.selfip.com Your userid :17266 Name of game(s) arranged : Megaman X Name of individual song(s) arranged : Storm Eagle Theme Having played Metal for years (see links below ) I always wanted to hear this song much heavier. I’ve heard versions, but they didn’t quite have the thrash that I wanted. I’ve been working on this song for just under a year, having submitted 2 previous songs (neither were much good lol), I wanted to take my time and really work on this. After building up my equipment and learning a few tricks, I decided to take another stab at submission. Other work: http://www.myspace.com/thegreatshowdown http://www.myspace.com/psychoscapegoat2 --------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=mmx - "Storm Eagle" (mmx-16.spc) Once the track picked up at :08, the EQing felt like there was something substantial missing in the highs. Not sure if that was a sour note in the chorus at :20. Also can't shake the feeling that the rest of the chorus was skipped at :28 & 1:06 because it would have been too difficult to perform, but that's ultimately neither here nor there. Otherwise, the performance was still solid for a first sub though not overly strong. The original section from 1:26-1:55 was a bit aimless, but that's alright; it was at least a good idea in altering the dynamics of the piece. The soloing section at 2:02-2:36 was a mess. The sequenced electric guitar came in abruptly, sounded cheap, and was buried in the murky soundscape. Also, it was peppered with wrong notes that didn't mesh with the rhythm guitar playing Storm Eagle's foundation at the base of the track; mostly from 2:10-2:17, with 2:25-2:36 ending on a stronger note. Though I thought the textures were a bit bland, and that this wasn't intense enough to be considered metal, this was still a fairly decent rock mix. With better production, this could be taken up a few notches, perhaps to a passable level. Good base so far, Steven; sincerely hope you'll consider resubmitting this one. Use the ReMixing and Works forums to ask for help on improving your work and showing off your tracks for fan feedback in the future. NO (resubmit)
  17. Hey there, here's a link to download the remix, let's hope u like it... Remixer Nick - Lep666 Real Name - Shai Buskila Game - Raptor: Call Of The Shadows Original Track Name - Level 6 Remix Name - Eclipse ----------------------------------------------------------------- Raptor: Call of the Shadows - Level 6 Interesting intro. The string attacks sounded jerky and unrealistic, and the piano used from 1:31-2:02 sounded robotically performed. Too much volume and too much reverb struck me immediately at :30, not helped by some obvious distortion around :44. The soundfield was way too swampy and cluttered despite not much even going on with the textures. Despite the relatively brief length, the arrangement felt fairly complete despite being underdeveloped. The arrangement was headed in the right direction in an interpretive sense, but there still could have been more melodic interpretation as well. Work on your production more though. Creatively, you're already headed in the right direction, so you need to ensure the presentation is smoother and better balanced. Use the ReMixing forums to ask questions about your setup and what programs you use, then post material in the Works forum for fan feedback if you can obtain some. NO
  18. ...'cuz I am the enforcer. (November 2nd)
  19. Yo! Yet again you read my submission letter. Isn't it funny? So here comes CHEETAHMEN 2 - LIVIN LARGE! Now, prepare yourself for EXTENSIVE INFORMATION: Contact Info * Remixer name: Another Soundscape * Real name: Mattias Häggström Gerdt * E-mail: anothersoundscape@gmail.com * Website CHANGED: http://www.soundscape.escariot.net * UserID: 12912 [ edit ] ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed: Cheetamen 2 * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: Song 2 (unnamed) - "Final Fantasy IX - You're not alone" as an additional source. For great justice. * Additional information about game, if it has not yet been added to the site, including composer, system, etc: (source, wikipedia) System - NES, Year - copyrighted 1992, found in 1997, Developer - Active Enterprises, Composer - Unknown from what I know. * Link to the original soundtrack, if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site: http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/C/Cheetah%20Men%202.nsf * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. As always, I love this part. Buckle your seat belts people! So here it is. The first Cheetahmen II submission to reach OverClocked ReMix (I hope, or something is terribly wrong). When Larry showed me the youtube vid with the song I wasn't that interested. It was simple and the game was so bad I couldn't really enjoy it. After he offered anyone who finished and submitted a passable remix of the theme a free OCR-shirt though, I felt I wanted to at least try. He actually offered this to Fishy but I raced him and since I had a lot of free-time finished before him. Doesn't matter though because he's getting the shirt anyway, I've got two already. Anyway, when I started to remix this tune it really started to grow on me. It's simply but man is it catchy. Since Fishy also did this I expected a heavy rock version. I could see why, this remix screams "rock out" but I wanted to do things differently. I tend to do that. I started by laying down the intro strings and bubbly synth texture for a straight electronic remix but as always, it got out of hand. While browsing potential sounds I took a trip through the AMAZING Electro Mechanical ReFill (free for registered owners of Reason 3+) and started jamming with a Clav. My hands went like crazy and I had to do this funk-style. So it was late and I recorded a LOT of licks. Took the best ones and started re-recording. Improvised an organ solo and started to touch everything up. I was actually amazed what I did in two days and honestly, I don't think I could've done this any better. Everything in this remix is played by me on the keyboard except the tam, the shaker and some ghost-note programming. Everything was done in Reason 4. A big thanks goes out to Larry for really sticking by me with this, providing constant feedback and helpful tips. He actually recorded himsle sining a part he thought I should use as outro, which I did. Also I'd like to give JJT some creds, he gave me some great feedback and helped me with some minor issues. Much love guys. Kind Regards, Mattias Häggström Gerdt (Another Soundscape) (thanks to Escariot, as always, for hosting) MUCH LOVE! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Aight, let's lay out the story of Larry and the Cheetahmen. On October 29th, forum-goer Kenobio posted a thread about Brian Ashcraft's Kotaku article on Cheetahmen II (and its Japanese internet meme) put up 4 hours earlier. A nice piece of reading, but something I would have been done with quickly if it hadn't have been for one fan of the site, Happywulf, making a comment: "This is totally awesome. Do the guys at OC-Remix know about this gold yet?" That sounded like a request! I immediately blogged about it on VG Frequency. On my first listen to the music, via the YouTube video in the Kotaku article, I didn't think it was anything special. The in-game sound effects messing up the playback of the music (due to the bugginess of the game) didn't help. Once I listened to some of the crappy Japanese MIDI rips though, I heard some potential of the track and gave it another chance. Subsequent listens had me realizing the song actually DID kick some ass, with me saying "The melody is deceivingly good." In #ocremix that day, I already offered a bounty of an OCR t-shirt, bought and paid with free shipping personally sent by me, to the ReMixer who gets the first passed Cheetahmen II mix on OCR. Some interaction during the day with judges I showed the video to included zircon saying the track was "boring and lame" and this memorable exchange: The next day, AkumuHau, maintainer of the authoritative NSF archive messaged me on Facebook and let me know he had heard of the Cheetahmen II deal through my noise and had obtained a copy of the NSF!The following day after that, I saved the information on the Cheetahmen and Cheetahmen II from being deleted from Wikipedia by merging the information with the game's developer Active Enterprises. Mattias, having started this track after I first pimped the game on the 29th, finished up this piece and submitted it on Halloween night. He named the track after this piece of work from the overly ambitious Cheetahmen comic, shamelessly ripping off the Ninja Turtles: And here we be. http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/C/Cheetah%20Men%202.nsf - Track 2 http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 409 "You're Not Alone!" The strings in particular really opened the piece in a strong way. Good funky writing at :13, before introducing the drums at :26 and seguing to the meat of the arrangement at :33. Some people are gonna complain about the synth lead being grating, but I've learned to stop worrying and love the bomb. The opening in particular was pretty liberal but still derived from the source. Cool mallet percussion at 1:01 to keep the source grounded in the track while the djp-esque funk soloing kicked in. 1:29-1:56 brought in the chorus of FFIX's "You're Not Alone!" (from 1:07-1:34 of that source) in the background during an otherwise original section. Good sneak, then dropping it out to give some dynamic contrast to the eventual move back into the source verse at 2:10. Liked the tense strings in the background from 2:10-2:23 for a slightly ominous feel. Having loved the strings in the intro, I was disappointed when the near-final WIP had nothing else like it in the song and also ended fairly abruptly. With Mattias fielding comments, I suggested he extend the end of the track a few bars to both pimp those lush strings and allude to the :51 section of the source tune again. Like Mattias mentioned, I even fired up Cool Edit Pro and mocked-up the string and lead writing I thought of for the ending, with Mattias modifying it to suit his needs. All in all, glad to help on a small level. I thought it closed the track out well and enhanced the replayability, but I'll let listeners decide. A pretty syrupy arrangement, but fuck it. Being both creative and interpretive, I was having a lot of fun listening to this. You punks out there should too. Sure, the piece could be fine-tuned or improved in various ways, but what's here is a fun, funky, fresh, cheetahrific piece o' ReMix goodness. Hercules, Aries and Apollo would be proud. YES
  20. Could have given the form letter, but I let it slide; maybe y'all can offer some advice - LT Hi, I would like to submit the following remix for consideration: Remixer name: Notofficial Real name: Gareth M Williams Email Address: Gazz@Notofficial.co.uk Website: http://www.notofficial.co.uk OCRemix User ID: 22260 Name of Game arranged: R-Type (Commodore 64) Name of Individual Song Arranged: Title Theme Name of Original Composer: Chris Hülsbeck Name of System: Commodore 64 Link to Original: http://hafnium.prg.dtu.dk/~theis/stil/html/text/Huelsbeck_Chris.htm Comments: I know I am not the only person to have fallen in love with the visceral electro hook of the title music, only found on the c64 version of R-Type; although some remixes already exist for this track, none of them seem to capture the visceral energy of the original. This remix attempts to deliver the power of the original track whilst staying largely faithful to the arrangement and thematic content. Kind regards, Notofficial --------------------------------------------------------------- Pretty cool source tune choice. It's about 2 minutes long, and full of SID-groove bias. "This remix attempts to deliver the power of the original track whilst staying largely faithful to the arrangement and thematic content." I've seen both good and bad mixes of that description. http://www.exotica.org.uk/tunes/archive/C64Music/MUSICIANS/H/Huelsbeck_Chris/R-Type.sid - Subtune 1 Cool voice sample opening. Opens with the direct sampled SID at :07 with some channels dropped and some new beats added at :11. Not boding well at the outset, but things changed up. Moved over into some drumloops and some cheap-sounding piano sequencing from :26-:42 before awkwardly transitioning back to the sampled SID at :46. Cool sweeps first used at :52 & 1:00. So far, literally nothing but the sampled SID being used with some new beats until 1:32, so definitely over 1/4th of the track. Then even MORE drumloops at 1:39 and the cheap-sounding piano sequencing again from 1:47-2:02, before transitioning FINALLY to some real arrangement of the SID at 2:06. The treatment of the melody was interesting with the processing, but the other sounds and beats used were flimsy and didn't adequately fill out the texture enough. Back to the direct sampled SID with (good) muffled effects from 2:37-2:50, then dropping it in the background at 2:53-3:23 in a purely supplementary role that was ok. Just a weak transition at 3:23, the sections have no flow to them in this track. The crappy sequenced piano and drumloops AGAIN at 3:31 & 3:38. Why do you keep going back to those rubbish loops? Back to direct sampling the SIDtune at 4:02 to close out the track. There's just way too much direct sampling of the original game audio and way too much loop usage, both of which are heavily discouraged here and simply not what we're about if you read our Submission Standards for arrangement. That's not "staying faithful" to the original, just direct-sampling the SIDtune. Aside from some minor production variations, the arrangement was repetitive. The structure of the track wasn't cohesive at all, and the R-Type melody's given no meaningful interpretation or expansion. This would be more at home at Remix.Kwed.Org, but even there I can't imagine it getting beyond average marks. NO
  21. Hey Judges of OCR, Let’s try this again shall we? Info: Remixer name: NeoS Game remixed: Final Fantasy IX E-mail: mail.neos@gmail.com song title: You’re not alone in the club style: dance/trance After browsing the requests forum someone requested a FF9 remix of “you are not alone”. So I took the challenge and created this remix. The person requested it was very enthausiastic about it, so I guess i’ll just send it in. If you need more info, please contact me via MSN or e-mail, since i don’t browse to forums as much as i used to. Here’s the link to the remix: Thanks for reviewing. NeoS. --------------------------------------------------------- Listening to "You're Not Alone". WTF is that grating synth? God, the sequencing sucks balls. Oh well, more good than bad with the writing. djp certainly did a good job arranging this one. Let's see what we got here. http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 409 "You're Not Alone!" Open up with some sounds that felt a bit on the cheap-sounding side. Melody came in at :13 with some IMO weak, plodding beats, with the string pad sequencing not sounding very realistic/smooth or doing a good job filling out the space enough. Really gradual fade-in of the trance elements around :46, building to the transition at 1:08 which was pulled off ok. Moved over into some stock sounds and dry production that felt too empty, though the overall groove was pretty authentic and capable, including the additional buildup at 1:35. Dry as a bone, unfortunately, but otherwise capable. The return of the source melody at 2:03 was weak though. I didn't feel the syrupy synth integrated with the trance groove at all, and didn't seem to match styles. The melody just felt slapped on top with little regard to the overall texture. The countermelody brought in at 2:31 was too loud, IMO. It should have been more subdued, and, as is, steamrolls right over the groove; not the right kind of balance here. Not only does the countermelody need to supplement the lead, it needs to mesh comfortably with the groove. That's just my opinion, so we'll see what other say. Still nothing particularly creative with the melody going on at all beyond using it near verbatim in this genre. The chorus at 3:11 was also by-the-numbers with an arpeggiated lead playing a basically verbatim chorus, though the electrosynth on countermelody from 3:25-3:39 & 3:52-4:06 was a good minor touch to at least build something else off the melody. The original writing from 4:10-4:51 was actually more interesting than the entirely of the arrangement work, IMO. The lead certainly fit in a lot more with the genre than the arranged melody. Just decent. Production-wise, the core sounds were good for the genre, though should have been given more body and depth. Arrangement-wise, it doesn't get much plainer and relatively uncreative. You really gotta do more with the melodies to really put your own spin on this and really add some unique ideas in adapting this to trance. This is a good base, but ultimately nothing feels interpretive, but rather just transposed to the genre. NO
  22. Don't worry, he was wrong. A vampire was indeed being killed by a vampire killer's Vampire Killer.
  23. No offense, but have you ever actually taken a few minutes to browse through what's available? We've got more obscure stuff than that. Telefang is fine: http://www.gamefaqs.com/portable/gbcolor/data/578714.html Never hurts to provide us with the original to compare with. Everyone should always read http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions, now easier to understand than ever.
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