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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. My initial feeling as well is that this is simply too liberal. The melody here sounds nothing like the intro buildup at :27, the six-note melodies at :45 (main verse) or 1:06 (chorus), the guitar work at 2:13, or the string samples at 3:20. Melodically, those are basically the only places he could have gone. Let's see what's up now that zircon made some mock-ups to make the comparison easier. Command & Conquer Red Alert 2: The Soundtrack - (01) "HM2" Production-wise this is crowded but seems fine. No problems for me there. Way better than Star Fox "Barrel Roll," which was extremely generic for the genre. But the overall treatment feels too liberal. The best we get at staying overtly to the opening 4 note "main riff" from :27-:28 in the source is from 3:20-3:31 with the supporting guitar. Otherwise, I hear how you're also using that main riff first from :12-:16 in the mix. And I'm not saying I'm automatically put off by rhythm changes, but to me the sum total of the changes sounds too different from the original and obscures the connection too much. As for the "second melody" first used from :46-:51 in the source, I also didn't pick that up in the areas you timestamped. I can't run with it. To me, the changes to the source melodies at the core of the arrangement ensure that the whole arrangement sounds similar the source but could pass as "inspired by" and a wholly original track. Otherwise, this is a good track and well put together, IMO. A reluctant NO
  2. Here's to more and more success in the industry for you, Haroon! Happy B-Day!
  3. Loved it. Just a really solid, well-executed piece, so I'm glad I tugged on zyko's arm to get this submitted as part of the Bad Dudes/Halloween festivites. The sound quality of the dog growls was weak, but that was about it. djp's comments about time slipping by as you listen to this were definitely accurate for me. I'd argue this is weed's best work yet. Really glad to see this up here, hopefully lots of others will enjoy it.
  4. After initially taking issue with pixie's reasoning, comparing the intros of both tracks more closely only makes one see how the take in the arrangement is too far off from the original. Compare :00-:05 of "Corneria" with :14-:20 of the mix and you see how it's been altered where it sounds Star Fox-esque, but is not really from the "Corneria" intro melody anymore. With that said, once you don't count that progression, I'm only hearing :55-2:13, 4:09-4:23, 4:40-5:37 as being directly arranged from the original, or about 2:29's-worth of a 6:16-long arrangement (39.63%) being arranged from the Star Fox source, with the rest being original material that does thematically connect well with the arranged portions. So basically, do as I say, not as I do. Because I also gave the arrangement connections more credit than I should have, even though there were enough other issues where I voted NO regardless. Looking at what's happened with both this mix and the Red Alert 2 submission, Jon, be careful though not to swing to the other extreme (pure covers with little-no-interpretive merit) in the hope not to encounter these types of situations again.
  5. Silent Hill 3 Original Soundtracks - (01) Lost Carol & (14) Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me Silent Hill 4: The Room Original Soundtracks - (101) Tender Sugar Silent Hill 2 Original Soundtracks - (06) Promise (Reprise) Thanks to Kunal for getting back to me quickly and giving his take on the arrangement. I didn't have any performance issues, BTW. I thought everything was performed well, sounded polished and was at a pretty high level of quality. The intro (:00-:18) is indeed based off of :01-:22 of "Lost Carol". The :22-:45 area based on "Tender Sugar" (and used much later as well), I'm not seeing any explicit derivation anywhere from that source (great source, BTW). Well, as you said, "based loosely." Gotta treat it as original. Yep, the only part that really clicked with "Tender Sugar" were the guitar riff first used from 2:05-2:10, used 4 times until 2:27, derived from 1:37-1:44 of the source's chorus. Can't really hear anything else that may be overtly and explicity derived from the orignals, leaving this pretty far off from the 50% source usage mark I would need to feel comfortable passing this. Even if a track didn't click with the standards, there's never anything wrong with writing it the way you prefer it. With that said, I would treat this a lot more as inspired by than directly arranging the source material. It's unfortunate I can't pass it, but it's definitely a keeper of a track and a very good reason to check out the Zombies Rocked My Neighbors EP. NO
  6. I can get annoyed, but I still like when David does that; nothing wrong with keeping us in line. I could be wrong on the track implied, but we'll see. For the 1500 lockdown though, we voted on "Prayer" and let it stay due to having some interpretive merit, but myself and the panel at the time came to the consensus that we wouldn't have passed it in the first place had it went on the panel.
  7. I have pimped the rebroadcast! Everyone really should tune in.
  8. I'm not sure which source he meant: Red Alert 2 - "HM2" (aka Hell March 2) or Red Alert - "Hell March" I'm guessing the first one. Will update when I know more.
  9. I definitely can't tell what's going on here, the second sub like this in as many weeks; what did I do to deserve this?!? (Kidding) Have contacted the submitting artist for a breakdown - LT Greetings again from PrototypeRaptor, aka Jonathan Paulsen. I have a remix here of Red Alert 2's Hell March (one of my most favorite video games/music sources of all time) by the amazing Frank Klepacki. I've always thought that the theme could pack more "punch" and just blow the listener away; this is what I've tried to accomplish. It's a hardcore DnB remix (no big beat or anything like that) - which I haven't really heard too many of here on the site. (probably arrangement concerns) So I've tried to add new harmonies, new parts, vary the drums, and add differing sections to make it more "OCRemix friendly." Sorry, I have no source here, just a mp3 I ripped from the game. I hope you enjoy my remix - I'd hate to have butchered such a great song. link: (On a different note, I don't know if I'm allowed to have two mixes on the panel at the same time (StarFox Barrel Roll)...it's been a couple of months since I submitted that I believe and the submission instructions only indicate 3 weeks in between mixes - just wondering. Thanks) LT Edit (10/30): Whoa, that's a lot of timestamps. See below:
  10. Akumu just made my day by obtaining the NSF rip today! http://akumunsf.good-evil.net/ !
  11. Hahaha. JJT, ever the spokesman. I dunno if we could endorse anything per se. We've never done it before, and djp would be in charge of that. If like some hardcore CT guys like Claddou Shou and maybe DarkeSword loved the novel, maybe there'd be more of a chance.
  12. You really need to be asking here instead: http://www.vgmix.com/vg25/viewtopic.php?id=2422
  13. As long as you follow the Content Policy's Terms of Use (section B in particular), you're fine.
  14. You couldn't be more wrong! You couldn't be more right!
  15. It's in the game data. That's "used in the game," just not during the gameplay.
  16. In #ocremix, I have already offered a bounty of an OCR t-shirt, bought and paid with free shipping personally sent by me, to the ReMixer who gets the first passed Cheetahmen II mix on OCR. This song is pretty sweet. zircon called it QUOTE "boring and lame". We'll show him!
  17. Hello, submitting a track. Remixer: Zoned Game: Final Fantasy (IX) Song: Prelude User number on forums: 22150 (Themaister). Zoned is my artist name. ------------------------------------------------------------------ http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF9_psf.rar - 423 "Prelude" Nothing awful production-wise, but still poor IMO. The synth design was generic and the sound quality was too lossy. You need to do a VBR encoding for something this long in order to mitigate lossiness. I felt some of the core patterns within the track were very bland as well, and dragged the piece down somewhat. While there were some decent supportive writing ideas interpreted from the original, the source melody (and countermelody from 5:06-5:48) was basically just used from "The Prelude" with little-to-no interpretation, which was boring. Could have been more interesting integrating the original section at 6:07 that ended the piece within other areas of the arrangement. I didn't feel any of the original ideas here compensated for the shortcomings of the arrangement, and what we ended up with was a relatively paint-by-numbers genre piece. Solid beginner-level sub though. Hopefully you'll tap into more creativity with other ideas you'll have as you gain more experience. NO
  18. The arrangement, which was dicey on interpretive-ness before, was made only more solid through the additions and improvements here. All of my criticisms are more on production and execution. I thought the bowed strings from 1:22-1:41 and 3:36-3:54 were a good idea in concept but should have sounded more human. 1:22-1:41 also should have been more in synch with the other instruments, a bit more an issue than the criticism of the brass afterward. Don't remember why it didn't stick out in the previous version, but the hip-hop groove and sampled finger snaps sounded out of place to me the whole time orchestral elements were in play. I would have pulled back the volume on that stuff during the busier sections, and altered the pattern and/or production on those to make the texture more cohesive. Even a smaller detail like the finger snaps, the sample there could have been varied to not make the sample sound so cheap and repetitive, especially because it was used so loudly. For 3:36-3:46 & 3:57-4:17, I would have swapped out the hip-hop groove, as it didn't mesh well with the handdrums or big drums & tambourine IMO. Though I didn't have a big problem up until the end, I'm not sure the squeaky clean and upfront vocals worked well for the final, extra busy section; they just felt too dry and pasted on top rather than being couched in the soundscape. A lot of good new ideas were introduced, but they could be more cohesively put together. Still very close, but I'm unfortunately not quite sold yet on the sum total of the instrumental execution. Ultimately going to stick with my NO (refine/resubmit) vote.
  19. HA! I thought the music was catchy, but only after you heard some of the "better" (I use the term loosely) sound upgrade mixes. I've written all about it this morning. The melody is deceivingly good.
  20. Props to Rich on having this posted to OCR. You can check out the ReMix at http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01637/ and Review the mix at its review thread.
  21. Haha! I've had this one for quite a long time. Awesome per Jordan's usual. No lie, back when I first heard this in July 2006, that's probably when I first realized how strong the FF7 project was looking to be. Jordan made sure to bring his A-game the entire time, and it's made all the difference.
  22. Hey, I caught liontamer's recent comment on my old Ada's Groove ocremix and something about him asking for 'more high octane hotness' made me really want another remix up at OCR! So, after tossing in a couple hours here, couple hours there, I finished a new remix. It's attached to this email since I don't have any webspace to call my own (the auvixa.com/abg site doesn't have any more space.) It's called 'One Step Forward'. I called it that because this track is a remix of Into the Thick of It, the 'first level' of Secret of Mana, and I like the positive, upbeat connotation the title has. I don't want to 'spoil' the remix by revealing anything in particular about it before you hear, so I simply hope you dig it and upload it to OCR Thanks. -Shawn --------------------------------------------------------------- Hahaha! Now I'm in deep shit. Read on: http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=sd2 - "Into the Thick of It" (sd2-06a.spc) Opens with some spooky sounds while fading in the source bridge at :05, and transitioning the the verse at :33. The bassline's punched up a lot compared with the original. The melody, counter-melody and bassline are the core components of the SPC original, and they're basically the same. The percussion's cool, and everything has a beefier sound, but that's about it so far. Seems like direct sampling from 2:08-3:02. I wouldn't care except IMO it only shows just how similar the arranged material is to the in-game music, which is a comparison that doesn't help the mix. Even thinking of something melodically conservative with this theme like DarkeSword's recently submitted "Thicket", his percussion patterns are different, his bassline is different, there are more new instrumentation ideas and embellishments. No lie, I like how this is produced. If this were 6-7 years ago, it would be state-of-the-art for OCR, but the arrangement/interpretation bar was so much lower then as well. The sound design is great and really adds a lot of depth to the material. BUT, arrangement-wise, not interpretive enough. If you made this in only a few hours, Shawn, you could spend a little more time and really get the interpretation sounding a lot more creative. When I listen to "Ada's Groove" I get something that's not only high energy, but really took that Resident Evil source in a very creative and different direction. That second part is just not the case here, IMO. Hopefully no hard feelings. DON'T HURT! <3 I'd love to hear you step back, take some additional time and apply more interpretive ideas with the melody, with the countermelody, the bassline, maybe new harmonies. Doesn't have to be all those things, but think how you can add even more of your own flavor and personal style to the arrangement. NO (resubmit)
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