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Everything posted by Liontamer

  1. Hi, Contact Information Remixer name: Gluon Real name: Remco Custers email: rcusters@orange.nl Website: myspace.com/twinsoulsound userid: 22751 Submission Information Name of the game song: Pilot wings 64 Name of de individual song: Hanglider Stage Other info: Nintendo 64 Comments: I’ve remixed this track because it has a great melody you can use for typical trance track. Hardware and software: The track is produced in Ableton and Reason with a Roland JP8000 synthesizer, other softsynths I used where the Pro-53 and Nexus. I hope you like it. Cheers, Remco a.k.a Gluon
  2. http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Mog" (ff6-217.spc) http://www.zophar.net/nsf/ff1.zip - Track 1 Nothing major to add to DarkeSword and Palpable's observations. The fadeout wasn't a bad concept, but wasn't pulled off well. As is, it exposed the poor brass sample too much and left 5 seconds of silence at the end of the MP3, which was sloppy. I'd argue it also dragged on and should have either been a bit shorter (50 seconds was too long here) or had the inclusion of some new material or variation of those verses during the 50 seconds. Overall, definitely a beautiful arrangement concept, just not fully realizing its potential. The mechanical sequencing of the verses repeating the exact same way with the same intensity each time pulls this way down, plus the lazy repetition of the vanilla percussion pattern from :54-1:46 which made this so much more plodding. If you refined those weaker aspects, you'd be good to go, Daniel. Promising first submission. NO (resubmit)
  3. Hello guys. Hope you enjoy. File link: remixer name: The Radical Dreamers (plural, like a band, even though it's just me. Just...fly with it yo) remix title: Achieving Anemnesis email: mutronbiphase@hotmail.com website: http://ultimathule.webng.com game: Chrono Cross song: Garden of the Gods Yasunori Mitsuda, PS2 Comments: "A return to Divinity" yup have fun Michael Collins
  4. Potential holiday mix? - LT Remixer Name: M.O.G. Name: Daniel Gooding Email: Silentcomposition@yahoo.com UserId: 22379 Name Of Game: Final Fantasy VI Name Of Remix: A Very Moogle Holiday Name Of Original Song: Mog Theme Original Song Link Additional Comments In the spirit of the holidays, I questioned what it would be like to celebrate christmas inside the world of final fantasy. It was odd at first making a minor key song into a joyous song, but it turned out how I wanted it too. Hope this helps people remember the feeling of christmas morning. Made it with Sonar, and Dimension Pro.
  5. Please note the potential mainstream source usage brought up in the sub letter - LT remixer: Rize real name: David T. email: user id: 1321 Game: Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA) Original track: Clocktower Original composer: Michiru Yamane OST link: http://castlevania.classicgaming.gamespy.com/Media/ariadawnost.html Remix name: In the Darkness of Time This is my first remix at all since 2003, and my first OCR submission since 2002. The intro is borrowed from the first song on Megadeth's first album (although Mustaine used piano and I used organ). I used it because the last bit of music in the clocktower song (right before it repeats) sounds almost exactly like it. I don't feel too bad borrowing it because Mustaine was probably influenced heavily by a well known Bach Toccata himself (2:49 seconds in): Still, I don't know how that jibes with OCR rules. 40 seconds out of a 4 minute song may exceed "extremely limited". On the other hand, the main melody from the borrowed part is in the original clocktower song from Aria. I recorded this for the October DoD competition where it got 3rd place. This version has an updated EQ and mix since I didn't have enough time to finish it to the best of my abilities by the competition deadline. I wish I could make the whole thing a tad louder, but I can't without distorting the hell out of it. As is, it's comparable to 80's era Metallica in volume. If that's not good enough for OCR's current standards or the borrowed part is not an issue, then oh well. Maybe next time. -Dave LT Edit (2/21): Throwing in the Megadeth track "Last Rites/Loved to Deth", which is the source tune covered for the intro here, and thus more relevant than the Bach video. Though the Megadeth intro was inspired by the Bach (2:49-4:01), it's mostly a stylistic similarity and not mostly arranged from it. Take a look and draw your own conclusions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjGy9mUDugU
  6. Hey guys, here's a remix I just finished. It's a remix of the Bubbleman stage from Mega Man 2 titled 'Bubbleman - Submersion Remix' I'm always loved this stage's tune but always thought it's baseline really ruined it. So I wrote a new one and a new arrangement and changed the song into more of a rock style. Judge kindly!!! My names Fru Email is
  7. Hi I want to submit a remixed song I made from Journey to silius level 3 Made in fruityloops fl studio Here is the mp3 file Here it is on youtube.com Contact Information * Your ReMixer name : Dead zombie * Your real name : John Israelsson * Your email address: lonianmail@hotmail.com * Your website : www.lonian.se -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Your letter says "level 3". Your tags say "level II". I'm just gonna pick II. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/journe~1.zip - Track 4 Opened up with some pretty rough-sounding synths. Sounded pretty abrasive, possibly clipping. The sequencing felt too rigid, negatively affecting the piano at 1:09 the most overtly. The texture was way too simplistic and empty, regardless of the volume attempting to fill out the soundfield. The groove here being so simple and basic left a lot of empty space in the background. 1:58 had a decent sense of trying to add a bit more on top to create some dynamic contrast. The changeup at 2:25 was also another good idea to take the arrangement in a different direction with another section of the source, but everything still had the same problems in terms of blistering volume and rigid sequencing. Arrangement-wise, this didn't really do much to distinguish itself from the original, since the structure was essentially taken verbatim. With that said, I'd honestly rather listen to the original. Use the ReMixing forums here to learn more on how to work with your existing setup. NO
  8. Yes, clearly to make a viable arrangement, you just have to reference the melody verbatim. None of that "interpretation" crap. It's his arrangement. Tough shit if you didn't get exactly what you wanted. No one has to reference a melody verbatim; that doesn't make any arrangement inherently better.
  9. This one is awesome as hell, just for being used in that local car commercial. The intro totally has that feel. ("OH SHIT, U GO FAST IN THIS PENIS CAR, NO MONEY DOWN!) For its age, this one actually holds up pretty well, way better than I remember it, as I was only big on the intro back in the day. The phasing synth in the middle handling the melody could have been more graceful in terms of the sequencing, but was a great concept. Pretty nice stuff that was very interpretive and creative.
  10. The issues were figuring out whether we wanted to do this via Wiki or another database option, as well as both djp and I being free to work on this compared to everything else going on. Sorry for the wait. Dave has added Dafydd, Linearity & Polo to the OCRWiki. You 3 are the ones most involved and whom I trust the most to input the bios. In the event that the email message didn't work to send you your passwords, I will PM all 3 of you with the info later. I'll be overseeing all the work on the bios. For now, do not edit anything into the Wiki just yet, even the Totyota Supra bio . I want to give you guys guidelines tomorrow/Sunday on how to add everything, along with some other Wiki format and linking issues. It also goes without saying that you guys are only to work on Mascots and not other areas of the Wiki, so at the risk of sounding like an asshole, y'all can't edit anywhere else under any circumstances. Thanks so much for all the hard work to you guys and everyone who contributed. The addition of these bios really enhance OCR, and I can't wait until everything's included!
  11. You're basing that off the Newgrounds profile? You've never seen someone fake being a female for humor? Both Danny B (as SysteManiac) and Trenthian have done it.
  12. If you want to sound official, it helps to actually have an official write something. But thanks, Sam. ParagonX9 is an audio moderator at Newgrounds, so I sent him a PM. I don't think there's any reason to message Tommy and go that high up when Newgrounds has tons of cases of plagiarism every day. Jermain will more likely be able to do something.
  13. * Your ReMixer names: Ross Kmet & Fishy * Name of game(s) arranged: Radical Dreamers * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Facing RK: This is the most heavily drug influenced song in which no drugs were an actual influence. I picked up Facing on the Radical Dreamers project, but noticed that my beats lacked a certain, brutal-ness. This is when I asked fishy to play the bruitar in my song. After many many months of improvising, chopping, slicing, writing, playing, ect., I think myself and Fishy have created something that will blow some heads. My inputs: I recorded all the guitar parts, the whispering, and sequenced the rock drums at the end. Everything was given to Ross dry except the first clean solo and the whispering, so you can see all the crazy shit he did with it. Basically, this is the most retardedly awesome thing ever submitted. Remix: Ross just left for somewhere for christmas so I don't know his details or anything but hes submitted before so you should have it, as have I. PLZ CAN R BE NOT POSTING UNTIL RD PROJEKT IS OUT IF PASS!
  14. Sit tight. I've been working on moving this forward.
  15. Today, December 14th, is the last day of submission. The time of 11:59:59.99 PM EST is the deadline.
  16. Remixer: Hollidayrain Name: Sreyas Krishnan Email Address: sreyaskr@msn.com Website: www.soundclick.com/hollidayrain Game: Wario Land 3 (Game Boy) Song arranged: Closing Credits Theme Title: Dancing in the Box Hi guys, There's an interesting story behind this one. You see, I live in Colorado; home of the most unpredictable weather this side of Tierra Del Fuego. One day, it started snowing and my school was delayed by an hour. Now, that's all fine and dandy; until my parents left for work and my friend who normally drives me to school, which is about 15 miles away, decided not to go. So basically, I was stranded. So then, accepting the cruel fate of being stuck at home (hah), I took a gander out into the stormy abyss and I thought of a snowglobe...like the Music Box in Wario Land 3. I ended up dedicating the rest of the day to making a remix of that theme. So, this is that product. I want to run this one by you guys to see if it's good enough. There's the link to the song is there are issues with the attachments. Note: the Source tune in midi form is also attached. Thanks, -Hollidayrain
  17. Three weeks has passed and I'm back with my next masterpiece! Time to start counting days until next time I'm able to submit Now, prepare yourself for EXTENSIVE INFORMATION: REMIX NAME: Groove Sweet Groove Contact Info * Remixer name: Another Soundscape * Real name: Mattias Häggström Gerdt * E-mail: anothersoundscape@gmail.com * Website: http://www.soundscape.escariot.net * UserID: 12912 [ edit ] ReMix Info * Name of game(s) ReMixed: Final Fantasy 5 * Name of individual song(s) ReMixed: My Home, Sweet Home (or Home Sweet Home, I don't know the correct name) * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. Final Fantasy V, the game no one really cared about until recently when it got a revival. I started this mostly because of AeroZ, his FFV remixes are amazing and he's always talking about how good the soundtrack is. So, after we met to see Distant Worlds and talked a lot I got an urge to finish this old piece I had been working on. Right when I got Reason 4 (yeah I'm hip and trendy now) I realized the potential of the ReGroove tool and started making groovy drums. Since we just played a lot of Jazz in my drum lessons I got a lot of influences from there. The idea of making a 4/4 groove-based arrangement of Home Sweet Home wasn't really clear at first. It sorta came to life when I started experimenting with adding melodies from games I knew and loved and this one just jumped at me, sounding all good and stuff. So I started working! I've really adapted the source, changing just about everything except the main melody. Honestly though, this source is all about that melody so I think it's okay. The only part that's NOT the main melody in the source is the part at 0.35 and I actually used that too and re-arranged it as a break (1.25 - 1.40) so I've covered the source while I definitely made it my own. I love Rhodes as always so I came up with some licks and added some .. let's call them counter-licks with a Hammond. I also tried out the new RPG-8 arpeggietor for the build-up and I must say I love it. Other than that the remix contains some serious Moogish soloing, a 909 playing un-tss, an odd time-sig fill, Thor, overusage of xylophone (I wish I was DrumUltimA) and my regular switch of styles towards the end (including accordion and swedish jewharp!). I think I severly butchered the original but I'm very happy with it and I know you can spot the original pretty well, in case you don't agree, see below. For your pleasure I made a breakdown of source-usage because, since I changed so much, it can be tricky to spot: 00:23 - 00:29 - Cameo of the theme in a moog solo 00:38 - 01.09 - Xylophone constantly playing the melody. Rhodes backing it up. 01.09 - 01.25 - Rhodes taking the lead 01.25 - 01.40 - Break arranging the part of the source at 0.35 in the original 01.43 - 02.15 - Lead synths playing melody, xylophone counter-melodies 02.45 - 03.16 - The lead synth arranges the melody (left) while another synth backs it up with the original (right) 03.16 -> Essentially the xylophone is expanding the original melody but very freely. It's up to you if you count this or not. If you don't count 03.16 and onwards it's ~128 seconds of source. in a 4 minute mix. That means 50%+. If you count the xylo, it's not even borderline Anyway, I'm happy with this. I think it's kinda old-school OCR in style. Maybe that's because I spent the last week listening to Mazedude and djp.. now THERE's two people who can groove. Anyway, hopefully you'll enjoy this and think I can groove too after hearing this remix Kind Regards, Mattias Häggström Gerdt (Another Soundscape) MUCH LOVE! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff5 - "My Home, Sweet Home" (ff5-1-31.spc) Just threw this up so that the panel could check out this hotness. Thanks a lot for the time breakdown. Wasn't really feeling any connection from the 1:25-1:40 section upon comparison, but the xylo after 3:16 was able to nudge this over 50% with its very liberal spin on the source material. I thought the production could have been a bit cleaner and better separated. The sequenced mallet percussion wasn't hitting me the right way during its more exposed/solo sections. Otherwise though, a very funky, creative spin on the original, and a very easy call. YES
  18. Dear OCRemix team, Thanks for a great resource. I have recorded two remakes of Nintendo music which I thought you might like. They do not meet your criteria when it comes to filesizes, pardon me. If you feel I have wasted your time, sorry for that. In case you think of publishing the music, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Johan Krafft, Sweden The theme from stage "Dire Dire Docks" in Super Mario 64 recorded today, the 11th of December 2007, without manipulation (ie. it is a live recording from my electric piano).
  19. Dear OCRemix team, Thanks for a great resource. I have recorded two remakes of Nintendo music which I thought you might like. They do not meet your criteria when it comes to filesizes, pardon me. If you feel I have wasted your time, sorry for that. In case you think of publishing the music, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Best regards, Johan Krafft, Sweden A song from Donkey Kong country which you should be familiar with. Recorded with Cakewalk Sonar in 2006.
  20. At 200kbps, this bitrate is too large. Please keep it at or below 192kbps. http://www.zophar.net/nsf/megaman3.zip - Track 1 ("Title") Disagreeing with zircon, I didn't see how this production quality was great at all, as zirc compared this track with Beatdrop and RoeTaKa. It's not terrible, and I don't inherently dislike this approach, but the production choices were a bit over the top to the detriment of the track, IMO. There was audible recording hiss in the opening that just sounded sloppy due to the sheer volume. Once things kicked in at :25, the soundfield sounded overcompressed to the point where everything was too cramped. I thought the layered melody didn't have enough distinguishable separation. Also, the cymbals were so overrun by other sounds, they sounded like they were distorted and swallowed up. The :41-:58 section also suffered the same fate, with the layered melody cutting through, but the rhythms guitars and pad creating a very murky background and being poorly separated. Pretty much every verse, produced the same way throughout, ended up with the overcompressed and cramped feel in the background (and foreground, thanks to the layered source melody). Sections like 2:12-2:45, where the backing guitar was much quieter, worked a lot better production-wise and left some room to breathe. Better stuff for the awesome piano section from 1:14-1:31, creating some nice dynamic contrast. zircon's breakdown of the source usage was spot on. Yeah, this could use more areas of the source somewhere somehow, sure. But more importantly, this needs more substantial variation of the arranged melodic section constantly used (and beat into the ground) here. The MM3 source just got too repetitive played the same way on electric guitar over and over again. What's here is clearly in the right direction. Polish it up and nudge it over the line, bros. NO (resubmit)
  21. You old, David. Happy b-day! Make more mixes, plz.
  22. Yeah, sounds fine, IMO. It's proper, plus it places a little more emphasis on the source tune name when it's there. You're speaking more on platform association, since the icon is tied to that. First preference goes whatever platform the submitting artist credits it to. When we aren't given that info, it will go by first released platform. For an un-delegated case of a same day, multi-platform release, djp just chooses what feels like choosing.
  23. As LOL as it is, I don't find plagiarism amusing enough to just LOL at. Permabanned. That goes for anyone submitting stolen music. DC13 was the old days, but anyone submitting stolen music or even merely plagiarising earns a one way ticket off the forums. See ya, kid.
  24. Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13296 Your ReMixer name – Navij11 Your real name – Jacob Naviasky Your email address – jnav@nycap.rr.com Your website – http://navij11.com/ Your userid – 20089 Name of game(s) arranged – Kirby and the Amazing Mirror Name of individual song(s) arranged – Opening Theme Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. – System was the GameBoy Advance, I could not find the composer. Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) - http://www.zophar.net/gsf/KirbyTAM.rar - 02 "Legend of the Mirror World" Comments – Ok, so this is my resubmit… It will be that last one, I’ve had enough of this track in the past few weeks! I made many significant changes! Thank you to your comments on the original submission, and the #ocrwip channel on the IRC. They were really friendly, and helped me through this final version. Personally, it doesn’t matter to me whether this track passes judgment or not, as it was a necessary step I needed to take in order to become a better artist. I really worked hard on this, and I asked many people for second opinions before finally deciding to submit this, three weeks later, in its final form. Link to song: You can leave this link in the post, as I do not intend to revisit this in the future. Thanks guys, this is a great thing you are doing! -Navij11
  25. Sixto Sounds & Steppo Juan P. Medrano & Stefan Karlsson forgotten_imp@yahoo.com, rally_mannen@hotmail.com http://tadakichi.baka.us/Sixto_Sounds/ UserID: 13403, 31050 MegaMan 3, Track 1 Steppo had sent me this MP3 of a remix he was working on and asked if I was interested in a collaboration. I listened to the track and was immediately turned on by the arrangement. I pretty much just took what he had and made it louder (much louder) with my own samples and guitar tracking and added a bridge section with a simple guitar solo.
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