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Arek the Absolute

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Everything posted by Arek the Absolute

  1. oh man playing wii sports while totally lounging is so awesome then again i am a free runner that is extremely flexible so playing this while laying down in odd positions that you would only be in if you were completely lounging works for me and not for you
  2. the muciriatiairotor needs to shh kthx anyways, the wiimote + nunchuck controller scheme probably would be great to use when you are in a very relaxed position
  3. this thread is no where near fine just wanted to tell you that
  4. SC3 - NO FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE SHITTY FANSERVICE Balance was horrible and they raped my Raphael! FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE FANSERVICE Seriously though, button reading AI, horrible balance changes, most returning charactes movesets raped, music wasn't nearly as memorable as SC2. Did I also mention the horrible balance changes? Character creation was fun, but once you found out that a lot of classes reigned over others really fast, what is the point besides to make novelty characters.
  5. UE better have that weekend off, or it is going to suck for those of us coming from NorCal.
  6. That is totally awesome Liontamer. Good to have you around! Welcome to OCR Liontamer and to the rest of you. Newbie guide still to come when I am totally not feeling lazy.
  7. That is cool, at least credit is given on the album. Now, I still want to know if this is an official creation that Tommy and the original artists support or if this is just someone downloading mixes and selling them to make his own profit.
  8. This song is tripping me out like bad, in a good way. This automatically moved to my favorite song of ocr, that is how much I love it. Ooh...just the way it is. It is dark with a mix of...I can't even explain. This song gets my approval all the fucking way. Holy shit, so fucking good.
  9. sticking with the gc controller too used to it from melee
  10. and as i mentioned that is a stupid name change keep the name the same
  11. that name change sounds retarded keep the name the same
  12. so apparently pikachu and kirby are playable characters who would have thought!
  13. To give you guys a tad bit more time, I have pushed the tournament back to the 20th. Lists are now do on the 18th! I will make a list soon of people who have and haven't sent me which pokemon they will be using.
  14. If anyone has sisters that are: 1) single 2) hot/cute+SMART please do bring em tyty
  15. Once again, just a friendly reminder to all you DS fans to post your friend codes in the new clanocr database that Drack linked in his post above. Use it to store your friend codes or to find someone elses. It is a great little thing to have, so go ahead and abuse the heck out of it
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