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Everything posted by anthonium

  1. Awesome but for some reason the art direction taken for the game looks a bit weird to me. I don't even know what to make of it...it's like cel-shaded but at the same time not. It's too bad I don't have a 360 or ps3 to play this on and it's not likely there will be a Wii release too.
  2. Some Mario Kart Wii news from http://wii.ign.com/articles/849/849925p1.html: I'm not too thrilled about the mid-air tricks (SSX anyone?) but I'm happy to hear you'll be able to use your Mii to race.
  3. I'm so jealous of all of you playing right now. Anyway thanks for the rips Eulogic. The TetrisB music sounds awesome. I'm surprised that was in there. I get the feeling this game will sell out on it's first day. I really should get around to pre-ordering it.
  4. You realize he goes way back to 1984/1985 right? Though short-lived he became a very popular Nintendo figure. I'm actually glad to see him in there. Reminds me of my childhood.
  5. Even if the roster is not something you like are you forgetting this game has a ton of modes that melee doesn't? Just that is a good enough reason to buy it and the online gaming is a plus as well. Anyway what don't you like about the roster? The ones in it or the ones that you wish were in it but aren't?
  6. SPOILER BELOW: One can only dream but after seeing the 35 character roster it appears he is not in this game.
  7. WTF Nintendo and what's up with this: "Pictures taken in game can be saved on an SD card, but are encrypted and, as of right now, can't be viewed on a PC. Same goes for replays." Why encrypt?
  8. Well I have Endless Ocean for the Wii which uses wifi so perhaps that could be added to the game roster though I doubt many people have it...*shrugs*
  9. Sweet, an official thread. I'm excited for the game and having waited so long for it I decided to spoil myself with all the info available. I look forward to sharing my friend code and playing with anyone here come March 9.
  10. That's it. I don't care about any other character now. Knowing that R.O.B. is in there has made me soil myself.
  11. The intro didn't really impress me and I think it was too long though I'm sure most would disagree. Anyway it's cool they're bringing back Melee characters especially Luigi because then it would not be Smash Bros but I'm not thrilled about clones.
  12. Although I use Adobe Photoshop I also recommend trying Paint.NET at http://www.getpaint.net/ It has a very nice user interface and it's very easy to use in my opinion. You can get nice sigs just using this program. I highly recommend it. Also GIMPshop is very cool though it has a bit of a learning curve compared to Paint.NET You can find GIMPshop here: http://www.gimpshop.com/download.shtml
  13. Cool thanks I got it to work. I also read the instruction booklet (something I hardly do anymore) and that helped as well. I guess we're so used to in-game instructions now we overlook the instruction manual at times. heh.
  14. hey megadave...I seem to be stuck trying to train my dolphin in Endless Ocean. As simple as the in-game instructions are I can't get him to GO. What are you supposed to do? It just says to touch his nose with A, then let go, then point in some other direction and press A and shake but all it does is keep petting him and I can't seem to dive again unless I train him. argh On a different note I put Enya music in the game and it fits perfectly.
  15. You mean Hayley Westenra? I wouldn't call her hot, she's more like BEAUTIFUL. The song is called Prayer and originally composed and performed by Secret Garden. It's such a nice song. Anyway the more I play this game the more I get into it. I like the little sense of humor in the dialogue as well. haha.
  16. I started playing it last night and indeed it is a good game. It's unlike any other game I've played and it's just such a nice game to pick up and play when you're feeling all stressed or just want to chill out. I was thinking of using my own music for the game but the soundtrack already made for the game fits it perfectly. I've yet to dive online with a buddy though. :\ Anyway it's definitely a game worth getting and it's just $30.
  17. The first game that comes to mind that REALLY deserves a sequel is Beyond Good and Evil. If only people had appreciated it more.
  18. The last one's based off a painting I believe but I forget the name of it. argh.
  19. Has anybody picked up and played Endless Ocean yet? I just bought it today but haven't opened it because I'm still not sure whether I will truly like this game or not. The whole relaxed part about it is what intrigues me most but I'm hoping it will be rewarding as well. I'm wondering what people that have played it say about it even though most game review sites have given it a 7/10 or 8/10.
  20. After reading various reviews and the fact that it's only $30 I'm definitely going to be picking up Endless Ocean this weekend. Plus I could sure go for something nice and relaxing unlike most games out there where you just blast everything. It'll be a nice change for once. Anybody wanna scuba dive with me when I get it?
  21. The first link is real. It is a scene from the movie. The second link I believe could be art from the movie since it looks exactly like the monster does in the movie. Sucks that you spoiled it for yourself.
  22. Though I'm done with my sig (below) I still feel as if there is something I can do to improve it...anybody have any suggestions?
  23. Weighted Companion Cube Case Mod = <3!!!! I so want to make this: http://www.bit-tech.net/modding/2008/01/21/the_weighted_companion_pc/1
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