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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. About damn time Eh... I mean, YAY! (you know I love you man <3<3<3loveU4evahXOXO #loveofmylife)
  2. The only thing I could think when listening to this: WHAT THE FUCK And I mean that in a positive way not something I should listen when trying to relax, but man, this will get me in an big happy ADHD state anytime
  3. Alright, no update doesn't mean that nothing is happening. The tracklist has gotten quite a bit bigger, with some pieces in the pipeline that aren't even on it yet (which I hope will make it on the album). A reminder for the artists: Please post your wips at our forums! That makes it a lot easier for us to give feedback and to keep the overview! http://badass3.proboards.com/
  4. That's a difficult question. If someone sends me a perfect 100% done direct-post-quality mix on November 30th, I'll gladly accept it of course. But I'll give you the same deadline as I gave Brandon (to keep the consistancy): from August I'll only accept mixes that are practically done, so probably from March I'll only accept mixes that are substantial (no 30 seconds-long proof of concept, but rather 2 minute WIP with an almost complete arrangement).
  5. Slowly but surely more mixers are joining the album and we even got our first completed mix by Lashmush! And damn, it's good! Or Bad... eh... whatever, it ROCKS. Remember that many of you need to give me an update this month, so I'll be spamming you for updates. And also remember that we won't be postponing this album for mixes that are not finished yet, so you better have a good reason if you can't show us anything
  6. I won't have the time to finish my mix. Matter of fact, I don't have any time to make mixes in quite some time since I need to travel awhile before I can record anything (unless I make a huge investment, which I won't do). Good luck with this project!
  7. I could add you guys to the front page, but remember that no WIP is no claim. About the others: Brandon had a special arrangement since I know he can deliver within a real short period of time and because he functions best that way. I thought a while about this (about its 'fairness') but I decided it this way. neshead has shown me something on YouTube, but that's not technically an official wip, since it was done before this project started. And mak and Cherna just have to fear their source if someone else beats them to it On second thought, it might be better to take them off the main page, for clarity
  8. I see some competition originating...
  9. That's fine, but you won't get access to the forums or have a claim if you don't send in WIPs. Just so you know
  10. Hey guys, an important update: FORUMS: http://badass3.proboards.com/ Yeah, I'm swamped in PM's and since OCR's not really fast with giving us official status, I made our own forums. Nothing fancy, but it'll do the job. It's private (login before you can see the forums and I must approve everybody), so no worries there. Please, everyone that is part of this project, make an account there and post your WiP there for feedback!
  11. Shameless plug for my own ReMix: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02288/ /attentionwhore
  12. I will be away to London for a week, so if you guys need anything just ask Chernabogue
  13. Same here as probably 90% of others that posted here: Was looking for (in my case) Megaman X music, found a remix on Kazaa by Chikusho Sound Team, which I found out to be dutch. I searched for them with the url in the tag and found OCR, an infinite well of awesome game remixes. Ended with the thought "I have to do this myself"
  14. I backed you man don't have too much to spare, but everything helps right? I'll post your Kickstarter link on my Facebook. Who knows, perhaps you'll gain some dutch fans
  15. Yeah that's August the Europeans are in charge now, so you'll just have to adapt EDIT: Alright, everybody SHOULD have gotten feedback from both Chernabogue and me. Hopefully, we'll get official OCR status soon so we can use the forums for giving feedback, which will make it all a little faster
  16. Hey I already sent you the feedback Frenchie But yeah, I got it Mirby, we'll let you know soon. And putting you down Brandon! Can't wait to hear what you can come up with
  17. Yeah, I share Chern's opinion on this: counts as a boss theme in my book. So go for it! Oh, that doesn't sound good man. I wish you two best and hopefully things will go well And if that includes being able to do an awesome mix later on, that's a nice addition Yeah, like I said: I hope to have more of a 50/50 division of well-known tracks and obscure ones. But I'm personally very happy with the Mario and Lavos ones
  18. Well, in general: no. If someone doesn't know if he or she can finish something by the end of the deadline (as stated in the first post, the cut-off point will be on or just before December 2014), then I'd rather have him or her not claiming anything and then just hope to recieve something at the end. I'd rather be happily surprised with one late addition, then be disappointed by something that was promised but not delivered. In your case, however, I think I can make an execption given your history with high quality mixes on a short timefrime. So: I'll allow it as long as you can promise now that you have a (very near) finished remix by the August, 2014. On a side note: Sorry for the lack of feedback on your WIPs guys. I have some university deadlines and exams in this (and past) week, so I'll get back to you (and update the first page) after that!
  19. Sounds awesome, can't wait to hear what you've got. Reverting you back to "wip" instead of "substantial wip" then
  20. Although I prefer true boss themes, this would be ok, just as the megaman boss themes would be fine. However, since we already have a vectorman mix, I urge you to pick another source
  21. Completely understandable, that's also the best for us if mixers only claim stuff when they know they can deliver
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