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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. I have Castle Crashers and BF 1943, gamertag is pufreakneo
  2. Wips? wips? more wips? WIPS! GIMMA WIPS! I... NEED... WIPS!
  3. A piano mix is right up my alley. Count me interested for the Ludwig one
  4. Only one day left *dum dum dum* Most of the rewriting's done, and I should have your update tomorrow, rozo
  5. Yes he did, I just PM'ed him back today. I assume Joker's going to pm you back shortly. IN the meantime, you can register at the kngi forums and I'll make sure you can get where you need to be.
  6. Done, and looking forward to the final version.
  7. The Joker has been quite busy since last month, so I don't think he checks OCR that often these days. If there's anything specific about BadAss you want to know, you can pm me (I'm also project staff)
  8. Awesome, got a lot of new mixers past few days. Welcome to the project Snapple
  9. I don't think a merger is the answer here. BadAss is giving "new" mixers a chance to get full attention and if they were combined with the Bad Dudes I think they would get overshadowed. There is, of course, a risk that this would happen if the album would be released seperatly aswell.
  10. *bump* What's up guys? Everybody busy getting us a wip next month?
  11. I'm probably going to need someone that's willing to collab with me to make the remix as awesome as it can be. I play keys (hammond, piano), and I'm up for about anything: synth collab, sax collab, guitar collab... whatever. If anyone's interested, let me know
  12. A good thing that many (positive) things happened in that time. Resulting especially in a whole lot more mixes
  13. They were too awesome for this project. Those will be saved for Missingno Tracks Special Edition, coming out later this year. It has a different cover and a few extraa songs for only a few hundred bucks extra!
  14. Yeah I don't think this will be the only time you'll see somethign like this happen (and no I'm not planning on doing it myself)
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