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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Close call on the NO... think you'll fix it PriZm?
  2. But it sure delivers pretty hilarious reviews
  3. Too bad, I kinda liked OA... now he's one of THEM ah well, all good things end I guess (congrats man)
  4. I thought father's day had a universal date. Apparantly not... I bought him tickets for a soccer match
  5. Alright, just send a wip our way so we can see if you're in
  6. Nope, YOU should still do it Anyway, good to have you back leepmeister! Your (nearly-finished?) Bowser theme from CtC sounded great (still have it on my hard drive). As for themes that do well with choir work, how about the final battle with Lavos (from CT), or the Master Hand theme (Final Destination) from Super Smash brothers Brawl? And if you want (someone) to sing, just get the Boss battle theme from Blue Dragon (Eternity)
  7. YES resubmit many many episodes
  8. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it's fake, but there are always people that do. Some people are sceptical, most just don't seem to want to believe. Just browse the internet to see what people think of Natal and you'll see that no matter what proof you smack in their face, they will always think it's fake. Untill they can play it themselves (I guess it just switches to denial). And never underestimate the quantity of horribly stupid people
  9. This stuff is very promising, but they should also be very careful how they handle it. I'm not sure about MS' approach here. They know 70% of the people think it's fake, no matter what they say or show (they learned from the CGI Sony trailers), so I was a bit surprised they showed Natal this big. I don't know if this will seriously impact gaming, but I had the same scepticism about the Wii and I was painfully mistaken on that. I think the best think for us "core" gamers is that natal can work complementry with your controller. Control + motion detecting opens up new possibilities without losing important stuff (like rumble and something filling up the empty feel in your hands) I hope this is a success and that the next round of consoles (from all 3 parties) will have something like this built in. Let's just wait and see
  10. Well, they're just accepting nearly finished WIPs. So you practicly have to be done and then they say if it's good enough to get on the project. But let's keep this topic about BadAss, before wasting too much posts about the pokemon one. MOAR MIXERS! MOAR WIPS!
  11. Again, thanks for the reqests but it's really no use. The remixers choose which boss theme they want to do. If you have a request, find a remixer to do it for you. Don't want to sound harsh, but it's ultimately up to the remixer to decide which track he or she wants to remix
  12. Just send a PM to Joker or me with your updated version, don't post it here
  13. I better start practising the line "GET UR TRACKS IN" already
  14. Didn't you start that one already when this was still Crescendo to Chaos?
  15. I was going to say, check out anime-remix.org, but that site seems to be down... I don't know if animere-mix.com is the new version, does anyone else?
  16. Hey Rozo, 1st post says "last update: April 46th"... might wanna change that
  17. And here I was thinking IGN finally came up with something original and unbiased
  18. Hmmm... this stuff is very fishy indeed. Why the huge difference with the other C&D letter (from resurrection)? I'm curious to see how this'll all work out. There are many things that don't add up (for instance: is it true they destroyed all of their work 5 minutes after getting the C&D, even BEFORE they checked it's authenticy?), but I won't be feeding the rumor mill here
  19. Finally, a Civ mix and what a mix it is. 7/8 is always tricky, but it's performed wonderfully. The transition to the faster pace is very nicely handled, and the piece feels cohesive as a whole. Great work guys!
  20. Don't forget the monstrous rattata's... they're killing
  21. Wow... I never expected I would see the day that DNF wouldn't be in development
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