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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Isn't it just after "May I have this swords dance"?
  2. Besides, don't we have enough piano on this project
  3. What? It's not too late, different timezone and all (I live 3 days in the past) ... anyway happy birthday Mono!
  4. Don't worry, yours is next in line after Around the World, which should be completed soon enough. And yeah bLiNd seems to be the new Fishy. EDIT: lol thanks Jade, ANOTHER project I don't know if my signature can take it
  5. bLiNd is in this one aswell? Now I really have to finish my songs here
  6. Oh shi- just a week before the deadline! There goes my free time...
  7. well going from "somewhere before 2374" to "spring 2010" is narrowing it down, isn't it?
  8. I work better under pressure anyway I'm curious to see what our different takes our going to be Taucer (though what I now have is very ballad-ish aswell)
  9. Good to hear from you Demonstray, looking forward to your update (as always)
  10. I hat myself for not having done anything with Farewell Song yet... *sigh* well, first to finish my other one, then I'll start on farewell song again
  11. What's wrong with having two alternate versions of one track? It's not like we have 45 mixes already
  12. Happy birthday man! Being a judge sure made you age soon
  13. Half a month to get another update... you really don't want us to get lazy do you (yea yea I know the deadlines were already anounced earlier)
  14. I'll still have time enough the following weeks, so just send a PM and I'll get back to whoever has a question or anything
  15. lol... all of the projects I'm involved in (xept for this one) are left out. Does that mean projects I am on are doomed to fail?
  16. Progress is being made little by little... but now is the time to work on your mixes guys (vacation and all). Yea yea that includes me too
  17. Didn't Prot already have his comeback last year with his Metal Slug 3 remix?
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