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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. You do realize that keys don't mean shit when remixing it, dont you? Same for modulation. Besides, the two songs ARE very alike (you can't deny that) so it's only fair to give other songs preferrence. That, plus the remixers clearly had other preferrences. And lastly, you could've requested it when the project was in the works (YOU HAD FIVE YEARS MAN), instead of complaining when the release is imminent
  2. Yea, but you had a a few years to do it... DA's on fire EDIT - does this mean we actually have to start remixing now?
  3. Aren't you the expert in getting as much posts as possible?
  4. It's not an official project, but that doesn't matter since we're still not 100% completed. The SFII was a major milestone for OCR but it has in no way interfered with our project. Just to get that out of the way. Don't worry, when we're done it won't be long before we're going to be released. For the official progress though, you'll have to ask Kyle. He's the one that's got all the up-to-date info and the contact with OCR. As far as I know, we´re still on track for 2011
  5. The site and artwork has to be finalized and OCR has to be ready for this amount of awesomeness. Seriously though, all projects have to get the spotlioght they deserve from OCR and right now, it's still time for the Street Fighter II overhaul.
  6. Damned, I know it's your decision, but if he finishes his track and let us hear it, what's there to lose? If we like it, it's already done and there won't be an increase in half-done wips. If we don't then it's no biggie either. Like I said, it's your call, but we can always use extra sonjgs. The Tales project has increased a lot it's final days
  7. It will, Duke Nukem Forever releases November 23rd
  8. Wait, the release date is still 2011, right?
  9. It's really no use to request for tracks right now. Let's make sure we actually go through with this project first before looking at the tracklist.
  10. I think that would be best. If we want to discuss something private, (but with more people from the project), the forums are an ideal way to do it
  11. Or untill the Burnout update gets released
  12. Damned, how about the custom poogeymans for every artist? Perhaps PogueSquadron could help us out there EDIT - Never mind, just checked the forums
  13. Wait, this is a real OCR project? Then I quit
  14. Last november, there was Games in Concert 3 in the Netherlands, where the singer Roos Rebergen sang Still Alive with the Metropole Orchestra doing the background music. Here's an mp3 with a part of a radio show that also covers that song. The song starts at about the 4 minute mark. Enjoy! http://www.michelmaas.com/BringitOn!GiC3.mp3
  15. It will be released on your birthday... the question is which year
  16. It still needs quite some work. I wouldn't expect it in the next 6 months
  17. What, so now we don't get to chase OA with flaming sticks?
  18. Still working on Haunted Chase, so I'll probably reclaim it end of this week if nobody is faster than I am
  19. I haven't been much of a MMORPG fan, but come on, it's friggin Bioware and KotOR! I'm up for it
  20. Proph is making friends again, I see. But, coming back to an earlier post, we could try to do an OCR tourney... We just need everyone on the same system *cough* Xbox LIVE *cough*
  21. Well, Joker is reviving it when and if he finds enough remixers willing to take part. Your mix is practicly the only one left from the "old" project
  22. If XNA finally gets release here in the Netherlands I'll be sure to buy it!
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