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Everything posted by Pavos

  1. Yea, after waiting as a fan and now as a remixer for this stuff, there's a real due date/almost release date! I hope we get some award for longest running project
  2. My Triumph mix is FINALLY done... wav is at the ftp EDIT - I'll work on Vigorous Town tomorrow, but I don't know if I can get it done by then
  3. Wait, I thought Leep's mix was basicly done? It kicks ass anyhow. And I've had the Tales project for the pun on my name already, your time will come Pi
  4. Come on Pi, hurry up and get your account back... if you wait any longer I might actually have the teim to do this (and that's not what we want, is it )
  5. Not everyone has in it him to be a professional slacker
  6. I thought you could only have 1 account per creditcard?
  7. Yea, but if you DO actually have a paypal account, it's a different story
  8. Any other way I can contribute to you (without using paypal)? My Paypal account has been stolen in the past, so they restricted it (and I've been too lazy to reactivate it). I do have a fine working creditcard so if there's any other way, just let me know
  9. DA has updated "Brand New Day" so let those comments come
  10. I would stick to the Boss Themes only... I mean, that IS the whole idea of this project. I'd say keep it that at least 60% of the (source)remix should be Boss Theme. And I know we don't want to rush it, but I don't waiting even longer is a good idea. I don't know what's the deal with your old account, but I still think starting over fresh with a new topic is the best idea, becuase I think that people are ignoring this thread. And what about the forums... haven't seen you there in a while. Are we still keepign the ones we are/were using?
  11. Anyway, this project needs more action and FAST. Pi, you HAVE to get a good assistant for this (Joker would be a good choice in my opinion) and you have to make sure that you have the time to bug everyone with updates. Get in touch with everyone that's been working on this project and ask if they're still in or out. Scrap the tracklist, and let mixers decide which Boss Theme they want. That way, they'll be more motivated and that's always a good thing. We need to make sure that people know this project has been resurrected (or is going to be), so I also suggest making a new thread (that way, you can edit the front page aswell). On to my business, my M. Bison mix sucks and might be good enough for a bonus but that's it. I have plenty of ideas for the Gilgamesh thing though, and that's going to be up to standards. So... let's get this ball rolling and FAST! EDIT - It's good to see you've learned from teh experience, but stop saying how bad you were and how bad the project was etc etc etc... that's not going to boost popularity
  12. Yea that's a pretty nice start Steffan... are you planning on finishing it? I'm wondering about all you guys actually, who's going to continiue to work on their entry to make it a more finished piece? I know I am...
  13. Only 17 made it? That's a lot less than I had expected... I was counting on half to make it. And yea college takes up time In my case I can only work on weekends for recording. And come on really, is there any other time than last minute?
  14. Sure it's here. This way of working towrds the source would work great for your song aswell I think
  15. I've started yet another wip for a bonus theme from the DKC series, this time from DKC2. This theme was originally intended for the DKC2 project, but I'm going for a single release now. The wip itself is still very sloppy, but it's giving a good idea what I have in mind with this. Version 1 Any suggestions/criticism?
  16. Although it's been a while, this is still being worked on. Probably going to change this a bit and incorporate more original sutff. Nutricious is currently working on the sax. And since it's not a bonus game or anything, I don't really like Swanky's Saloon... sorry chickenwarlord. Any more suggestions?
  17. Well it's very hard to recognize. I can pick out the parts of the melody where the theme is playing but that's becuase I know it's supposed to be Goldenrod and because I've made a remix of the saem theme aswell My suggestion is that you slowly work towards the source (the part you put at the end), like Prot's "Rare Remnisence"
  18. This is a cool idea... too bad I'm just a piano player
  19. Working on a WIP for "Token Tango", hopefully I'll get it done before anyone else EDIT - WIP sent
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