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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. Prophet dude, being a dick is not cool man. Jesus Christ, we are on a game site for crying out loud.

  2. Coolness, man, coolness.

  3. I'm working on it now. I know, you asked for one song and it takes 4 MONTHS!? RAGE GUY! I know, I know.

  4. You won the Cat Caption.

  5. I was just going to bring up the SOR3 soundtrack but then remembered that I posted that two years ago, so I'll do an update. A previous post that I cut, edited and pasted here: ZOMMFG' date=' AHAHAHAHAHAHA! WINNER![/size'] I never played that game, and I never will. Shoot, the theme even sounds like it suck ballz! Okay, my turn: This Some of you might like this, but it's maddening to me. I mean, c'mon, going through sewers fighting roboninjas and hearing this shit? Yeah, I'd be in there whoopin' everybody's ass. Is This is the theme of a robotic barney doing the Harlem Shake. Fucking What a lack of justice to the rhythmic beat from the drunken musician who conjured this spell. Shame the fuck on you. Madness. Now, just imagine: you're in a techno club boppin' with all of your friends, and then this music comes. A few nobodies come out nowhere jumping over tables and beating each other up, spilling drinks everywhere. Perhaps the fire alarm went off at school, everybody left in a frenzy, and the drumline auditions were interrupted. So, while the alarm's going off, the people in the drumline who weren't supposed to make it in the team couldn't keep a steady beat when a fight broke out over someone's stepped-on Jordans that were bought for $119.99. I just dogged a nice percentage of the SOR3 soundtrack. There were some themes that were half-good, but somehow they'd always transform into some half-assed head-splitting megazord boogie bop: chopped, screwed, rolled up, smoked, and passed to the next partner. We could all try to take a pile of sticks and make a tree house with them, but that's going to take a lot of... Ballz
  6. Chords are kinda dissonant and the melodies are TOOO LOUD AND DINKY. Simply bad, but not deadly, just bad enough to make my ears ring for the rest of the night even with cottonballs. Bad, but not worst.
  7. That's what they want you to think!
  8. Video game music is soundtrack music likewise to movie soundtracks! By the way my mom actually got me into video game music because she liked the Jolly Roger Bay/Dire Dire Docks theme from Super Mario 64.
  9. My mom, whom has broad musical tastes, heard many of the remixes on this site and gave advanced critique, both positive and negative. She had much to say about a few of the Sonic and Street Fighter remixes that were posted on here years ago. My brothers, musicians as well as musically diverse, like quite a few of the remixes on here, so they don't mind, as long as they are theoretically substantial and stylistically unique (basically... good). My father pretty much liked anything with a good beat and orchestration, excluding any cheesy, happy techno or harsh rock. Oh, and my whole family fell over laughing about Team Gato. I mean, who wouldn't?
  10. Photo by Anne Elizabeth, FX by me:
  11. Pawns shops? Thrift stores? Power to 'em!
  12. Next time a supermarket franchise closes down, run to the nearest one and get a 3-in-1! That's what I did! Lexmark X2600 series model (X2690), printer, copier and scanner for $60!
  13. The kid is a great singer, Atmuh. I definitely agree on that. It's business! It's the popular sound! You could easily Youtube popular songs and they have the same musical formula as Justin's "One Time". I mean, EVERYTHING sounds like this: Justin Bieber - Soulja Boy - T.I. - Mariah Carey - Lil Wayne - I could add more. Compare the repetitious pop sounds above to this: Michael Jackson - MIyavi - Selfish Love Will Smith - or MiamiAdele -
  14. What it means: it means that it's a repetitive, worn, overused, exhausting sound that's gotten old. Why do you ask?
  15. I don't hate on Justin Bieber, but whomever arranges his songs needs to get shot. It's too commercial for me to appreciate.
  16. ^My favorite, in fact. Well she couldn't beat Eminem but she could hang. Her name is Jolene and she has a lesbian other by... I forgot that chick's name. They both rap and were really good but they're chubby trailer trash. They did some gigs but they stopped after one of them had a child from a guy (of course 'twas a guy). Last saw her a month ago, but it's been a few years before that. She spends her time having threesomes and doing drugs, rumor has it.
  17. It started off "hard" and then got lame quick. Maybe I made it more than what it was, but it was presented to me in that way. zOMGWTFBBQ WYTE GURL RAPPIN! I actually know White girls who could stand up to Eminem. I am aware that it's not serious though.
  18. Cool story, bro. No really, this is cool; impressive.
  19. You're right, although it was more of an LOLfest than anything serious. Yes, people can be pretty defensive and I understand wholeheartedly.
  20. And yet... I'm not the best-of-the-best, but certainly not untalented.
  21. Atmuh, I am laughing about gimmicks and hype, not popular music that's good. I guess I'm not braindead. Yeah, but if everything that hits media is cheap then... you know... what about really talented people who could use some publicity?Do you make music?
  22. OK, I was chillin, drinking Sprite today and my friends showed me this video: . Ah, more generic c(rap) music. This time it's a White female! What an interesting way to cover quality with novelty! The video looks like a Lady Gaga influenced gangsta rap session. The lyrics? I could drop a freestyle (adlib) with more depth and fuck up better than this. Well, the intro's catchy and the beat's kind of cool but... I don't know, repetitive drum dynamics, preset synths and played-out arpeggios bother me after a while. Point: she's got rhythm but she's no Eminem. Give up.
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