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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. orry, getting paid is more important.
  2. A bit of Nightwish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrzFurwTD5k&feature=fvw
  3. Yeah, what he said. Keep it acoustic! YARGH!

  4. In respect of Michael Jackson: follow the legacy.
  5. I've gotta step my game up. Let's walk in MJ's footsteps and make some FUNKY SHIT!
  6. OMG yall stole it!!! Wow, cool. OMG STOLEN FROM ME! Homeboy's a busy nurse.
  7. One of these days I'll order a copy from you if you are willing to sell it. Wait, the game or just the boxes?
  8. If I was having sex and I heard this title, I would ejaculate prematurely.
  9. Either you or Fishy won the last Caption Contest.

  10. Lemme think of something expected to say: Fantastic! I thought of this some time before! I've been beaten to the punch! It sounds like a Megatron action figure in a garbage disposal. What a way to fuck up someone else's dreams.
  11. I have seen better, usually in the Canon series.
  12. Whatever you're using, I've gotta get my hands on it.
  13. My (edit:) fiancee would LOVE this game.
  14. The joy of saying that because I am in a similar situation.
  15. Hold me as tentative. I will definitely be able to tell you if that changes.
  16. I am either that tactical studier that expels randomness or that reckless berserker.
  17. If anyone here has beaten it, please don't give spoilers without warning. The demo was so awesome that I don't want to lose any surprises.
  18. OK, my mistake. Trivial.
  19. Luke is awesome. Grow balls. Back to school.
  20. My God, are you serious!? That's worse than making Venom scrawny. Both of you just made it clear on why they make controversial changes: the controversy makes the money (sometimes), but only for so long.Risk-takers should go skydiving, not plot-remixing. Olderplot remix.
  21. Some of the characters... especially when I found out that Venom was scrawny. Sandman didn't really bother me (I thought the sand-morphing was cool). Not really too mad about that. The Green Goblin fights cracked me up so I wasn't too upset about that. What got me most was how WRONG the story was! That right there can RUIN a movie! Destroy it! Completely obliterate it!
  22. Not sure about MM but I did over OoT and Link's Awakening.
  23. I watched the story and played the XBOX 360 demo and I want it so bad! I need to get a 360 first.
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