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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I am coming but I won't be needing any hotels. Imma meet you weird motherfuckers.
  2. A whole run of Sonic last-boss remixes in one:
  3. It's back to maybe because I might be getting hired in Las Vegas.
  4. If I get this job in Las Vegas then I am definitely bringing some shit. Idk, some shit.
  5. I'll make an attempt and present it to you if it's good enough. I can't exactly make a deal now so I'll start with an idea.
  6. He ruined Mario 3... there was a mysterious vibe to it and I knew that the heart-shaped bad place was the heart of Hell but dang!
  7. As they always say: oldies but goodies.
  8. Excellente, and I truly pray for the best of this marriage.
  9. They got CD drives? Might wanna burn copies at home and then post them & shit, lol! I guess I did it because it was easy. Also, if you wanted to add on then yeah, but that's easier for some than others.
  10. At first I wondered "why not take the easy route and just lose the rings?" (and so lose weight), but if you cross the finish with many rings without dying then you get many points.
  11. I heard a stolen sample from Chrono Trigger when I was walking down the street!
  12. Sonic Adventure. I am pretty keen with fast games with a lil' practice. People were impressed with the level design and the action of Sonic Adventure, but the camera sucks ass!
  13. Then there's Duane and BrandO's remix. This will crack you the fuck up.
  14. Sum: Mario's useless, Peach is only useful for floating, Luigi serves some purpose and Toad is an underrated character.
  15. Done now, hope yall like the next one. I might have to solicit some remixers. I think they'll go for it.
  16. Figuring that another Photoshop contest would have a different theme.
  17. I was working on it before I saw this. Since it's so pitchy it'll be hard but I can still do it.
  18. It's been years and my distracted ass hasn't contributed!
  19. Nothing beats vegetarian-fed meat, or in other words, meat from animal with nor hormones or meat-feeding.
  20. I'll do Falling for a trap. Good ol' Bbm chord will face some new variations.
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