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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. The end of Castlevania Dracula X. The different bad endings are sad. If you fail to save both, Ritcher Belmont will ride off on his horse alone with the damsels missing. If you only save one person, the character you failed to save is shown in the background while the two existing, Ritcher Belmont and either Maria or Annet are shown mourning. However, if you save both, you get a good ending, Maria hugging Ritcher while Annet cries at the sight. It's beautiful.
  2. Dude, now I won't lie, SA2 did have its quirks but the game's mood and challenge were excellent! The level setup was pretty unique as well as the music, a total win! The things that sucked were some of the boss battles and a few of the game's features.
  3. Thank you. MvC2 Sonic Adventure 2 King of Fighters series More that I don't feel like naming
  4. That's positively negative.

  5. The only reason why we watched Spawn.
  6. No prob, winning is excellent. I have never won. Came close though.

  7. I'm sure that someone has already asked, but what exactly is the character in your signature?

  8. OMG that sig is full of win.

  9. I remember talking to him the week before.
  10. All nice and enlarged like Kanye West's ego.
  11. Oh what, I don't count? No room on the list for me? LOL!
  12. Jet Grind Radio OST - Cold - Just Got Wicked
  13. I was just going to show you that on Facebook. Damned network!
  14. Ultimate Spider Man and Spawn Armageddon for XBOX; Maximum Carnage and Spawn for SNES.
  15. Currently engaged, surely getting married and staying that way. Oh, and change the list, for Ghetto Lee Lewis has been married.
  16. So, what caption ya got?

  17. Still haven't forgotten about that Plantin Seeds mix.

  18. True, very true, it's a method of "making it hip hop", but heh, pimpin on Schala's Theme? Me nah tink so. I mean, transposition and addition of a beat is cool, but I guess giving credit is essential.. Not to go on or anything.
  19. Two caps bigger when the judges do it! AHAHAHA!
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