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Everything posted by Salluz

  1. I remember before I joined the forums and prior to computer ownership when I would burn OC songs to a CD and bang them in my monitors. Thanks to the skillful artists @ OCR that I realized my own knack for music theory. I would've had some serious deprivation for excellence if it weren't for this site. My message to the world: open your mind and feel the music.
  2. Do, not DO, lol

  3. DO you think my track is good enough? Stupid holiday issues get in the way of everything. I wish people didn't ask so much of me.

  4. AHAHAHA! YOU MADE MY DAY! That was EXACTLY what I was thinking with the same plane of logic, considering that the good/bad have that similar-yet-opposite polarity.

    That was so awesome. You could pull it off in the death metal scene b/c they won't hear what you're saying anyway. LOL

  6. It's been seven years for me, but nonetheless. Who would've known that I would start attending meetups and planning collabs?
  7. @Zircon: I may have faith in myself but I can't argue. If anything, I pace too slowly. I was talking about development and then furthering. Coulda' been more clear. Regardless, I see your point: no need to be pretentious because the only one who can see what I have on the inside is me. To the rest of the world, I might as well be Joe Shmoe. Even more simplistically: Kanye West is annoying, so don't be like him. Well, I am not saying that I am "that good" (though to be honest I don't see myself as "some other guy") but I aim to do my best, and no, it's not about the money. I am all about the passion, depth, skill and life of the music. As for the business? Talent aside, the business whores could take a look at the requirements and avoid hassle. I've seen people flop on both sides of the spectrum. My friend Charles, a dancer, was "underqualified": wasn't good enough at dancing; as for my sister, I would say that she was "overqualified" for her placing at a WB branch label: they wanted her to simplify her soulful singing to something more pop-friendly. Less work and more money is what resonates in a lot of these people's minds. @Meteo: Michael was a bit older but too young to die; Elton John could've died, plus I'm sure that he lost fans when he admitted to being gay (AND he did a duet with Little Richard! LMAO); Stevie Wonder may be successful but regardless, the man can't see; Prince (whom I didn't mention) may get all of the ladies but he lived it hard and has gone through a few divorces. Also needs/wants rib surgery but the JW's won't let him. Forgive my pride but I don't want their lives; I just want to maximize. Hey, that rhymed. SKILLZ! Production: This isn't finished (took a few hours to do, didn't finish this beat from a few months ago), but it shows what I can do. You're brave enough to show your beats in a thread and so I guess that I'm dumb enough to follow with that example. If you click this or perhaps my sig, you'll hear a couple of my lyrical works. The music in the Ramses song isn't the best of my music (I actually threw a flow on a beat that I never finished in 2006. I could do a million things to make it better, but you know how hip hop is: WHO CARES JUST GIMME DA BASS!) My newer, more skillful 2009/2010 songs aren't available but here's some of my hiphop stuff from 2008. I personally think that the stuff was cool + labels would probably hear my songs and say GOOD ENOUGH, but first, I could kill some of the repetition in Morning Affection (a 2006 beat updated in 2008, actually). Really, I can hear how the chords in all of my songs are nice but they could use more variation, and at times, more or less accompaniment. Out of the four songs presented on VGMix, I would say that the beat of "Morning Affection " needed work in the verse while with all of my songs I could use slight, slight help in the notation, in terms of what's general. Wanted Gangsta kinda sucked to me but it was a good idea.
  8. Simply put, whether I go indie or join a label, I am feeling a serious need to develop my skills and do research. My goals may be far fetched but not unattainable. I am not trying to walk the route that Soulja Boy or Katy Perry are walking; I am looking at giants like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Prince, Elton John, etc. People with a deep gift who are truly successful. Likewise to Will Smith: he isn't in the headline of every news article, but if he he does a movie, everyone watches it. I call that true talent and true business. Now, I know that if anyone here is either an artist or label owner, indie or industry, your greatest goal is to develop a fan base doing whatever it is that you want to do, not what someone else wants. It seems that a majority of the industry isn't allowing this to be. Strength: I have several talents, some more developed than others. My instrumentation isn't up to par but my vocal ability is strong. I am tonal, rhythmical and lyrical. I can write, sing, rap, produce, create my own art (natural/digital). I theorize naturally, but it'll take a while for my hands to create output at the same rate my mind does. I don't really know any true limits apart from certain styles of dancing, if that. Weakness: Now, my issue is that I can't seem to get anything finished and I don't know how to "get out" or "be known", if you will. Maybe those steps are too far ahead? I don't know. *What I want to do is to be known commercially but NOT do what the industry tries to standardize. Rather, I want to EXCEED those standards. However, a small fraction of me is thinking, "dude, just make songs for movie and game soundtracks. So much more worth it. Forget this commercial crap." So, fellow artists, what are your goals? If you're "signed" or "out their on your own", how exactly did you get connected? What are you doing now? Where would you like to see yourself?
  9. I understood the context of the movie but see, others I knew gave up when the criminal (Nigerian) prostitute was going to have sex with the alien in order to try to receive power from them. Horrible portrayal of Black women; too touchy although I understood the movie. They didn't have to go that far.
  10. What day are you leaving?

  11. Ok, so now all I have to do is cough up some money.

  12. Eh, not that serious. He's just broaching his two cents over a movie and its supposed relation between itself and Halo. Similar, but not Halo. Yes, the point of the movie was that man fears anything unlike itself and oppresses strangers for a sake of security. Not sure if it'd be a good substitute or prequel to Halo, but it was good.
  13. Yeah, that would be good. It helps cycle OHC.
  14. I have two versions of my submission if I don't get the second done, I'll at least have the first upgraded with better instruments and possibly some lyrics.
  15. That reminds me, my girlfriend and I were talking about marriage. I don't know a tough way to say it... the thought makes my heart leap.
  16. Although I don't mind meeting Bahamut by train, anyone in my area?
  17. OMG why is everyone either learning guitar or getting better at it? OK, me too but now it's a bandwagon!
  18. Live in my own house, become famous.
  19. Hm...


  20. The reason why some companies don't max out on their abilities is because they know that the buyers will settle for less. Wii could have been released during the Lamecube phase; PlayStation was being worked on during the NES/SNES time, but just imagine if they released it then with its shitty graphics. I'm sure that there are systems that are out there where you can control with your mind but if they're put out now, the demand of gamers will be TOO HIGH and they'd rather you chase their fad-for-fad... fads for their sake: they're getting the bang for your BUCK, baby! Also, it's kinda hard. THAT'S IT!?Well, I was in only one Programming class and failed because I wasn't paying attention so I'll redo it and whatever but for the most part it was easy and only required concentration but I wasn't concentrating because it's hard to concentrate because I have ADD but meh, anyway ,yes... that command isn't too complicated. Any time something has already been done it's easier to do than if you're trying to force innovation. That innovation is respectable.
  21. There are two kinds of randomness: ones that are funny and ones that aren't.
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