I'm in the same boat.
I think I am gonna go for the 360 version though.
Because I would like to be able to download some new songs, and is on it's way out.
I support 360 enough (even though I don't own one).
In GH2 on 360, do you need to purchase the tracks from GH1 or, are they free to download? Also, can you download individual songs?
This could be the deal breaker.
Very good point...
It's really a question of do I want to play 1, 2 and 3 on a PS2, or get if for 360, and get future games.
I don't own any of them, but I like cheap: and older ps2 games are cheaper than new ones in a couple years.
I'm still off-line, but I have been loving playing campaign.
I am halfway through legendary solo.
Do you still get achievements if you beat it co-op?
If so, that kinda sucks.