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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. I would agree... But I have an issue with calling an RPG boss hard just because I can't figure out the trick to beat it. I don't consider an RPG boss to be hardest boss of all time. Also:
  2. I didn't know about that one either, but this is a Metal Gear Solid novel.
  3. There are a lot of friggin FF7 spinoffs recently. ... That being said, I am downloading this now.
  4. I would be interested, but there are no shows even remotely close to me. Sucks...
  5. http://www.amazon.com/Metal-Gear-Solid-Raymond-Benson/dp/0345503287/ref=pd_bbs_sr_5?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1213338219&sr=8-5 Apparently since may 27th. Something I have wanted for such a long time now has me wondering if it is worth my time. This is the same guy who wrote the a lot of James Bond novels. There is an excerpt on the link above, check it out.
  6. This seemed relevant. Explained: http://kotaku.com/5014864/not-so-good-voice-acting-explained
  7. Post plz, I want to hear this.
  8. That or the ending of SOTN. Also: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPabWeKcDlc
  9. Currently playing: FFV (GBA) Ikagura (360) Vectorman (Genesis, that's right, I pulled out the old genesis.) Anyone know if there are any plans to bring Vectorman to XBLA?
  10. Another thing for my sig? Screw that, I prefer interaction.
  11. I know we had a similar thread like this a while back. I miss it. Just post what games you are currently playing and some general thoughts about them.
  12. They've been said but: Cowboy bebop and Paranoia agent are both short, and well written. Whoever suggested Full Metal Alchemist gtfo.
  13. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this is one of those projects doomed to fail.
  14. "..." How many games can be attributed with this quote?
  15. Weird, I just sold my copy today. o_O
  16. If you don't have a credit card, then you can buy cards with microsoft points on them. I played the demo, and I was impressed.
  17. I would like to see your sources for this information.
  18. I got it to work, thanks for the tips. Anyone here pissed at Hexic HD? That pooh-bah is mocking me...
  19. There are a lot of newbs poking around here lately...
  20. If I put out the money for a camera like that, it would never leave my sight. Put it on a neck strap.
  21. That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard. I keep mine in a case which never leaves my palms. When it's out of the case, I always have the string thingie around my wrist.
  22. Major anti-kudos for bumping this. =\
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