I would agree...
But I have an issue with calling an RPG boss hard just because I can't figure out the trick to beat it.
I don't consider an RPG boss to be hardest boss of all time.
Apparently since may 27th.
Something I have wanted for such a long time now has me wondering if it is worth my time. This is the same guy who wrote the a lot of James Bond novels.
There is an excerpt on the link above, check it out.
Currently playing:
Ikagura (360)
Vectorman (Genesis, that's right, I pulled out the old genesis.)
Anyone know if there are any plans to bring Vectorman to XBLA?
That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard.
I keep mine in a case which never leaves my palms.
When it's out of the case, I always have the string thingie around my wrist.