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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Thanks for the help, I'll make a separate thread if I can't get it to work. I am going to try to figure it out tonight.
  2. Ok, here's a question then: Why if you buy the game on disc, does it make you download the game from steam? Something seems wrong here.
  3. Sucks that she has dial up then... ><;
  4. Type slower.
  5. Somewhat related; I bought my girlfriend Portal for PC (because she loved playing it on my 360, but doesn't have one). And it won't allow her to install without first installing steam. I have yet to look at it, but have you guys heard of this?
  6. Is it really? Wow, than I am REALLY un-interested. You think guys who critique games would know what would suck. Shame, because the game is interesting, but the fighting system is trash.
  7. Ikagura is really friggin hard. And has anyone played the penny arcade game yet? The demo did not impress me one bit.
  8. Throw my name on the pile. http://www.maco70.deviantart.com/gallery
  9. I clearly saw a Nintendo logo at the end of the trailer...
  10. I'm confused... Nintendo doesn't do that kinda game I thought. Anyone else think the character they show looks like Marcus Fenix?
  11. Prolly don't want to look at this then:
  12. Play some Aegis wing, or Raiden Project and it won't seem as hard. Said the guy who still hasn't downloaded the full game yet.
  13. http://www.somethingawful.com/d/video-game-article/team-fortress-achievements.php Seemed relevant.
  14. The Watchmen for sure. In addition to that; if you can find some "young justice" comics, that's a great series. And depending on how much he wants to spend, the Marvel Civil war is a very decent read. Unless of course you mean comics like Calvin and Hobbes. In which case; read Calvin and Hobbes. =D
  15. Yes.
  16. Guess I'll have to show you how to play when I get a new subscription.
  17. It is still free. And still awesome. I can't really say for other consoles, but the orange box is an excellent value for what you get. I've put many many hours into it, and I am still playing. Team Fortress 2 on xbox live alone is worth the price. EDIT: Anyone know when Half Life 2: episode 3 is supposed to come out?
  18. Buy your GTAIVs in bulk do we?
  19. Joke's on YOU because you live in Sweden. ... Can I crash at your place?
  20. Joke's on you. I paid 30 for it as well. Even though it is worth soooo much more.
  21. I second the motion, the animated Iron Man was all kinds of awful. I had high hopes for it...
  22. So... Who is the villain? I assume it's not the Mandarin.
  23. Updated. Yay.
  24. I own it for 360. I can say positively that you should get it for PC if it can handle it. I personally prefer console (and a controller for that matter), but 360 users get shit on with updates. I doubt we'll ever get the new TF maps, or patches that the game desperately needs. Ever been back stabbed by a spy while in your spawn point? Pisses me off...
  25. He already had a TV show. ... It was funny.
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