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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. "404'd" ...orly?
  2. This is the most accurate version of what the monster looked like, I was able to find: http://dokiestudioz.deviantart.com/art/SPOILER-Cloverfield-Monster-75228210
  3. Anyone else have "Sonic the Hedgehog 2" XBLA? I was surprised when there was NOBODY in the lobby.
  4. Beat him my second try. =D
  5. I meant how well the film was put together, and how seamlessly they transitioned from one scene to the next. It had the appearance of one continuous shot.
  6. I saw it tonight, I was extremely impressed with how it was put together; I have many nitpicks, but it is very worth seeing. Especially in theaters. If you know some things about film production, you would be impressed as well. All around good movie; I'd see it again; which is a big deal for me.
  7. Rightly so, Abrams only produced the movie after all.
  8. Call me crazy; but I don't think having a better idea of what I am looking at is a bad thing.
  9. Psh, I'm not that into monster movies to begin with. And from what I've heard, you can;t see it that well anyway.
  10. After a looong search: http://cloverfield.despoiler.org/images/3/3a/Cloverfieldsmallslow.gif http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/2776/monsterbh3.jpg Can someone confirm? I have yet to see the movie.
  11. I'm playing that game right now, the last fight is hard you say?
  12. Needs more cowbell.
  13. O hai! um... I'm upload. kbye.
  14. http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBrand.htm?BR=863&ID=21030 lol?
  15. So... is the dark knight still gonna come out as planned?
  16. Oops... I forgot to go see this opening day. ><;;
  17. Honestly, I haven't even thought about it. I like those "Electronic Games" I've heard so much about.
  18. Times like these make me miss unmod...
  19. How awesome would it be to play a song by The Trans Siberian Orchestra?
  20. Come on now, you gotta continue this story.
  21. http://www.beliefnet.com/story/227/story_22724_1.html Oh HELL no!
  22. Sounds like my mother. Makes me want to see the movie even more. =D Is it really pro-atheist or are they overreacting as usual?
  23. I got a chain letter from my mother telling of how the movie is evil for suggesting there is no God. See any strikes outside a theater lately? I hate people.
  24. Of course, why didn't I see it before!? ;; I thought he was in jail being bum raped..
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