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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. http://cgi.ebay.com/TRANSFORMERS-MOVIE-SOUNDWAVE-REAL-WORKING-MP3-PLAYER_W0QQitemZ160137897545QQihZ006QQcategoryZ753QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem#ebayphotohosting Is this legit?
  2. That's a little much imo... As for the sound wave design: That artist has a lot of concept drawings. Soundwave being a vehicle makes a lot more sense. He'd be tiny if he was a boom box. And he likely wouldn't use cassette tapes. Kids these days don't even know what those are. Also: Closer of soundwave: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50224674/ http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/49844785/ Grimlock's Head: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/49996111/ I really hope they don't do the dinobots...
  3. I hated the whole sector seven thing. It was kinda tacky.
  4. Updated. I am so honored that you quoted me. I LOL'd when I saw it.
  5. He'd be tiny compared to all the rest of them. Just like that chicken thing. PS: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/50216886/ A fanmade soundwave design, but it's pretty damn sweet.
  6. Spoilers? {Star Scream flies through the atmosphere into space. That, and a couple of gags with Sam's parents.}
  7. Saw it today, was the first one in the theater. =D I can say, the movie was very entertaining. Yes, I have my gripes, but all in all, it was a very good hollywood movie. Much better than spiderman 3. I'd agree with most comments made, very little character development/plot; but so friggin cool to watch, you don't care. Section 7 sucked. Anyone else stay through the credits? The starscream thing made me wonder how they'd do a sequel.
  8. QFE. And yes, the toys are pretty sweet. The creative genius who came up with transformers and GIJoes over at Hasbro will be an icon to us all.
  9. I thought it was too gimmicky. Of course, I am not an enormous fan of the Wii.
  10. Does this really warrant its own thread?
  11. I stopped watching around episode 40. It's really ending? Or is that a halo three segway...
  12. I am surprised I haven't seen a thread about the movie. I was just gonna post my hate for the new theme. Who else is gonna go see it?
  13. We do... but you're better off here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=286779#post286779
  14. http://www.esrb.org Do a search for AO rating. I see 23. PS:
  15. Isn't this old news?
  16. And he would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids.
  17. Link me???????????????????????
  18. Will it work for a GBA SP?
  19. Your skills have to better than mine. Keep in mind, you have no obligation whatsoever to do this. I just really want to see it. I want a gif of these two fighting:
  20. Updated, that okami sig is sweet. Any gif makers interested in a project for me?
  21. I knew someone was gonna say it ><;; The reason? I am cheap.
  22. Now, I know it is done, can be done, and hopefully will be done, but how? Poking around I realized I have no idea what I am getting myself into. Basically, I am looking for a cart for the GBA SP that I can use to play video/music. I've found things like this: http://www.jandaman.com/games.mvc?p=gbaefa256&Category_code=GBADEVKIT http://www.gameboy-advance.net/flash_linker/gba_xg-flash.htm http://www.emu-zone.net/gba-sp/ez-flash.htm But I'm not sure. Anyone have anything like this, or can offer some words of advice?
  23. Shocker was in the movie game, I dunno if they'll put him in the movie now. As for Kingpin... he was in daredevil. He's done.
  24. It was stunning, I'll agree... but it was a waste of time in the grand scheme of things.
  25. Should collections be counted? I dunno it just doesn't feel... Kosher...
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