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Everything posted by Maco70

  1. Is there a way to do it without live?
  2. I have a question. My room mate bought a 360 with halo 3. I promised myself I wouldn't get into it. Two days later, I had unlocked half of the achievements in H3. Now, if were to buy a memory card for a 360, is it possible for me to move my gamer profile (and gamer achievements) to another 360?
  3. Also: I posted these in the last thread that mentioned arcades being dead so: http://s2.photobucket.com/albums/y40/Maco70/Arcade/ It's a bunch of photos I took at an arcade in New Hampshire. Playing an actual Asteroids machine was a dream come true.
  4. Maco70

    Halo 3

    I am actually impressed with the game as a whole. I've beaten it three times, and I am now working on legendary (solo, no live yet). But the fixes they made are very welcome. Granted, I wish they would have hidden the skulls better. They ranged from dumb easy, to retarded hard (IWHBYD skull). It took a lot of elements from the first halo, and put them back; which I liked. I know, how many people play halo for the story? Honestly, I was more excited for the story than the multi-player. Speaking of which; What through the credits. You won't be sorry.
  5. Is that a state law thing? Because I am carded quite often when buying games/movies.
  6. I said this in that other tread before but w/e. "A knight's Tale" has a kickass soundtrack. As do Transformers (1986), and Across the universe. Other than that... umm... The lion king?
  7. Wow, twice in the same week. I can understand his not appreciating the humor of GTA4, but he must also agree he had it comming.
  8. Holy crap in a pita... DJP posted in my thread. Is there a stamp for that?
  9. My sentiments exactly.
  10. http://www.acrosstheuniverse.com/ Anyone else excited. Or Anyone lucky enough to be in the selected theaters for early release? I just got the sound track, looking for someone whom I can relate with 'ere.
  11. Is he honestly trying piss people off? As if having the gaming community against him wasn't enough...
  12. Updated. Fill Fill Fill
  13. Fuck Maddox!
  14. Can someone throw me together a sig with this image? Thanks in advance.
  15. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/40388.html ...
  16. Shit... I wanted to watch the finale, but the service is down... ;_; SURVORZ HAXORZ!!
  17. I actually caught him doing the chicken dance last night. I don't know which is worse, him doing this, or me watching it...
  18. Works in firefox for me... ...update you WMP.
  19. I gotta say... The iron giant is gonna win. It took a full on hit with a nuke, and survived. No one else on that list can brag of that. Also, he can stomp most of the people on that list flat. Or just eat them. ...I need more to do.
  20. Good call, I didn't even see that. Still. ... THIS IS SPARTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
  21. http://millioncount.com/ I'm just waiting for the phone to ring, his buddy to punch him, or a dog to bite his balls... ...and he loses count. PS: he looks like Leonidus.
  22. I kinda like that actually... It's uploaded, along with some avatars from Doulifee. Thanks guys. In other news, anyone interested in being an officer of sorts? Being at college provides quite the distraction. I could use some help with keeping up the shoppe. PM me and let me know.
  23. Except that Dr. Mario is decent, whereas Columns sucks it hard.
  24. Oh wow, I feel like a jerk now. If I had seen that post I would have posted this before. http://www.retrousb.com/index.php?categoryID=79 I bought the retro port, and I highly recomend it. It works flawlessly, and you can find NES controllers around pretty easily.
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