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Everything posted by Asaudan

  1. If he does do it I hope his lyrics aren't as cheesy and pandering as Montt's, although why he'd want to further this very obvious publicity stunt with controversy is beyond me to begin with.
  2. I've been wondering for ages why more artists haven't tried hopping on the let's be cool and progressive by speaking for piracy -bandwagon, because it's not like it's a new idea.
  3. The donation funds are probably being embezzled as they're collected.
  4. "John Romero is about to make 3D Realms his bitch."
  5. I wish you had used something like a doodle drawn with Paint in your example, or anything for which you own the copyright. Then it could be said with absolute certainty that naming it what you want and uploading it to a tracker wouldn't be copyright infringement. I mean, as long as the name itself isn't something illegal.
  6. I would reckon that near-totally debasing the viability of music-production as a career would have some effect on the need for music instructors. Advertisers wouldn't commission artists because without immaterial rights, they're already free to use everything anyone ever created. That leaves us with a huge oversupply of performers whom the pressure of competition will force to work for very poor money indeed. This sounds like a pretty big step back to me, but a lot of people I've talked to seem to hail the idea of eradicating copyright as very progressive. The thinking appears to be that for years now 'The Man' has been milking artists for money and depressing their creativity, but removing the oppressive copyright would set artists free to express and create and share and love and I guess next we could all gather round a bonfire and hold hands and procreate. phew it's getting hot in here
  7. Is it the composing or the sound engineering that you need help with? Are you just looking for links to tutorials and recommended reading?
  8. Do you really want to know or is this just a site plug? Also latest news: Chrono Trigger eliminated by TMNT IV. sweatdrop
  9. What I really didn't expect back in the early days of internet piracy was that one day it would be the anti-pirates who were being spit on by the general population and forced to defend their position. lol
  10. - The corporations have enough money! - If I couldn't download it, I wouldn't buy it either! - I'm a student and switching from pirating to free software would somewhat inconvenience me! - I can afford a computer that plays new games but not the games themselves! - I'm actually helping the company by... like... advertising their product... um... yeah! GO PIRACY! By your excuses combined, I am Major Pirate! Major Pirate, he's our hero, gonna drag the system to ground zero he's petty crime magnified, seeding our torrents worldwide gonna help him bankrupt companies whose product pricing seems to have nothing to do with their overheads or operating co-o-osts yeahhh... "You'll pay for this, Major Pirate!" If I clock more hours on it than I spend on the toilet, then I'll think about it. kthxbai
  11. Incoming Wall of Text on the LSD-screen, sir! :{
  12. Will the tiles have a frame, and if not, then what is the background colour of the page they will be displayed on? Can we use an alpha channel?
  13. AIDS will stop being a problem two millennia from now, when African men finally realise that having sex with a virgin doesn't cure the disease, and stop running around raping babies and young girls. Aside from this illusion, it's really a kind of self-remedying condition. Either you watch out for it, or you die with it.
  14. Longcat's song made me sigh wistfully. It was probably the animation's fault though.
  15. I didn't think there was such a thing as someone making 'too much money' in a market society when he's got a legitimate product to sell that people want. As for the ads themselves, you're not paying for them. You're paying for the game, and the companies being advertised pay for the ads. If the ads are too irritating, you can vote against that practice by spending your money on games that don't advertise.
  16. This is the first time I've seen what DJ Pretzel looks like, and he looks so precisely like this corporal I knew in the army that it's scary. Shape of head, eyebrows, hairline, shape of eyes. Facial hair is trimmed in comparison, but everything else is just right. I think further study on the matter should be conducted by someone.
  17. I entered 'Destructoid' and the last result on the first page had a picture of a blowjob sitting next to it. I didn't click on that result to find out what the relevance was, but I did notice that destructoid.com was nowhere on the menu. These guys are really pushing the envelope outside the box.
  18. I'm surprised if they manage to sell an album that's available for free, when most people today are opposed to paying for any kind of creative content. But a fool and his money are soon parted.
  19. With these guys it's not so straightforward to decide which is the wilder assumption -- that he did steal them or didn't.
  20. I was always Bub and my cousin was Bob, when the world was still a more innocent place.
  21. Joni is exclusively a male name in Finland. Also be advised that in Finland the law forbids giving children names of the opposite sex.
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