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Everything posted by Ninja-san

  1. I might come. Depends if I can get off. I like ulitmate frisbee despite the fact that i suck at it lol And if i do come I'll bring chocolate zucchini cake
  2. Need an animator or concept artist?
  3. Ooooo Louis got some muscle now. I like seeing a story starting to unfold. Sad to see pc users get it for free.. Booo
  4. Treid finishing the piece but I crashed around 8 and just work up....
  5. Not the sequel I had in mind... Like what others have said, nothing in that trailer is original. The plugsuits arent exciting at all and I think thats whats making me sad ):
  6. Series I've enjoyed lately are Boccano!, Kekkaishi and Black Lagoon...sadly that's all I'm coming up with anime wise. I haven't seen any good ones lately. Im downloading a movie right now called Nitaboh. Not sure what it's gonna be like but I like the story summary and told the soundtrack is beautiful
  7. I hope 7eleven will have warcraft slurpee cups :3 As for Sam Raimi I'm a little sad. Im not a huge fan of his. They could have gotten someone better IMO... but not Peter Jackson. He makes too many pointless scenes
  8. I just realized that the panel is the same time Cake is preforming across town. Im so sad right now... really want to come to the panel but i really want to see Cake. ):
  9. I dont see why not even if they dont hold it anymore. The idea sounds awesome
  10. I blame Spongebob and Family guy for Animated shows today at least American.(Japanese animation is going down hill too IMO) The humor is just slap stick or not even related to the plot if there is one. Animation quality doesn't bother me much whether its hand drawn or done in flash, it's horrible character designs or just bs for 30 minutes that irks me. Online animations or even comic seem to be the best way today for ideas. you have alot more freedom to do things than with a studio or network that cares solely on how much cash they can get on a show. This is why I'm trying to get an animated web series hopefully started soon :\ O yea I hate whats become of Scooby Doo now. I freaking worshiped the original series growing up. A good series or show should last at least 2/3 seasons.
  11. You could combine one like idk Wolverine in Ryu's clothes or viceversa. If the theme seems too confusing we could change it...
  12. I was just thinking Marvel vs Capcom series. But I like Coops idea of both universes... Deadpool can be brought into this I guess if you all are ok with it being Marvel Vs Capcom going beyond the two games... Any character/s from either universe either fighting, combination or whatever you wanna do with the spirit of the game still behind the idea. Like Deadpool vs Amaterasu Does that sound ok?
  13. you guys filled my garage up lol. Hope you all had fun
  14. To be honest I'm not much impressed by this movie so far. Tim Burton hasn't had an original bone in him for years and out of all the stories he could have chosen from from he chooses the most obvious already Tim Burton esque story and creates the same characters with the same actors in every other film his done recently. I thought at first the Mad Hatter was Elijah Wood and was excited about. I'm a bitter movie person :\
  15. I'm not much surprised by this. It was bound to happen with all the crap he does to his body with the skin treatments and plastic surgeries.
  16. Gahhh Im still not use to the competition ending a bit earlier. Hope to get something in
  17. "Lowers Hand" Sorry looks like I don't have the money right now. Having some car problems. If there's a meet up afterwards I can go.
  18. The kid's not evil. If he truly was "evil" he wouldn't be regretting every second what he did. And giving the death penalty to someone solves nothing and I don't think the mother would want to kill her son for killing her. He needs help along with many other people in the world with aggression and addiction like other posters have said.
  19. I'm just happy the stuffs back. That stuff rocks
  20. I'll be at Otakon as usual. Wasn't able to see the panel last time but i should this year
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