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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I overslept, but now downloading is underway! Finally releaed huh? great job guys
  2. -see my other post-
  3. I could not agree moar.
  4. I stand by that statement. We'll see how much time I have on my hands though. Getting magfest cash, learning soundengineering, going to school, having a girlfriend really takes up time. Hopefully I'll find another of Follin's (EXCELLENT!!!) songs that I get more inspired by. I hope it's okay
  5. not in the same way since the matrix is preprogrammed notes. the RPG-8 is arpeggiationg the notes you hold down (that's ONE of it's uses)
  6. Like adding you in the credits section Glad to see you made it there man can't wait to hear your contribution
  7. MY english is better than yours! ...j/k EDIT: Also, 500 posts, woo!
  8. What poor language? You own me and I'm from far-away-Sweden too I think setting a time would be a bit too optimistic. but see it this way: if we are in fact releasing this baby as soon as in the morning the 14th, it's in the middle of the day for us and we'll be home How did you find your way here btw?
  9. *hyperventilates*
  11. Sounds exciting
  12. Nutritious reminded me of this. I'm not sure I'm sticking with the same track. I find it very hard to flesh out more and my initial arrangement just isn't up to par with my current skill.. expect a complete rework or a new track sorry larry but I HAVE TO ENHANCE THE BLACK
  13. And here I am, going to bed :/
  14. I know I have to enhance the black.
  15. Glad to hear you have new material and yeah some of the cookicutter trance synths (EuroSynth!!!) is really fitting great into the mix with my personal sounds, it's a blessing
  16. Yeah Thor's gonna be a BEAST and I see myself using the RPG-8 on everything ;P it's going to BECOME my sound life hates freetime and it sucks
  17. Figured, just thought I'd put it out there
  18. Rez AND Ikaruga? I think I'll have to get an X360.. It's about as much as a copy of Rez anyway XD
  19. I AM OFFICIALLY NAMEDROPPED EDIT: Hate to bother, but two things about the website is bothering me. Now it says "Credits" and that's all well and good. but if there is only going to be artists just rename the page title (right below menu) from artists to credits. makes more sense. And, why isn't there a link to the ocremix profile ( http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/anothersoundscape/ for example) on me, bustatunez, hybound and probably more? Doesn't make sense since other remixers without work on the site has links up Just sayin'
  20. Sweet, the other forum was killing me
  21. 14 DAYS AND 10 HOURS just now See u in the R4 world tweek
  22. Right on Maybe we'll have reason 4 then too
  23. haha yeah I figured you'd think that but it was kinda nice to actually talk for real. Me like pheads
  24. Soon enough knives, soon enough post your wip in the wip forums and PM me some day
  25. Yeah Leo is great he sent me a personal birthday greeting and USB stick for 18year present lol
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