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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I didn't talk like a pirate I did accidentally shout "arrrrgh" when my friend threw a pen in my eye. Nothing more than that though.
  2. I don't know about uninstalling, maybe the installer will handle that. But if you own a true copy of reason 3 with your own working serial, just buy the Reason 4 upgrade and it will tell you what to do also, cool parents. Mine did the same last christmas.
  3. MOAR COWBELL AND IRISH WHISTLE!!! it's what makes a song good damnit.
  4. It's a new program. It's very much alike but some engine changes makes it a purely new installation. If you buy the upgrade you need to have the serial number (I hope you actually bought R3 ). That's how I understood it anyway.
  5. Bradley ftw! So far I only play the drums, guitar, anything with a keyboard and electric bass.
  6. I have no airtube atm, but I will def buy one. also, HELL YEAH ROOMIE JAM SESSION! we're so doing an improvised remix during the night ;P LOLZ!
  7. his "brother"
  8. I love life!
  9. Let's hope so. Then I have some time on my hands
  10. If all goes as planned, I'm staying with avaris, OA and prophet. Still not 100% though. Man, I NEED TO GET FREAKING TICKETS btw, anyone wanna give me a ride to Dulles the day after? ..man I have no idea if the time they show for the flight from dulles is sweden time (the site I'm searching at is in swedish) or US time.. it says 20.15 O.o I hope that means I can totally not rush and hang out at the airport ;P I have to investigate this
  11. It might be, many haven't got the last CD, and if they have they might not have listened to it. But honestly, I think it's broken XD
  12. WHY ARE YOU ALL SO COOL! (( I can play the melodica?
  13. You're welcome Eventually I would like to request an awesome pixelish sig, but I have to wear this GeckoYamori sig out first It's sweet
  14. Tack så jättemycket! I'm really glad you enjoyed it
  15. just putting my vote on MacBook Pro. It's my weapon of choice and has never ever let me down (except on 40-track reason projects since Reason ain't good dealing with dual-core). GO FOR IT
  16. Thanks for your kind words. I'll see what I can do man.
  17. Too Much Fighting: 483 plays ( http://www.last.fm/music/Another+Soundscape/_/Too+Much+Fighting+%28Fanfare%29 ) Golden Feathers: 294 plays ( http://www.last.fm/music/Another+Soundscape/_/Golden+Feathers+%28Racing+Chocobos+-+Place+Your+Bets%21%29 )
  18. Sounds like we'll get along lol /ME HUGGLES TON also, I hate u and ur mom! That's NEAT! I'm so bringing my laptop, my gameboy and my padkontrol for some improvised remix goodness
  19. I don't know, but it's gonna be DA BOMB! (get it!? get it!?)
  20. I can't believe nobody did this already Happy bloody birthday to one of the most skilled arrangers I know (ignore the pun) I hope you'll have a good one.
  21. Then I wouldn't have done Too Much Fighting and I like Too Much Fighting
  22. You do know I'm expecting you to look like that now, eh?
  23. SWEDEN IS AS COLD AS CANADA!! Also, Dulles seemed to be cheaper every fligt I checked O.o but maybe that was just for me. Also you have the most awesome sig, ever Fame isn't all!! But yeah, gaming ftw, I can't wait
  24. Thank you so much I'm really glad to hear you think so
  25. awww.. not mentioned (( not that strange, but STILL! I DEMAND PEOPLE WANTING TO MEET ME
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